• Garrett Samuels
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  • Member since 2014

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I have a web-to-case form. I would like to add code that pre-populates the Subject field. Please help. 

We have a daily API job that runs SAP Data Services. It has been running successfully for months. Today it failed with an error: "Could not create a new session (Adapter: 'SalesForce_Adapter').>."

Digging deeper into the error log we have:

"8/27/15 9:18:40 AM Fault-tolerance-login-failed : There was a communication error when talking to Salesforce.com: Connection has been shutdown: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
8/27/15 9:18:40 AM Retry : 2. Waiting 15 mins before trying to login to Salesforce.com again."

Has anything changed on Salesforce side that would cause this?
I have created a test class and trigger based on the code here: https://developer.salesforce.com/page/Autocreating_Contacts_From_Web_To_Case?state=id 

It works to autocreate the contact record from web-to-case. However, how can I update the trigger to allow new web-to-case submissions to update Contact fields for matching/existing contacts? Likewise, if a new web-to-case submission has null field values, how would we prevent the null value to not overwrite the existing value of the related contact record? 
I have a requirement to have the Opportunity record Last Modified Date update when a related task or event is created/updated. I am looking for advice on how to achieve this. Is this possible through an Apex Class or Trigger? Please advise. 

I have a visualforce page on the Account object that has an embedded report chart. I also at the bottom of the chart have a hyperlink that opens a report in a new tab, filtered by account id. I tested the hyperlink, and it adds the 3 extra characters to the account id, so the report shows blank values. 

Here is the hyperlink: 
<a href="https://na20.salesforce.com/00O14000008X5J7?pv0={!Account.Id}" target="_blank">Net Invoiced Target vs. Actual</a>
So the report is filtered by an 18 character account id, such as 001a000001SBbIYAA1, when it only works at the 15 character of 001a000001SBbIY. Does anyone know how to update code to pass the 15 character id?

We are using Embedded Analytics to display two charts on the account detail page. Two is the maximum for this feature. I need to add a third chart, and found the solution to be quite simple, just create a visual force page with the below markup: 
<apex:page standardController="Account">
<analytics:reportChart reportId="00Oe0000000aeYn" size="small"></analytics:reportChart>
Now that I have done that, I would like to be able to filter the chart/source report by the account the user is viewing. This is a built in functionality in Embedded Analytics. Does anybody know of some code I could add to the above to make the displayed chart filtered by the account the user is viewing? 

Your help is greatly appreciated!!


Found this article: 


Used this code: 

<analytics:reportChart reportId="00O19000000K7SF”></analytics:reportChart>

Received this error: 

Error Error: Embedded_Report line 2, column 51: The value of attribute "reportId" associated with an element type "analytics:reportChart" must not contain the '<' character
Error Error: The value of attribute "reportId" associated with an element type "analytics:reportChart" must not contain the '<' character.

Essentially I want to be able to embed additional report charts in the Account detail page - Embedded Analytics functionality only allows for 2 charts... Please help!!

I have a web-to-case form. I would like to add code that pre-populates the Subject field. Please help. 

We have a daily API job that runs SAP Data Services. It has been running successfully for months. Today it failed with an error: "Could not create a new session (Adapter: 'SalesForce_Adapter').>."

Digging deeper into the error log we have:

"8/27/15 9:18:40 AM Fault-tolerance-login-failed : There was a communication error when talking to Salesforce.com: Connection has been shutdown: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
8/27/15 9:18:40 AM Retry : 2. Waiting 15 mins before trying to login to Salesforce.com again."

Has anything changed on Salesforce side that would cause this?
I have a requirement to have the Opportunity record Last Modified Date update when a related task or event is created/updated. I am looking for advice on how to achieve this. Is this possible through an Apex Class or Trigger? Please advise.