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I would like to write a trigger on product that will insert/update the pricebook when a product is inserted or updated.
The following code does not seem to work. Sorry new to Apex coding

trigger TrgPricebookEntry on Product2 (after insert, after update)
    Set<ID> ids = Trigger.newMap.keySet();
    sObject s = [select ID from Pricebook2 where IsStandard = TRUE and IsActive= TRUE];

    list<PricebookEntry> entries=new list<PricebookEntry>();

        for (Product2 p : Trigger.new)
            entries.add( new PricebookEntry( Pricebook2Id=s.ID, Product2Id=p.ID, UnitPrice=p.Price__c, IsActive=p.IsActive, UseStandardPrice=FALSE) );
        insert entries;

    list<PricebookEntry> pbe = [SELECT Id FROM PricebookEntry WHERE Product2ID in : ids];
        for (Product2 p : Trigger.new)
            if (pbe != null)

I get an error trying deploying Apex classes to production since code coverage is 54%. I have made the changes to the Sandbox and brought the code coverage to over 80%. I am trying to deploy the changes to production but the deployment still fails with the 54% error message. How can I deploy the changes to my Apex classes from Sandbox to Production?