• Ivo Dimov
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My predicessors have used an Email Service to manage inbound emails with attachments. The way we use the service is usually an email comes in with an attachment, we parse the content and create cases based on the number of records. I am troubleshooting an issue, and trying to find out if there is an issue on the Salesforce side, or on the senders side when they compile the attachment and email to Salesforce. I need to find out if Salesforce holds a list of the incomming attachments, when they come via Email Services, or should that have been handled within the code? I am hoping I can see the content of the original file that was receved by Salesforce before it was parsed.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

As of a specific time yestarday, most of my users who are on SSO started receving the following error "Your company's authentication service is down". To my suprise, I noticed that they see this error only when they try to get to salesforce manually via "login.salesforce.com". If they go through the SSO integration/link they are able to login.
I thought that maybe my users are confused and that they all should be using the SSO link on our intranet, but when I looked at their user records in the Login History, noticed that they used to connect manually, by using their intranet username and password. For some reason all of a sudden they can not connect as they did before, and their only option is through the SSO link. 
Has anyone seen a simmilar problem?
I have created VF web form, where users can get to and populate certain information.
I have text area field with 5 rows called "Description of Problem", Under that field I would like to display free text "Requester Information". I have used the br tags to create separation between the field and the text, which looks good under Chrome and IE8, but not IE9. The free text is displayed after the 2nd row next to the "Decription of Prolem" field. This occurs only in IE9. If I keep adding the br tags the "Requester Information" will go down, and under IE9 will look ok, but then it looks ugly under Chrome and IE8 since it will add more space.
My question is what tag can I use to define the free text to be added under the TextArea field. I found that this could be controlled under CSS, but though that this should be managed under VF as well.

Here is a sample of the code:

<div class="form-group">
                <label for="inputDescription" class="control-label col-xs-2">* Description of Problem</label>
                <div class="col-xs-10">
                    <apex:inputTextArea styleClass="form-control" id="inputDescription" required="true" rows="5" value="{!description}"/>
              <h4> Requester Information </h4>
As of a specific time yestarday, most of my users who are on SSO started receving the following error "Your company's authentication service is down". To my suprise, I noticed that they see this error only when they try to get to salesforce manually via "login.salesforce.com". If they go through the SSO integration/link they are able to login.
I thought that maybe my users are confused and that they all should be using the SSO link on our intranet, but when I looked at their user records in the Login History, noticed that they used to connect manually, by using their intranet username and password. For some reason all of a sudden they can not connect as they did before, and their only option is through the SSO link. 
Has anyone seen a simmilar problem?
I have created VF web form, where users can get to and populate certain information.
I have text area field with 5 rows called "Description of Problem", Under that field I would like to display free text "Requester Information". I have used the br tags to create separation between the field and the text, which looks good under Chrome and IE8, but not IE9. The free text is displayed after the 2nd row next to the "Decription of Prolem" field. This occurs only in IE9. If I keep adding the br tags the "Requester Information" will go down, and under IE9 will look ok, but then it looks ugly under Chrome and IE8 since it will add more space.
My question is what tag can I use to define the free text to be added under the TextArea field. I found that this could be controlled under CSS, but though that this should be managed under VF as well.

Here is a sample of the code:

<div class="form-group">
                <label for="inputDescription" class="control-label col-xs-2">* Description of Problem</label>
                <div class="col-xs-10">
                    <apex:inputTextArea styleClass="form-control" id="inputDescription" required="true" rows="5" value="{!description}"/>
              <h4> Requester Information </h4>