• anil savaliya 11
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As we know  salesforce removing Javascript support from side bar  home component after summer 15,Also salesforce added visualforce in home componenet,Since Visualforce page in iframe.Visuaforce in home component is not able to interact with salesforce standard UI.

Any Idea or any research or javascript , we should control standard salesforce UI through home component.


I am working with salesforce for outlook,and I created contact in outlook and syncing with salesforce,It's actually insert operation,But when i see debug log ,I show insert as well as update operation,i check making trigger and workflow inactive,even same result.

Any idea or comment ? 

I have soql strig like
String Input = 'Client_Name_c = Att,Status = Finish,Description=Hi,Eventi_Attendees__c=test@test.com';
String OutPut = 'Att,Finish,Hi,test@test.com';

I need just value ,Not label.I know ,I can do with For Loop,But runnning with large data so CPU limit is hitting.

Any idea ? I think something possible with Pattern,But I don't know how to use pattern? Please give pattern String If it's possible ?

Thanks in Advance,


I am preparing for Salesforce 501 certificate,I search in google,But doesn't find out any good assignment  example,Any body cleared 501  or know  assignment example ? Any Comment or Idea  ? 

As we know  salesforce removing Javascript support from side bar  home component after summer 15,Also salesforce added visualforce in home componenet,Since Visualforce page in iframe.Visuaforce in home component is not able to interact with salesforce standard UI.

Any Idea or any research or javascript , we should control standard salesforce UI through home component.

I need to process a shared Map type variable after all batched are executed.
How can I use an if statement to judge this?
  • September 25, 2014
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Due to some M&A currently going on, we have to display one Saleforce instance screens into another. Has anybody encountered similar situation? Canvas won't work I believe. iFrame doesn't work. Any suggestion would be very helpful. 

 Salesforce to Salesforce integration is out of the question, since there are regulations that we need to take care of and until the M&A doesn't happen, we can only view data of one org into another org but not store or send. 

 Please share your thoughts on this scenario.
I am running a very basic setup on entitlements and milestones. That's why I am trying to auto populate entitlements on cases.

My approach in doing so is this:
trigger UpdateEntitlement on Case (after insert) {

if (trigger.isAfter && trigger.isInsert) {
 for (Case c : Trigger.new) {
  if (c.Entitlement == null) {
   c.Entitlement.id = [Select Id from Entitlement Where AccountId = :c.AccountId limit 1].id;


Unfortunately the Entitlement field remains blank. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
I'm building an app in where, as part of its core functionality, needs to allow remote users that don't work for our company to login to it.  I'm thinking of doing this through Sites because it seems much more secure to do it that way rather than provide them an actual login for our environment (plus we would have to pay for that for each user of the program).  

However, when I try and browse the URL that I've created, it gives me the below error:

URL:  http://sandbox-aimco-global.cs20.force.com/vencorr

Error:  Error message

How am I to get around this?
Hi Friends,

We are calling the Visualforce pages of one salesforce org from another salesforce org using the SSO (Single sign On). Sometimes it generates an error message like "insufficient Privilege error."

Please let me know what is the reason for this error.

Thanks And Regards
Manish Sharma