• Rasha Luice
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The issue that I'm facing started a month and half ago. Every time one of our org user creates an opportunity, another prospection opp is automatically created. The way it worked before was, we have a Clone automatically checkbox and its value is defaulted to checked. If the user unchecked this box, the prospecting opp would not be created. And now if we check or uncheck this checkbox, the prospecting opp is created anyways.
I checked the triggers that creates the prospecting opp and found the block of code that creates the prospecting opp when the trigger is fired. On the Sandbox, when I comment that line of code and create an opportunity for testing, no matter if I check or uncheck the Clone automatically checkbox, it doesn't create the prospecting opp. And as soon as I go back to the trigger code and uncomment that line, it creates a prospecting opp if I uncheck the checkbox.
So what I decided to do is to comment the one line of code, deploy the change from Sandbox to Production, and then hide the field from the users' profiles but the deployment failed twice.
Errors I'm getting are:

System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, ContactChangeAfter: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY, Individual Contact Record Type: this ID value isn't valid for the user: : [RecordTypeId] Trigger.ContactChangeAfter: line 16, column 1
Stack Trace: Class.CampaignWebServices.Test_Campaign_Dedupe: line 81, column 1

System.Exception: Assertion Failed
Stack Trace: Class.OppClone.TestCloneOrgOpp: line 113, column 1

Can you please guide me to solve this issue?


The issue I'm having here in details is, and hopefully I'll be clear enough, that we have two different departments in our Organization that use SF. Each department uses a custom profile that has specific record type and is different than the other. I'm an admin and I shoulde be able to choose which profile to view from the Force.Com App Menu list.
If you look at the below picture, you can find that I have NPowerforce, which is the Fund Development profile view. And the Outreach item, which is the Outreach profile view.
User-added image
My understanding here is when I choose NPowerforce, I should have the Fund Development profile view and when I choose Outreach, I should have the Outreach profile view. Well, I'm not getting that at all.
I checked my Contact Page Layout Assignment(let's focuse on Individual Contact at the moment to simplify the process)and I made sure that the System Admin Record Types for both profiles are completely matched. As shown in this picture:
User-added image
No matter which Record type I choose in the Fund Dev or Outreach, I end up with the Record Type chosen in the Master Profile.
I contacted SF Customer Service and was told that there's a trigger that is removing the record type automatically and preventing the change in the record type. And Since I don't have the premier srvice, they can't help me further.
I need to get the view of Outreach when I choose Outreach in the Force.Com App Menu and Fund Development(NPowerforce) view when I choose NPowerforce.
I'm new to the Developer side of SF, any help from you is much appreciated and the more details you can provide, the more likely I can understand your instructions :)

Thank you!
Rasha Luice
The issue that I'm facing started a month and half ago. Every time one of our org user creates an opportunity, another prospection opp is automatically created. The way it worked before was, we have a Clone automatically checkbox and its value is defaulted to checked. If the user unchecked this box, the prospecting opp would not be created. And now if we check or uncheck this checkbox, the prospecting opp is created anyways.
I checked the triggers that creates the prospecting opp and found the block of code that creates the prospecting opp when the trigger is fired. On the Sandbox, when I comment that line of code and create an opportunity for testing, no matter if I check or uncheck the Clone automatically checkbox, it doesn't create the prospecting opp. And as soon as I go back to the trigger code and uncomment that line, it creates a prospecting opp if I uncheck the checkbox.
So what I decided to do is to comment the one line of code, deploy the change from Sandbox to Production, and then hide the field from the users' profiles but the deployment failed twice.
Errors I'm getting are:

System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, ContactChangeAfter: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY, Individual Contact Record Type: this ID value isn't valid for the user: : [RecordTypeId] Trigger.ContactChangeAfter: line 16, column 1
Stack Trace: Class.CampaignWebServices.Test_Campaign_Dedupe: line 81, column 1

System.Exception: Assertion Failed
Stack Trace: Class.OppClone.TestCloneOrgOpp: line 113, column 1

Can you please guide me to solve this issue?


The issue I'm having here in details is, and hopefully I'll be clear enough, that we have two different departments in our Organization that use SF. Each department uses a custom profile that has specific record type and is different than the other. I'm an admin and I shoulde be able to choose which profile to view from the Force.Com App Menu list.
If you look at the below picture, you can find that I have NPowerforce, which is the Fund Development profile view. And the Outreach item, which is the Outreach profile view.
User-added image
My understanding here is when I choose NPowerforce, I should have the Fund Development profile view and when I choose Outreach, I should have the Outreach profile view. Well, I'm not getting that at all.
I checked my Contact Page Layout Assignment(let's focuse on Individual Contact at the moment to simplify the process)and I made sure that the System Admin Record Types for both profiles are completely matched. As shown in this picture:
User-added image
No matter which Record type I choose in the Fund Dev or Outreach, I end up with the Record Type chosen in the Master Profile.
I contacted SF Customer Service and was told that there's a trigger that is removing the record type automatically and preventing the change in the record type. And Since I don't have the premier srvice, they can't help me further.
I need to get the view of Outreach when I choose Outreach in the Force.Com App Menu and Fund Development(NPowerforce) view when I choose NPowerforce.
I'm new to the Developer side of SF, any help from you is much appreciated and the more details you can provide, the more likely I can understand your instructions :)

Thank you!
Rasha Luice