• Iliyan Markov
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Hi guys,
I discovered that only 3 published articles are visible on the front page, but when I use the search field I can see all articles. 
What is the way to display all articles, even if I have to split them into pages?
Hi guys, 

I have a problem I can't get my head around. 
I have a force.com site with pkb 2 and a few articles and I can't see my articles' content. 
On my site Public Access Settings I set read permissions.
For each article type I set the field level security to visible and read only.
pkb.Controller is in the Enabled Apex classes.
pkb_Home, pkb_RSS, and pkb_Template to the Enabled Visualforce Pages.
Data Category Group Visibility Settings related list is set to give visibility value to All Categories listed.

And I still can't see none of the Articles' content...
Your help is appreciated.