• Daniel Butts
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I have created a page that displays opportunities across related accounts and I would like to allow users to create a new opportunity associated to one of those accounts directly from the page. Because I have a search function on the page as well, my form has multiple functions based on the action button used. If I simply added input fields for an Opportunity object, the field requirements (name, close date, etc.) would cause errors when searching. To resolve this I have created a custom Opportunity-like object (tOpp__c) without required fields and then I build a new Opportunity object in Apex. The problem I am running into is passing the selected option from a selectList into the controller so that I can populate fields on the Opportunity that require a lookup (Account, Owner, etc.) single-value input fields are passing data fine and the HTML output of the page appears to show the selected list populated correctly, but I get a null value in my debug logs for the selectList variable.

                 <apex:column headerValue="Account Name">
                     <apex:selectList size="1" value="{!tOpp.Account__c}">
                             <apex:selectOptions value="{!orgAcctOpts}"/>
                 <apex:column headerValue="">
                     <apex:commandButton value="Create" action="{!doCreateOpp}" rerender="all"/>


    public PageReference doCreateOpp() {
        System.Debug('Create Opportunity');
        for (tOpp__c tOpp : tOpps) {
            System.Debug('Starting Opportunity Insert: '+tOpp.Account__c);
            List<Account> accts = [select Id from Account where Name = :(tOpp.Account__c) limit 1];
            if (!accts.isEmpty()) {
                System.Debug('Account: '+accts.get(0));           
                Opportunity o = new Opportunity();
                o.Name = tOpp.Name;
                o.StageName = tOpp.StageName__c;
                o.CloseDate = System.today();
                o.Account = [select Id from Account where Name = :(tOpp.Account__c)];
                o.Owner = [select Id from User where Name = :(tOpp.Owner__c)];
                insert o;
            } else {
                System.Debug('Account Not Found: '+tOpp.Account__c);            
        return null;


       <td class=" dataCell  " id="summary_:form_:detail_:newopp_:0:j_id36" colspan="1">
            <select name="summary_:form_:detail_:newopp_:0:j_id37" size="1">    <option value="001m0000007HwqeAAC">Test1</option>
                <option value="001m0000007HwqyAAC">Test3</option>
                <option value="001m0000007HwrNAAS">Test5</option>
                <option value="001m0000007HwrDAAS">Test4</option>
                <option value="001m0000007HwqjAAC">Test2</option>


13:57:50.038 (38447582)|USER_DEBUG|[115]|DEBUG|Create Opportunities
13:57:50.038 (38455535)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[115]|System.debug(ANY)
13:57:50.038 (38552803)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[116]|LIST<tOpp__c>.iterator()
13:57:50.038 (38745006)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[116]|LIST<tOpp__c>.iterator()
13:57:50.038 (38777135)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[116]|system.ListIterator.hasNext()
13:57:50.038 (38792964)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[116]|system.ListIterator.hasNext()
13:57:50.038 (38844991)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[117]|System.debug(ANY)
13:57:50.038 (38865250)|USER_DEBUG|[117]|DEBUG|tOpp.Account__c: null
13:57:50.038 (38872097)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[117]|System.debug(ANY)
13:57:50.038 (38887525)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[118]|System.debug(ANY)
13:57:50.038 (38901300)|USER_DEBUG|[118]|DEBUG|Starting Opportunity Insert: null
13:57:50.038 (38907485)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[118]|System.debug(ANY)
13:57:50.039 (39440025)|SOQL_EXECUTE_BEGIN|[119]|Aggregations:0|select Id from Account where Name = :tmpVar1 limit 1
13:57:50.042 (42866602)|SOQL_EXECUTE_END|[119]|Rows:0
13:57:50.042 (42983278)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[120]|LIST<Account>.isEmpty()
13:57:50.043 (43010277)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[120]|LIST<Account>.isEmpty()
13:57:50.043 (43036387)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[131]|System.debug(ANY)
13:57:50.043 (43055532)|USER_DEBUG|[131]|DEBUG|Account Not Found:null
I have created a page that displays opportunities across related accounts and I would like to allow users to create a new opportunity associated to one of those accounts directly from the page. Because I have a search function on the page as well, my form has multiple functions based on the action button used. If I simply added input fields for an Opportunity object, the field requirements (name, close date, etc.) would cause errors when searching. To resolve this I have created a custom Opportunity-like object (tOpp__c) without required fields and then I build a new Opportunity object in Apex. The problem I am running into is passing the selected option from a selectList into the controller so that I can populate fields on the Opportunity that require a lookup (Account, Owner, etc.) single-value input fields are passing data fine and the HTML output of the page appears to show the selected list populated correctly, but I get a null value in my debug logs for the selectList variable.

                 <apex:column headerValue="Account Name">
                     <apex:selectList size="1" value="{!tOpp.Account__c}">
                             <apex:selectOptions value="{!orgAcctOpts}"/>
                 <apex:column headerValue="">
                     <apex:commandButton value="Create" action="{!doCreateOpp}" rerender="all"/>


    public PageReference doCreateOpp() {
        System.Debug('Create Opportunity');
        for (tOpp__c tOpp : tOpps) {
            System.Debug('Starting Opportunity Insert: '+tOpp.Account__c);
            List<Account> accts = [select Id from Account where Name = :(tOpp.Account__c) limit 1];
            if (!accts.isEmpty()) {
                System.Debug('Account: '+accts.get(0));           
                Opportunity o = new Opportunity();
                o.Name = tOpp.Name;
                o.StageName = tOpp.StageName__c;
                o.CloseDate = System.today();
                o.Account = [select Id from Account where Name = :(tOpp.Account__c)];
                o.Owner = [select Id from User where Name = :(tOpp.Owner__c)];
                insert o;
            } else {
                System.Debug('Account Not Found: '+tOpp.Account__c);            
        return null;


       <td class=" dataCell  " id="summary_:form_:detail_:newopp_:0:j_id36" colspan="1">
            <select name="summary_:form_:detail_:newopp_:0:j_id37" size="1">    <option value="001m0000007HwqeAAC">Test1</option>
                <option value="001m0000007HwqyAAC">Test3</option>
                <option value="001m0000007HwrNAAS">Test5</option>
                <option value="001m0000007HwrDAAS">Test4</option>
                <option value="001m0000007HwqjAAC">Test2</option>


13:57:50.038 (38447582)|USER_DEBUG|[115]|DEBUG|Create Opportunities
13:57:50.038 (38455535)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[115]|System.debug(ANY)
13:57:50.038 (38552803)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[116]|LIST<tOpp__c>.iterator()
13:57:50.038 (38745006)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[116]|LIST<tOpp__c>.iterator()
13:57:50.038 (38777135)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[116]|system.ListIterator.hasNext()
13:57:50.038 (38792964)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[116]|system.ListIterator.hasNext()
13:57:50.038 (38844991)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[117]|System.debug(ANY)
13:57:50.038 (38865250)|USER_DEBUG|[117]|DEBUG|tOpp.Account__c: null
13:57:50.038 (38872097)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[117]|System.debug(ANY)
13:57:50.038 (38887525)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[118]|System.debug(ANY)
13:57:50.038 (38901300)|USER_DEBUG|[118]|DEBUG|Starting Opportunity Insert: null
13:57:50.038 (38907485)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[118]|System.debug(ANY)
13:57:50.039 (39440025)|SOQL_EXECUTE_BEGIN|[119]|Aggregations:0|select Id from Account where Name = :tmpVar1 limit 1
13:57:50.042 (42866602)|SOQL_EXECUTE_END|[119]|Rows:0
13:57:50.042 (42983278)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[120]|LIST<Account>.isEmpty()
13:57:50.043 (43010277)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[120]|LIST<Account>.isEmpty()
13:57:50.043 (43036387)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[131]|System.debug(ANY)
13:57:50.043 (43055532)|USER_DEBUG|[131]|DEBUG|Account Not Found:null