• David Durant
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  • Member since 2014

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I have been working at this for a couple weeks now and I am so close. Currently I have 16% code coverage which is ovboulsy not enough but its something. After battling with it for a couple days I finally was able to improve the coverage from 0% to 16% yesterday.

Below is the trigger I created it is just a simple trigger that when a value is selected on the case it inserts a line item into the related list:
trigger UpdateFieldValues on Case (after insert) {
        Id accessory360Id = [SELECT Id FROM Accessory__c WHERE Name='197 - 360μm FiberFlex™ Fiber' Limit 1].Id;
        Id accessoryCleaverId = [SELECT Id FROM Accessory__c WHERE Name='241 - Ceramic Fiber Cleavers (set of 3) 1” x 1”' Limit 1].Id;
        Id accessoryStripperId = [SELECT Id FROM Accessory__c WHERE Name='134 - Fiber Stripping Tool' Limit 1].Id;
    List<Accessory_Item__c> Accessories = new List<Accessory_Item__c>();
    for (Case c : Trigger.New) {
        if (c.Quick_Order__c == '360 Fiber') {
            Accessories.add(new Accessory_Item__c(
                            Case__c = c.Id,
                            Item__c = accessory360Id));
       } Else if
           (c.Quick_Order__c == 'Cleaver') {
            Accessories.add(new Accessory_Item__c(
                            Case__c = c.Id,
                            Item__c = accessoryCleaverId));
       } Else if
           (c.Quick_Order__c == 'Fiber Stripper'){ 
            Accessories.add(new Accessory_Item__c(
                            Case__c = c.Id,
                            Item__c = accessoryStripperId));
        insert Accessories;
Below is what I currently have for the test class that gives me 16% coverage. I also have an error when I test it that I am trying to figure out and that is what I need help with.
public class TestQuickUpdate2 {
  static testMethod void insertNewRecord() {
       Accessory__c A1 = new Accessory__c();
       a1.Name           = '197 - 360μm FiberFlex™ Fiber';
       a1.Description__c = '360μm FiberFlex™ Fiber';
       a1.Item_Num__c    = '197';
       a1.Unit_Price__c  = 295.00;
        insert A1;

       Case recordToCreate1 = new Case();     
       recordToCreate1.Origin         = 'Phone';
       recordToCreate1.AccountId      = '001W000000I931R';
       recordToCreate1.ContactId      = '003W000000OAOFK';
       recordToCreate1.Site__c        = 'a0EW0000000fLBY';
       recordToCreate1.Quick_Order__c = '360 Fiber';
       recordToCreate1.ContactId      = '003W000000OAOFK';
       insert recordToCreate1;

       List<Case> Fiber = [SELECT Id FROM Case WHERE Quick_Order__c = '360 Fiber'];
       system.assertequals(1, Fiber.size());

       Accessory__c A2 = new Accessory__c();
       a2.Name           = '241 - Ceramic Fiber Cleavers (set of 3) 1” x 1”';
       a2.Description__c = 'Ceramic Fiber Cleavers (set of 3) 1” x 1”';
       a2.Item_Num__c    = '241';
       a2.Unit_Price__c  = 25.00;
        insert A2;

       Case recordToCreate2 = new Case();     
       recordToCreate2.Origin         = 'Phone';
       recordToCreate2.AccountId      = '001W000000I931R';
       recordToCreate2.ContactId      = '003W000000OAOFK';
       recordToCreate2.Site__c        = 'a0EW0000000fLBY';
       recordToCreate2.Quick_Order__c = 'Cleaver';
       recordToCreate2.ContactId      = '003W000000OAOFK';
       insert recordToCreate2;

       List<Case> Cleaver = [SELECT Id FROM Case WHERE Quick_Order__c = 'Cleaver'];
       system.assertequals(1, Cleaver.size());

       Accessory__c A3 = new Accessory__c();
       a3.Name           = '134 - Fiber Stripping Tool';
       a3.Description__c = 'Fiber Stripping Tool';
       a3.Item_Num__c    = '134';
       a3.Unit_Price__c  = 110.00;
        insert A3;

       Case recordToCreate3 = new Case();     
       recordToCreate3.Origin         = 'Phone';
       recordToCreate3.AccountId      = '001W000000I931R';
       recordToCreate3.ContactId      = '003W000000OAOFK';
       recordToCreate3.Site__c        = 'a0EW0000000fLBY';
       recordToCreate3.Quick_Order__c = 'Fiber Stripper';
       recordToCreate3.ContactId      = '003W000000OAOFK';
       insert recordToCreate3;

       List<Case> Stripper = [SELECT Id FROM Case WHERE Quick_Order__c = 'Stripper'];
       system.assertequals(1, Stripper.size());

Thank you for the help in advance.
I am having trouble with creating a test class for a trigger I just created. This is the first trigger that I have created and it functions perfectly however, I currently have 0% code coverage. I have been reading the force.com Developers Guide and SDFC99.com to try to obtain some knowledge on where  to even start with this test class but I am not even sure what to test.

Below is the apex trigger I have created.
trigger UpdateFieldValues on Case (after insert) {
        Id accessory360Id = [SELECT Id FROM Accessory__c WHERE Name='197 - 360μm FiberFlex™ Fiber' Limit 1].Id;
        Id accessoryCleaverId = [SELECT Id FROM Accessory__c WHERE Name='241 - Ceramic Fiber Cleavers (set of 3) 1” x 1”' Limit 1].Id;
        Id accessoryStripperId = [SELECT Id FROM Accessory__c WHERE Name='134 - Fiber Stripping Tool' Limit 1].Id;
    List<Accessory_Item__c> Accessories = new List<Accessory_Item__c>();
    for (Case c : Trigger.New) {
        if (c.Quick_Order__c == '360 Fiber') {
            Accessories.add(new Accessory_Item__c(
                            Case__c = c.Id,
                            Item__c = accessory360Id));
       } Else if
           (c.Quick_Order__c == 'Cleaver') {
            Accessories.add(new Accessory_Item__c(
                            Case__c = c.Id,
                            Item__c = accessoryCleaverId));
       } Else if
           (c.Quick_Order__c == 'Fiber Stripper'){ 
            Accessories.add(new Accessory_Item__c(
                            Case__c = c.Id,
                            Item__c = accessoryStripperId));
        insert Accessories;
Below is what I currently have for the test class however, it is still failing while atempting to test.
public class TestQuickUpdate {
    static testMethod void insertNewRecord() {
        Id accessory360Id = [new Accessory__c (Name='197 - 360μm FiberFlex™ Fiber')].Id;
        Id accessoryCleaverId = [new Accessory__c (Name='241 - Ceramic Fiber Cleavers (set of 3) 1” x 1”'].Id; //may need \\" replace "
        Id accessoryStripperId = [new Accessory__c (Name='134 - Fiber Stripping Tool'].Id;
       Case recordToCreate1 = new Case();     
       recordToCreate1.Origin         = 'Phone';
       recordToCreate1.AccountId      = '001W000000I931R';
       recordToCreate1.ContactId      = '003W000000OAOFK';
       recordToCreate1.Site__c        = 'a0EW0000000fLBY';
       recordToCreate1.Quick_Order__c = '360 Fiber';
       recordToCreate1.ContactId      = '003W000000OAOFK';
       insert recordToCreate1;

    system.assertequals(1,[select accessory_item__c where case__c = :recordToCreate1.id,Accessory__c= :accessory360Id]);

       Case recordToCreate2 = new Case();     
       recordToCreate2.Origin         = 'Phone';
       recordToCreate2.AccountId      = '001W000000I931R';
       recordToCreate2.ContactId      = '003W000000OAOFK';
       recordToCreate2.Site__c        = 'a0EW0000000fLBY';
       recordToCreate2.Quick_Order__c = 'Cleaver';
       recordToCreate2.ContactId      = '003W000000OAOFK';
       insert recordToCreate2;
    system.assertequals(1,[select accessory_item__c where case__c = :recordToCreate2.id,Accessory__c= :accessoryCleaverId]);

       Case recordToCreate3 = new Case();     
       recordToCreate3.Origin         = 'Phone';
       recordToCreate3.AccountId      = '001W000000I931R';
       recordToCreate3.ContactId      = '003W000000OAOFK';
       recordToCreate3.Site__c        = 'a0EW0000000fLBY';
       recordToCreate3.Quick_Order__c = 'Fiber Stripper';
       recordToCreate3.ContactId      = '003W000000OAOFK';
       insert recordToCreate3;
    system.assertequals(1,[select accessory_item__c where case__c = :recordToCreate3.id,Accessory__c= :accessoryStripperId]);

The error its giving me is:
"Error Message System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject
Stack Trace Class.TestQuickUpdate.insertNewRecord: line 5, column 1"

Its referencing the "Id accessory360Id" I am not sure what to do next. If I am writing the test class correctly or not.

Thank you in adavance to anybody that can steer me down the right path.

I am having trouble with creating a test class for a trigger I just created. This is the first trigger that I have created and it functions perfectly however, I currently have 0% code coverage. I have been reading the force.com Developers Guide and SDFC99.com to try to obtain some knowledge on where  to even start with this test class but I am not even sure what to test.

Below is the apex trigger I have created.
trigger UpdateFieldValues on Case (after insert) {
        Id accessory360Id = [SELECT Id FROM Accessory__c WHERE Name='197 - 360μm FiberFlex™ Fiber' Limit 1].Id;
        Id accessoryCleaverId = [SELECT Id FROM Accessory__c WHERE Name='241 - Ceramic Fiber Cleavers (set of 3) 1” x 1”' Limit 1].Id;
        Id accessoryStripperId = [SELECT Id FROM Accessory__c WHERE Name='134 - Fiber Stripping Tool' Limit 1].Id;
    List<Accessory_Item__c> Accessories = new List<Accessory_Item__c>();
    for (Case c : Trigger.New) {
        if (c.Quick_Order__c == '360 Fiber') {
            Accessories.add(new Accessory_Item__c(
                            Case__c = c.Id,
                            Item__c = accessory360Id));
       } Else if
           (c.Quick_Order__c == 'Cleaver') {
            Accessories.add(new Accessory_Item__c(
                            Case__c = c.Id,
                            Item__c = accessoryCleaverId));
       } Else if
           (c.Quick_Order__c == 'Fiber Stripper'){ 
            Accessories.add(new Accessory_Item__c(
                            Case__c = c.Id,
                            Item__c = accessoryStripperId));
        insert Accessories;
Below is what I currently have for the test class however, it is still failing while atempting to test. The Id's that I am referencing are part of the 360 fiber Id and the only account that I have in my sandbox. I have read a little bit into the system.assert is this something I am missing?
public class TestQuickUpdate {
    static testMethod void insertNewRecord() {
Case recordToCreate = new Case();
       recordToCreate.Origin         = 'Phone';
       recordToCreate.AccountId      = '001W000000I931R';
       recordToCreate.Site__c        = 'a0EW0000000fLBY';
       recordToCreate.Quick_Order__c = '360 Fiber';
       recordToCreate.ContactId      = '003W000000OAOFK';
insert recordToCreate;

The failure message that I am getting right now is below:
User-added image

Thank you for any assistance that is provided.
I am attempting to create an APEX Trigger on Case to insert a record to a custom object on the case related list called Accessory_Item__c and a list of items stored in Accessory__c.  When we are placing an order we click an add new button on the Accessory_Item__c related list and it takes us to a look upfield in which we look up through the Accessory__c object where an item is stored called  197 - 360μm FiberFlex™ Fiber. I have a picklist field on the Case object called Quick_Order__c. When this Quick_Order__c = 360 Fiber I want the trigger to select the 197 - 360μm FiberFlex™ Fiber from Accessory__c, place it into Accessory_Item__c and add it to the case.

Below is an example of what should show up on the related list object on the case.
User-added image

Below is the code that I currently have but I am getting several error messages from it. I do not think I am referencing the correct objects in the correct places. I have done as much research as I can to understand apex and I thought I was close but the error messages tell me otherwise.
trigger UpdateFieldValues on Case (after insert) {
        List<Accessory__c> Accessories = new List<Accessory_Item__c>();
        //This trigger give me an error on line 11 column 39 this is because when I am adding a new purchase request for some reason it kicks me from the sandbox into production

    for (Case c : Trigger.New) {
        if (c.Quick_Order__c == '360 Fiber') {
            Accessories.add(new Accessory_Item__c(
                            Case__c = c.Id,
                            Item__c = '197 - 360μm FiberFlex™ Fiber'));
        insert Accessories;
Any help is appreciated!

<apex:page standardController="WO_Comments__c">
    <apex:pageBlock title="Description" >
        <apex:pageblockTable value="{!WO_Comments__c}" var="WO_Comments__c">
             <apex:outputText value="{!WO_Comments__c.Comment__c}" />

I am having somewhat of the same issue.  I do not get an error however, the custom object will not appear after I enter the code in.

If you see the attached picture where I do apex:pageblock description it shows but, when for the custom object whether I do ouput text or pageblock table I cannot get the custom object to appear
User-added image
Below is what it should look like. This is the custom object I am trying to referencing but on a different page layout as an item of the related list.
User-added image
Any suggestions? Am I entereing the code incorrectly?
I have been working at this for a couple weeks now and I am so close. Currently I have 16% code coverage which is ovboulsy not enough but its something. After battling with it for a couple days I finally was able to improve the coverage from 0% to 16% yesterday.

Below is the trigger I created it is just a simple trigger that when a value is selected on the case it inserts a line item into the related list:
trigger UpdateFieldValues on Case (after insert) {
        Id accessory360Id = [SELECT Id FROM Accessory__c WHERE Name='197 - 360μm FiberFlex™ Fiber' Limit 1].Id;
        Id accessoryCleaverId = [SELECT Id FROM Accessory__c WHERE Name='241 - Ceramic Fiber Cleavers (set of 3) 1” x 1”' Limit 1].Id;
        Id accessoryStripperId = [SELECT Id FROM Accessory__c WHERE Name='134 - Fiber Stripping Tool' Limit 1].Id;
    List<Accessory_Item__c> Accessories = new List<Accessory_Item__c>();
    for (Case c : Trigger.New) {
        if (c.Quick_Order__c == '360 Fiber') {
            Accessories.add(new Accessory_Item__c(
                            Case__c = c.Id,
                            Item__c = accessory360Id));
       } Else if
           (c.Quick_Order__c == 'Cleaver') {
            Accessories.add(new Accessory_Item__c(
                            Case__c = c.Id,
                            Item__c = accessoryCleaverId));
       } Else if
           (c.Quick_Order__c == 'Fiber Stripper'){ 
            Accessories.add(new Accessory_Item__c(
                            Case__c = c.Id,
                            Item__c = accessoryStripperId));
        insert Accessories;
Below is what I currently have for the test class that gives me 16% coverage. I also have an error when I test it that I am trying to figure out and that is what I need help with.
public class TestQuickUpdate2 {
  static testMethod void insertNewRecord() {
       Accessory__c A1 = new Accessory__c();
       a1.Name           = '197 - 360μm FiberFlex™ Fiber';
       a1.Description__c = '360μm FiberFlex™ Fiber';
       a1.Item_Num__c    = '197';
       a1.Unit_Price__c  = 295.00;
        insert A1;

       Case recordToCreate1 = new Case();     
       recordToCreate1.Origin         = 'Phone';
       recordToCreate1.AccountId      = '001W000000I931R';
       recordToCreate1.ContactId      = '003W000000OAOFK';
       recordToCreate1.Site__c        = 'a0EW0000000fLBY';
       recordToCreate1.Quick_Order__c = '360 Fiber';
       recordToCreate1.ContactId      = '003W000000OAOFK';
       insert recordToCreate1;

       List<Case> Fiber = [SELECT Id FROM Case WHERE Quick_Order__c = '360 Fiber'];
       system.assertequals(1, Fiber.size());

       Accessory__c A2 = new Accessory__c();
       a2.Name           = '241 - Ceramic Fiber Cleavers (set of 3) 1” x 1”';
       a2.Description__c = 'Ceramic Fiber Cleavers (set of 3) 1” x 1”';
       a2.Item_Num__c    = '241';
       a2.Unit_Price__c  = 25.00;
        insert A2;

       Case recordToCreate2 = new Case();     
       recordToCreate2.Origin         = 'Phone';
       recordToCreate2.AccountId      = '001W000000I931R';
       recordToCreate2.ContactId      = '003W000000OAOFK';
       recordToCreate2.Site__c        = 'a0EW0000000fLBY';
       recordToCreate2.Quick_Order__c = 'Cleaver';
       recordToCreate2.ContactId      = '003W000000OAOFK';
       insert recordToCreate2;

       List<Case> Cleaver = [SELECT Id FROM Case WHERE Quick_Order__c = 'Cleaver'];
       system.assertequals(1, Cleaver.size());

       Accessory__c A3 = new Accessory__c();
       a3.Name           = '134 - Fiber Stripping Tool';
       a3.Description__c = 'Fiber Stripping Tool';
       a3.Item_Num__c    = '134';
       a3.Unit_Price__c  = 110.00;
        insert A3;

       Case recordToCreate3 = new Case();     
       recordToCreate3.Origin         = 'Phone';
       recordToCreate3.AccountId      = '001W000000I931R';
       recordToCreate3.ContactId      = '003W000000OAOFK';
       recordToCreate3.Site__c        = 'a0EW0000000fLBY';
       recordToCreate3.Quick_Order__c = 'Fiber Stripper';
       recordToCreate3.ContactId      = '003W000000OAOFK';
       insert recordToCreate3;

       List<Case> Stripper = [SELECT Id FROM Case WHERE Quick_Order__c = 'Stripper'];
       system.assertequals(1, Stripper.size());

Thank you for the help in advance.
I am having trouble with creating a test class for a trigger I just created. This is the first trigger that I have created and it functions perfectly however, I currently have 0% code coverage. I have been reading the force.com Developers Guide and SDFC99.com to try to obtain some knowledge on where  to even start with this test class but I am not even sure what to test.

Below is the apex trigger I have created.
trigger UpdateFieldValues on Case (after insert) {
        Id accessory360Id = [SELECT Id FROM Accessory__c WHERE Name='197 - 360μm FiberFlex™ Fiber' Limit 1].Id;
        Id accessoryCleaverId = [SELECT Id FROM Accessory__c WHERE Name='241 - Ceramic Fiber Cleavers (set of 3) 1” x 1”' Limit 1].Id;
        Id accessoryStripperId = [SELECT Id FROM Accessory__c WHERE Name='134 - Fiber Stripping Tool' Limit 1].Id;
    List<Accessory_Item__c> Accessories = new List<Accessory_Item__c>();
    for (Case c : Trigger.New) {
        if (c.Quick_Order__c == '360 Fiber') {
            Accessories.add(new Accessory_Item__c(
                            Case__c = c.Id,
                            Item__c = accessory360Id));
       } Else if
           (c.Quick_Order__c == 'Cleaver') {
            Accessories.add(new Accessory_Item__c(
                            Case__c = c.Id,
                            Item__c = accessoryCleaverId));
       } Else if
           (c.Quick_Order__c == 'Fiber Stripper'){ 
            Accessories.add(new Accessory_Item__c(
                            Case__c = c.Id,
                            Item__c = accessoryStripperId));
        insert Accessories;
Below is what I currently have for the test class however, it is still failing while atempting to test.
public class TestQuickUpdate {
    static testMethod void insertNewRecord() {
        Id accessory360Id = [new Accessory__c (Name='197 - 360μm FiberFlex™ Fiber')].Id;
        Id accessoryCleaverId = [new Accessory__c (Name='241 - Ceramic Fiber Cleavers (set of 3) 1” x 1”'].Id; //may need \\" replace "
        Id accessoryStripperId = [new Accessory__c (Name='134 - Fiber Stripping Tool'].Id;
       Case recordToCreate1 = new Case();     
       recordToCreate1.Origin         = 'Phone';
       recordToCreate1.AccountId      = '001W000000I931R';
       recordToCreate1.ContactId      = '003W000000OAOFK';
       recordToCreate1.Site__c        = 'a0EW0000000fLBY';
       recordToCreate1.Quick_Order__c = '360 Fiber';
       recordToCreate1.ContactId      = '003W000000OAOFK';
       insert recordToCreate1;

    system.assertequals(1,[select accessory_item__c where case__c = :recordToCreate1.id,Accessory__c= :accessory360Id]);

       Case recordToCreate2 = new Case();     
       recordToCreate2.Origin         = 'Phone';
       recordToCreate2.AccountId      = '001W000000I931R';
       recordToCreate2.ContactId      = '003W000000OAOFK';
       recordToCreate2.Site__c        = 'a0EW0000000fLBY';
       recordToCreate2.Quick_Order__c = 'Cleaver';
       recordToCreate2.ContactId      = '003W000000OAOFK';
       insert recordToCreate2;
    system.assertequals(1,[select accessory_item__c where case__c = :recordToCreate2.id,Accessory__c= :accessoryCleaverId]);

       Case recordToCreate3 = new Case();     
       recordToCreate3.Origin         = 'Phone';
       recordToCreate3.AccountId      = '001W000000I931R';
       recordToCreate3.ContactId      = '003W000000OAOFK';
       recordToCreate3.Site__c        = 'a0EW0000000fLBY';
       recordToCreate3.Quick_Order__c = 'Fiber Stripper';
       recordToCreate3.ContactId      = '003W000000OAOFK';
       insert recordToCreate3;
    system.assertequals(1,[select accessory_item__c where case__c = :recordToCreate3.id,Accessory__c= :accessoryStripperId]);

The error its giving me is:
"Error Message System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject
Stack Trace Class.TestQuickUpdate.insertNewRecord: line 5, column 1"

Its referencing the "Id accessory360Id" I am not sure what to do next. If I am writing the test class correctly or not.

Thank you in adavance to anybody that can steer me down the right path.

I am attempting to create an APEX Trigger on Case to insert a record to a custom object on the case related list called Accessory_Item__c and a list of items stored in Accessory__c.  When we are placing an order we click an add new button on the Accessory_Item__c related list and it takes us to a look upfield in which we look up through the Accessory__c object where an item is stored called  197 - 360μm FiberFlex™ Fiber. I have a picklist field on the Case object called Quick_Order__c. When this Quick_Order__c = 360 Fiber I want the trigger to select the 197 - 360μm FiberFlex™ Fiber from Accessory__c, place it into Accessory_Item__c and add it to the case.

Below is an example of what should show up on the related list object on the case.
User-added image

Below is the code that I currently have but I am getting several error messages from it. I do not think I am referencing the correct objects in the correct places. I have done as much research as I can to understand apex and I thought I was close but the error messages tell me otherwise.
trigger UpdateFieldValues on Case (after insert) {
        List<Accessory__c> Accessories = new List<Accessory_Item__c>();
        //This trigger give me an error on line 11 column 39 this is because when I am adding a new purchase request for some reason it kicks me from the sandbox into production

    for (Case c : Trigger.New) {
        if (c.Quick_Order__c == '360 Fiber') {
            Accessories.add(new Accessory_Item__c(
                            Case__c = c.Id,
                            Item__c = '197 - 360μm FiberFlex™ Fiber'));
        insert Accessories;
Any help is appreciated!

<apex:page standardController="WO_Comments__c">
    <apex:pageBlock title="Description" >
        <apex:pageblockTable value="{!WO_Comments__c}" var="WO_Comments__c">
             <apex:outputText value="{!WO_Comments__c.Comment__c}" />

I am having somewhat of the same issue.  I do not get an error however, the custom object will not appear after I enter the code in.

If you see the attached picture where I do apex:pageblock description it shows but, when for the custom object whether I do ouput text or pageblock table I cannot get the custom object to appear
User-added image
Below is what it should look like. This is the custom object I am trying to referencing but on a different page layout as an item of the related list.
User-added image
Any suggestions? Am I entereing the code incorrectly?

I am trying to understand standard controllers vs. custom--and how they can be used with Custom Objects?


Most of the code samples I have found all use the standard Account or Contact as the example like...


<apex:page standardController="Account" showHeader="true"  tabStyle="Account" > 


I have several Custom Objects that I have created---and have trying to create a simple Tabbed view of the object detail and related lists instead of the typical list view--using VF.


I am just starting on VF...


>Do standard controllers get 'auto-created' for each custom object?--assume so and thats how the display using standard SF look?


> When I try starting my VF page to be used on my Custom Object with...



<apex:page standardController="ThenameIusedtocreatetheobject_c" showHeader="true"  tabStyle="ThenameIusedtocreatetheobject_c"" > 



I get errors - ThenameIusedtocreatetheobject_c Does not Exist, etc.



What am I missing about standard controllers on custom objects?  Do all custom objects require a custom controller to be coded?


Thanks for the assistance...