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1. I have created a validation rule on custom object.
2. I'm receiving error two times on VF page when validation rule is true and my error location is top of page.
3. I have added <apex:pagemessages /> on VF page.
4. In Apex Controller i have added apexpages.addMessages(e); in catch exception 

My Validation Rule 
AND(TEXT(ZDCP__c) <> null, ISBLANK(PCM_Sheet__r.Agent__c ))

Error is showing like this:
User-added image

Can anybody please tell how can i get the error one time.??

I have written a apex class with test class both are running but my code coverage is only 66%.Please help to solve the problem.

Apex class-
global class Deleteoppotest implements Schedulable{

global void execute(SchedulableContext SC) {

public static void deleteoppo() {

    for(List<opportunity> objoppo : [SELECT Id FROM opportunity WHERE CreatedDate <= :(Date.Today() - 200) LIMIT 10])
            delete objoppo;

Test Class-
private class Deleteoppotestcls {

static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
    // TO DO: implement unit test

    Opportunity op = new Opportunity();
    op.Name = 'test1';
    op.StageName = 'Qualified';
    op.CloseDate = Date.Today();
    op.Description ='testingoppotestcls';
    op.Business_Type__c = 'Domestic';

    insert op;




1. I have created a validation rule on custom object.
2. I'm receiving error two times on VF page when validation rule is true and my error location is top of page.
3. I have added <apex:pagemessages /> on VF page.
4. In Apex Controller i have added apexpages.addMessages(e); in catch exception 

My Validation Rule 
AND(TEXT(ZDCP__c) <> null, ISBLANK(PCM_Sheet__r.Agent__c ))

Error is showing like this:
User-added image

Can anybody please tell how can i get the error one time.??

I have written a apex class with test class both are running but my code coverage is only 66%.Please help to solve the problem.

Apex class-
global class Deleteoppotest implements Schedulable{

global void execute(SchedulableContext SC) {

public static void deleteoppo() {

    for(List<opportunity> objoppo : [SELECT Id FROM opportunity WHERE CreatedDate <= :(Date.Today() - 200) LIMIT 10])
            delete objoppo;

Test Class-
private class Deleteoppotestcls {

static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
    // TO DO: implement unit test

    Opportunity op = new Opportunity();
    op.Name = 'test1';
    op.StageName = 'Qualified';
    op.CloseDate = Date.Today();
    op.Description ='testingoppotestcls';
    op.Business_Type__c = 'Domestic';

    insert op;

