• Soumya Basil
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I want to assign tasks to members of the opportunity team. I have seen recommendations of doing this while creating the opportunity team through 
workflow. But the tasks might not be pre defined , so I am looking at options to enable this.

Can we do this using Tasks? During creation of a task, how to enable the assignment of the tasks to members of the opportunity team.
I was trying to create a VF dashboard component with a custom VF page. But the VF page did not render in the dashboard component.
I am able to view the page otherwise.

I figured this was happening only for the VF pages which I create and not for any VF pages of managed packages. Increased the height of the 
dashboard component to see that, the page was actually being rendered, but not just the VF page.The VF page plus the page editor ( see image)

I disabled the development mode, and now the page renders properly in the dashboard component. Am I missing something. Why is the behaviour so?

custom VF dashboard component
Hi everybody!

I just started to develop with Eclipse Kepler and the Force.com IDE for my Apex development.
Unfortunatly I can't get the auto complee function working.
When I press CTRL+space there appears only a box with "no proposals".
Does anybody know how I can get this running? Without this function the IDE is almost useless...

Hi All,

Firstly, thanks for taking the time to read my post.

I have a vg page that has an actionFunction that calls an apex method from my custom controller. After running, there are a few components that are supposed to reload. However, what's happening is as follows:

1. The page starts to reload.

2. The apex method is called.

3. The components are NOT rerendered.

Does anyone have any ideas as to why that would happen?

Here is the relevant code:

1. ActionFunction tag:

  <apex:actionFunction name="undoEdit" action="{!undoEdit}" rerender="taskInfoDisplay, descInfo,fundraisingInfo, sysInfo,editButtons">
  <apex:param name="fieldToRollBack" value="{!fieldToRollBack}"/>



2. VF code that calls it:


<apex:commandButton image="xxx" onclick="undoEdit('Priority')" rendered="{!editState['Priority']}"/>



3. Apex Method:


public void undoEdit(){
		fieldToRollBack = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('fieldToRollBack');
		System.debug('the field is:' +  fieldToRollBack );
		//first check if this was edited
			System.debug('the field was changed');
				System.debug('this is a task field, rolling back. The current val: ' + myTask.get(fieldToRollBack) + '. The orig val: ' + origTaskVals.get(fieldToRollBack));
				System.debug('after putting, the val is: ' + myTask.get(fieldToRollBack))	;
			editState.put(fieldToRollBack, false);


Thanks in advance for your help!


  • March 28, 2011
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