• Joe Dias
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Other than paid apps, Is there a way I can get rid of the duplicate leads already present in the system based on email, then phone , name etc and retain the activity history on the leads which would be found as duplicates. We have  arround 200k of leads. I know that excel is recommended but I am not having ninja skills in it. Even if I take help from someone ,would it be possible to merge the actibity/campaign activity like it happens in merge lead feature. Please suggest.

Using salesforce , I would like to create a way to track when Account Managers host a QBR and what came of it.  
A few items that I’d like to capture are;
          Meeting summary highlights
          QBR client grade/evaluation of organization
          Potential Opportunities identified
          Executive Engagement Request- things we need to communicate to top mangement.

Is there a way to do this ?

I have this trigger working fine in sandbox,however to push it into production I need to write a test class,I am a newbie and never written a test class prior. Can some one help me with this. Below is the trigger code. Thanks.trigger CampaignMember on CampaignMember (after insert, after update) {

    List<CampaignMember> memberList=[SELECT LeadId,CampaignId FROM CampaignMember WHERE ID IN:Trigger.new];

    Set<ID> leadIDs=new Set<ID>();
    Set<ID> campaignIDs=new Set<ID>();

    for(CampaignMember member:memberList)

    Map<Id,Lead> leadMap=new Map<Id,Lead>([SELECT Id,Recent_Campaign__c FROM Lead WHERE Id IN:leadIDs]);

    Map<Id,Campaign> campaignMap=new Map<Id,Campaign>([SELECT Id,Name FROM Campaign WHERE Id IN:campaignIDs]);

    if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isInsert)
        List<Lead> leadsToUpdate=new List<Lead>();    

        for(CampaignMember member:memberList)
            Campaign campaign=campaignMap.get(member.CampaignId);
            Lead lead=leadMap.get(member.LeadId);

        update leadsToUpdate;           

    if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isUpdate)
        List<Lead> leadsToUpdate=new List<Lead>();    

        for(CampaignMember member:memberList)
            Campaign campaign=campaignMap.get(member.CampaignId);
            Lead lead=leadMap.get(member.LeadId);

        update leadsToUpdate;           
Other than paid apps, Is there a way I can get rid of the duplicate leads already present in the system based on email, then phone , name etc and retain the activity history on the leads which would be found as duplicates. We have  arround 200k of leads. I know that excel is recommended but I am not having ninja skills in it. Even if I take help from someone ,would it be possible to merge the actibity/campaign activity like it happens in merge lead feature. Please suggest.

Using salesforce , I would like to create a way to track when Account Managers host a QBR and what came of it.  
A few items that I’d like to capture are;
          Meeting summary highlights
          QBR client grade/evaluation of organization
          Potential Opportunities identified
          Executive Engagement Request- things we need to communicate to top mangement.

Is there a way to do this ?

I have this trigger working fine in sandbox,however to push it into production I need to write a test class,I am a newbie and never written a test class prior. Can some one help me with this. Below is the trigger code. Thanks.trigger CampaignMember on CampaignMember (after insert, after update) {

    List<CampaignMember> memberList=[SELECT LeadId,CampaignId FROM CampaignMember WHERE ID IN:Trigger.new];

    Set<ID> leadIDs=new Set<ID>();
    Set<ID> campaignIDs=new Set<ID>();

    for(CampaignMember member:memberList)

    Map<Id,Lead> leadMap=new Map<Id,Lead>([SELECT Id,Recent_Campaign__c FROM Lead WHERE Id IN:leadIDs]);

    Map<Id,Campaign> campaignMap=new Map<Id,Campaign>([SELECT Id,Name FROM Campaign WHERE Id IN:campaignIDs]);

    if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isInsert)
        List<Lead> leadsToUpdate=new List<Lead>();    

        for(CampaignMember member:memberList)
            Campaign campaign=campaignMap.get(member.CampaignId);
            Lead lead=leadMap.get(member.LeadId);

        update leadsToUpdate;           

    if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isUpdate)
        List<Lead> leadsToUpdate=new List<Lead>();    

        for(CampaignMember member:memberList)
            Campaign campaign=campaignMap.get(member.CampaignId);
            Lead lead=leadMap.get(member.LeadId);

        update leadsToUpdate;           
Hi Friends, We are rolling out SFDC in our organization.

We are a SaaS Product company, so its natural for our leads to sign up for trial. Which means as propspects self signup for a trial / evaluation instance we get many details from every lead. Such as:
  1. Lead Conact details (Name, Country, Phone, Email)
  2. Lead Account Details (Name, Country)
  3. Trial Instance Details (Domain name etc)
  4. Trial License Details (Trial Expiry Date, can be extended by sales rep if and when needed)
I am looking for advice on does it makes sense to save all these details in a single "Lead" Object OR will it makes sense to multiple objects at the lead stage itself? Such as "Account" (standard) and "Contract" Object (to reflect the 30 days free trial contact, there is no legal requirement to do so)

btw, is there a standard "License" Object build from a technology company prepective that we can re-use at this stage or for later stages?

Just to be clear, I seeking advice prior to convertion of "Lead" to "Oppertunity".

Thank you in advance.