- Angela Schloeder
- 50 Points
- Member since 2014
- Sr Salesforce Administrator/Sales Support Manager
- C-Level Partners
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How to get code coverage for a trigger
trigger Countevent on event(after insert, after update) {
public List<event> ltask1 = new List<event>();
public id userids;
public integer inp=0;
public integer inr=0;
for(event t:Trigger.New){
userids = t.ownerid;
ltask1 = [select id,Request_for_Meeting_Bonus__c from event where ownerid=:userids];
for(event t:ltask1){
inp = inp+1;
} else{
inr = inr +1;
List<user> uopp = new List<user>();
List<user> userop = [select id from user where id = :userids];
for(user u: userop){
u.Total_Requested__c = inp;
update uopp;
- Angela Schloeder
- February 13, 2018
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- 0
Trigger on Contact to create Task when field value is changed.
trigger NewCreateTask on Contact (after insert, after update) {
List<Task> listOfTaskToBeInserted = new List<Task>();
Task newtask;
for(Contact con : trigger.new){
if(con.Call_Result__c == 'N/A' || con.Call_Result__c == 'Requested More Info' || con.Call_Result__c == 'Left voicemail' || con.Call_Result__c == 'No Answer or VM' || con.Call_Result__c == 'Not Interested' || con.Call_Result__c == 'Wants Call Back' || con.Call_Result__c == 'Set Meeting'){
newtask = new Task();
newtask.WhatId = con.AccountId;
newtask.Subject = 'Task';
newtask.whoId = con.id;
newtask.ActivityDate = system.today();
newTask.Status = 'Completed';
if(listOfTaskToBeInserted.size() > 0){
upsert listOfTaskToBeInserted;
- Angela Schloeder
- January 31, 2018
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- 0
trigger does not include "Confirm Delete" popup
trigger EventDelete on Event (before delete) {
if([SELECT PermissionsModifyAllData FROM Profile WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getProfileId()].PermissionsModifyAllData) {
for (Event sb : Trigger.old) {
sb.addError('Cannot delete an Event');
- Angela Schloeder
- September 25, 2017
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- 0
Custom button - OnClick JavaScript
IF(ISPICKVAL(!Event.Approved_by__c, "NULL")){
alert("Pre Meeting Notes Need to be Approved First");
window.location = 'apex/EventMeetingNotes';
- Angela Schloeder
- May 25, 2017
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- 0
How to add controller extension - receiving error
I'm trying to add this extension that a friend wrote, but receive Error: Compile Error: Type already defined: UpdateChangedFieldsController at line 3 column 15
I removed "class", but then received Error: Compile Error: Variable does not exist: record.Id at line 8 column 57
I was told:"You'll just add it as an extension on the page: apex:page standardController="blah" extensions="UpdateChangedFieldsController. And just call the savechanges method to save the changes."
Did I mention I am NOT a developer, I try, but my brain just doesn't seem to understand coding.
I'm on a deadline to make this work, so any help is much appreciated.
public class UpdateChangedFieldsController {
SObject oldRecord, currentRecord;
public class UpdateChangedFieldsController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
oldRecord = controller.getRecord().clone();
currentRecord = controller.getRecord();
public PageReference saveChanges() {
SObject newClone = record.getSObjectType().newSObject(record.Id);
Map<String, Object>
oldValues = oldRecord.getPopulatedFieldsAsMap(),
newValues = currentRecord.getPopulatedFieldsAsMap();
for(String key: newValues) {
if(newValues.get(key) != oldValues.get(key)) {
newClone.put(key, newValues.get(key));
try {
upsert newClone;
return new ApexPages.StandardController(newClone).view();
} catch(Exception e) {
return null;
- Angela Schloeder
- December 02, 2016
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- 0
How to save just the edited fields and not the whole page?
Just so I'm clear, I am not a developer. I can kind of read it and make small changes, but trying to learn to write it gives me a headache.
I have a vf page that was created for me, but when a Save is done it is saving all fields instead of just the fields that were edited. This is causing issues of data being deleted because the change was made in a record and not on the vf page. I hope that made sense.
Here is the page and controller. I do hope that someone can help with a small change to this code and a whole new page doesn't have to be created.
I cannot paste all code with the limit of 32,000 characters.
<apex:page controller="MyOpenTasksController">
<apex:includeScript value="{!$Resource.JS_Busy_Indicator}"/>
function showFilterData(){
function setUser(){
var xval;
function block_viewport() {
xval=getBusyOverlay('viewport',{color:'black', opacity:0.35, text:'processing...', style:'text-shadow: 0 0 3px black;font-weight:bold;font-size:12px;color:white'},{color:'#fff', size:75, type:'o'});
<apex:form id="frm">
<apex:actionFunction name="filterData" action="{!filterTaskData}" reRender="frm,pgBlock" oncomplete="xval.remove();"/>
<apex:actionFunction name="setUser" action="{!setCurrentUser}" reRender="frm,pgBlock" oncomplete="xval.remove();"/>
<apex:pageBlock title="My Open Tasks" id="pgBlock">
<apex:pageBlockButtons >
<apex:commandButton onclick="block_viewport();" oncomplete="xval.remove();" value="Update To Tomorrow" action="{!updateToTomorrow}" reRender="frm,pgBlock" disabled="{!Not(taskList.size > 0)}"/>
<apex:commandButton onclick="block_viewport();" oncomplete="xval.remove();" value="Save" action="{!saveChanges}" reRender="frm,pgBlock" disabled="{!Not(taskList.size > 0)}"/>
<apex:commandButton onclick="block_viewport();" oncomplete="xval.remove();" value="Cancel" action="{!cancelChanges}" reRender="frm,pgBlock" disabled="{!Not(taskList.size > 0)}"/>
<apex:outputPanel >
public with sharing class MyOpenTasksController {
public String eventObject { get; set; }
public Integer recordsSize {get;set;}
public Integer totalNumberOfPages { get; set; }
public Integer pageNumber {get;set;}
public Boolean hasNext {get;set;}
public Boolean hasPrevious {get;set;}
public List<SelectOption> contactAttendeeList{get;set;}
public List<SelectOption> mailingStateList{get;set;}
public List<SelectOption> activeUsersList{get;set;}
public Id selectedUserId {get;set;}
public boolean showUserPicklist {get;set;}
public String selectedAttendee{get;set;}
public String selectedState{get;set;}
public string selectedPriority {get;set;}
public string selectedTimezone {get;set;}
public List<Task> taskList {get;set;}
private List<Id> taskListWithAllRecords;
private Integer noOfRecordsPerPage = 50;
public MyOpenTasksController(){
activeUsersList = new List<SelectOption>();
showUserPicklist = false;
for(User_Information__c usrInfo : User_Information__c.getAll().values()){
if(usrInfo.User_Id__c == String.valueOf(UserInfo.getUserId()).substring(0,15)){
showUserPicklist = true;
selectedUserId = UserInfo.getUserId();
activeUsersList.add(new SelectOption(UserInfo.getUserId(),'Current User'));
for(User usr : [Select Id, Name from User where IsActive = true]){
if(usr.id != UserInfo.getUserId()){
activeUsersList.add(new SelectOption(usr.Id,usr.Name));
private void populateTaskData(){
recordsSize = 0;
totalNumberOfPages = 0;
pageNumber = 0;
hasNext = false;
hasPrevious = false;
//taskList = new List<Task>();
taskListWithAllRecords = new List<Id>();
// String Query to have a list of cases for a respective End-user.
//String soql = 'Select ActivityDate, Status, Priority, Atendee__c, Dummy_Contact__c, WhatId,Dummy_Contact__r.Name,What.Name, Description, Dummy_Contact__r.Title, Dummy_Contact__r.Key_Exec__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Exec_Type__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Direct_Dial__c, Dummy_Contact__r.MobilePhone, Dummy_Contact__r.Phone, Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState, Dummy_Contact__r.Timezone__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Task_Attendee__c from Task where IsClosed = false AND OwnerID =:selectedUserId';
String soql = 'Select id from Task where IsClosed = false AND OwnerID =:selectedUserId';
if(selectedPriority == null && selectedTimezone == null && selectedAttendee == null && selectedState == null){
else if (selectedPriority != null && selectedTimezone == null && selectedAttendee == null && selectedState == null){
soql = soql + ' AND Priority = :selectedPriority ';
else if(selectedPriority == null && selectedTimezone != null && selectedAttendee == null && selectedState == null){
soql = soql + ' AND Dummy_Contact__r.Timezone__c = :selectedTimezone ';
else if(selectedPriority == null && selectedTimezone == null && selectedAttendee != null && selectedState == null){
soql = soql + ' AND Attendee__c = :selectedAttendee ';
else if(selectedPriority == null && selectedTimezone == null && selectedAttendee == null && selectedState != null){
soql = soql + ' AND Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState = :selectedState ';
else if(selectedPriority != null && selectedTimezone != null && selectedAttendee == null && selectedState == null){
soql = soql + ' AND Priority = :selectedPriority AND Dummy_Contact__r.Timezone__c = :selectedTimezone ';
else if(selectedPriority == null && selectedTimezone != null && selectedAttendee != null && selectedState == null){
soql = soql + ' AND Dummy_Contact__r.Timezone__c = :selectedTimezone AND Attendee__c = :selectedAttendee ';
else if(selectedPriority != null && selectedTimezone == null && selectedAttendee != null && selectedState == null){
soql = soql + ' AND Priority = :selectedPriority AND Attendee__c = :selectedAttendee ';
else if(selectedPriority != null && selectedTimezone == null && selectedAttendee == null && selectedState != null){
soql = soql + ' AND Priority = :selectedPriority AND Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState = :selectedState ';
else if(selectedPriority == null && selectedTimezone != null && selectedAttendee == null && selectedState != null){
soql = soql + ' AND Dummy_Contact__r.Timezone__c = :selectedTimezone AND Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState = :selectedState ';
else if(selectedPriority == null && selectedTimezone == null && selectedAttendee != null && selectedState != null){
soql = soql + ' AND Attendee__c = :selectedAttendee AND Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState = :selectedState ';
else if(selectedPriority != null && selectedTimezone != null && selectedAttendee != null && selectedState == null){
soql = soql + ' AND Priority = :selectedPriority AND Dummy_Contact__r.Timezone__c = :selectedTimezone AND Attendee__c = :selectedAttendee ';
else if(selectedPriority != null && selectedTimezone != null && selectedAttendee == null && selectedState != null){
soql = soql + ' AND Priority = :selectedPriority AND Dummy_Contact__r.Timezone__c = :selectedTimezone AND Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState = :selectedState ';
else if(selectedPriority != null && selectedTimezone == null && selectedAttendee != null && selectedState != null){
soql = soql + ' AND Priority = :selectedPriority AND Attendee__c = :selectedAttendee AND Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState = :selectedState ';
else if(selectedPriority == null && selectedTimezone != null && selectedAttendee != null && selectedState != null){
soql = soql + ' AND Dummy_Contact__r.Timezone__c = :selectedTimezone AND Attendee__c = :selectedAttendee AND Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState = :selectedState ';
soql = soql + ' AND Priority = :selectedPriority AND Dummy_Contact__r.Timezone__c = :selectedTimezone AND Attendee__c = :selectedAttendee AND Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState = :selectedState ';
// Passing the String array to a list with Selected field sorting.
for(Task tsk : Database.query(soql + ' order by ' + sortExpression + ' ' + sortDirection + ' NULLS LAST')){
recordsSize = taskListWithAllRecords.size();
if(Math.mod(recordsSize,noOfRecordsPerPage) != 0){
totalNumberOfPages = (recordsSize / noOfRecordsPerPage) + 1;
totalNumberOfPages = recordsSize / noOfRecordsPerPage;
Set<Id> taskIds = new Set<Id>();
if(recordsSize > noOfRecordsPerPage){
for(Integer i=pageNumber*noOfRecordsPerPage ; i<noOfRecordsPerPage ; i++){
hasNext = true;
String soqlQuery = 'Select ActivityDate, Status, Priority, Attendee__c, Dummy_Contact__c, WhatId,Dummy_Contact__r.Name,What.Name, Description, Dummy_Contact__r.Title, Dummy_Contact__r.Key_Exec__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Exec_Type__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Direct_Dial__c, Dummy_Contact__r.MobilePhone, Dummy_Contact__r.Phone, Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState, Dummy_Contact__r.Timezone__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Attendee_Contact__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Task_Attendee__c from Task where Id In :taskIds order by ' + sortExpression + ' ' + sortDirection + ' NULLS LAST';
taskList = new List<Task>();
taskList = Database.query(soqlQuery);
private void populateSelectOptions(){
contactAttendeeList = new List<SelectOption>();
contactAttendeeList.add(new SelectOption('','---None---'));
mailingStateList = new List<SelectOption>();
mailingStateList.add(new SelectOption('','---None---'));
Set<String> setOfAttendee = new Set<String>();
Set<String> setOfStates = new Set<String>();
for(Task tsk : [Select Attendee__c,Dummy_Contact__r.Task_Attendee__c, Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState from Task where IsClosed = false AND OwnerID =:selectedUserId]){
if(tsk.Attendee__c != null){
if(tsk.Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState != null){
if(setOfAttendee.size() > 0){
List<String> sortedListOfAttendee = new List<String>();
for(String attendee : sortedListOfAttendee){
contactAttendeeList.add(new SelectOption(attendee,attendee));
if(setOfStates.size() > 0){
List<String> sortedListOfStates = new List<String>();
for(String state : sortedListOfStates){
mailingStateList.add(new SelectOption(state, state ));
// returns the previous page of records
public void previous() {
hasNext = true;
//taskList = new List<Task>();
Set<Id> taskIds = new Set<Id>();
for(Integer i= (pageNumber-1)*noOfRecordsPerPage; i<noOfRecordsPerPage*pageNumber ; i++){
if(pageNumber > 1){
hasPrevious = true;
hasPrevious = false;
String soqlQuery = 'Select ActivityDate, Status, Priority, Attendee__c, Dummy_Contact__c, WhatId,Dummy_Contact__r.Name,What.Name, Description, Dummy_Contact__r.Title, Dummy_Contact__r.Key_Exec__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Exec_Type__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Direct_Dial__c, Dummy_Contact__r.MobilePhone, Dummy_Contact__r.Phone, Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState, Dummy_Contact__r.Timezone__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Attendee_Contact__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Task_Attendee__c from Task where Id In :taskIds order by ' + sortExpression + ' ' + sortDirection + ' NULLS LAST';
taskList = new List<Task>();
taskList = Database.query(soqlQuery);
// returns the next page of records
public void next() {
hasPrevious = true;
//taskList = new List<Task>();
Set<Id> taskIds = new Set<Id>();
if((pageNumber+1)*noOfRecordsPerPage < taskListWithAllRecords.size()){
for(Integer i = pageNumber*noOfRecordsPerPage ; i<(pageNumber+1)*noOfRecordsPerPage ;i++){
for(Integer i=pageNumber*noOfRecordsPerPage ; i<recordsSize ;i++){
hasNext = false;
String soqlQuery = 'Select ActivityDate, Status, Priority, Attendee__c, Dummy_Contact__c, WhatId,Dummy_Contact__r.Name,What.Name, Description, Dummy_Contact__r.Title, Dummy_Contact__r.Key_Exec__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Exec_Type__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Direct_Dial__c, Dummy_Contact__r.MobilePhone, Dummy_Contact__r.Phone, Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState, Dummy_Contact__r.Timezone__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Attendee_Contact__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Task_Attendee__c from Task where Id In :taskIds order by ' + sortExpression + ' ' + sortDirection + ' NULLS LAST';
taskList = new List<Task>();
taskList = Database.query(soqlQuery);
public void sortData() {
// simply toggle the direction
sortDirection = sortDirection.equals('asc') ? 'desc' : 'asc';
// the current sort direction. defaults to asc
public String sortDirection {
// To set a Direction either in ascending order or descending order.
get { if (sortDirection == null) { sortDirection = 'asc'; } return sortDirection;}
// the current field to sort by. defaults to last name
public String sortExpression {
// To set a Field for sorting.
get { if (sortExpression == null) {sortExpression = 'ActivityDate'; } return sortExpression; }
public PageReference filterTaskData() {
return null;
public PageReference updateToTomorrow() {
DateTime dateToBeChanged = system.Today().addDays(1);
Datetime dt = DateTime.newInstance(System.today(), Time.newInstance(0, 0, 0, 0));
String dayOfWeek=dt.format('EEEE');
if(dayOfWeek == 'Friday'){
dateToBeChanged = system.Today().addDays(3);
else if(dayOfWeek == 'Saturday'){
dateToBeChanged = system.Today().addDays(2);
List<Task> listOfTaskToUpdate = new List<Task>();
for(Task tsk : [Select ActivityDate from Task where IsClosed = false AND OwnerID =:selectedUserId]){
if(tsk.ActivityDate <= system.today()){
tsk.ActivityDate = Date.valueOf(dateToBeChanged);
if(listOfTaskToUpdate.size() > 0){
update listOfTaskToUpdate;
return null;
public PageReference cancelChanges() {
return null;
public PageReference saveChanges() {
Set<Id> conIds = new Set<Id>();
Set<Contact> setOfContacts = new Set<Contact>();
List<Contact> listOfContactToUpdate = new List<Contact>();
for(Task tsk : taskList){
if(tsk.Dummy_Contact__c != null){
for(Contact con : [Select Name,Title, Key_Exec__c, Exec_Type__c, Direct_Dial__c, MobilePhone, Phone, MailingState, Timezone__c, Attendee_Contact__c, Task_Attendee__c from Contact where id in :conIds]){
for(Task tsk : taskList){
if(tsk.Dummy_Contact__c == con.id){
con.Title = tsk.Dummy_Contact__r.Title;
con.Key_Exec__c = tsk.Dummy_Contact__r.Key_Exec__c;
con.Exec_Type__c = tsk.Dummy_Contact__r.Exec_Type__c;
con.Direct_Dial__c = tsk.Dummy_Contact__r.Direct_Dial__c;
con.MobilePhone = tsk.Dummy_Contact__r.MobilePhone;
con.Phone = tsk.Dummy_Contact__r.Phone;
con.MailingState = tsk.Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState;
con.Timezone__c = tsk.Dummy_Contact__r.Timezone__c;
if(setOfContacts.size() > 0){
update listOfContactToUpdate;
if(taskList.size() > 0){
update taskList;
return null;
public PageReference setCurrentUser() {
return null;
- Angela Schloeder
- November 17, 2016
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- 0
Date and Time format in Trigger
I am trying to figure out how to get the DATE/TIME format to look like this: MM-DD-YYY HH:MM AM/PM. Currently it is all wrong, looking like this: 2016-10-11 19:20:33
Here is my code currently.
if(updateTask.Description != null){
updateTask.Description += '\n' + newTask.CreatedDate + ' ' + newTask.Description;
updateTask.Description = newTask.CreatedDate + ' ' + newTask.Description;
- Angela Schloeder
- October 11, 2016
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- 0
report on custom object field that is in visualforce page
My problem is running a report that can pull in Activity fields and the "Next Step" field.
I've tried CRT to no avail.
Any ideas? I asked Steve Molis and he said I lost him at Visualforce.
- Angela Schloeder
- August 09, 2016
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- 0
Trigger -
Any ideas? Help is very much appreciated.
trigger createTask on Contact (after insert, after update) {
List<Task> listOfTaskToBeInserted = new List<Task>();
Task newtask;
for(Contact con : trigger.new){
if((trigger.isInsert && (con.Direct_Dial__c == '' || con.MobilePhone == '')) || (trigger.isUpdate && trigger.oldMap.get(con.id).Exec_Type__c != con.Exec_Type__c && (con.Exec_Type__c == 'Key Exec' || con.Exec_Type__c == 'Approved Exec'))){
newtask = new Task();
newtask.WhatId = con.AccountId;
newtask.Subject = 'Target';
newtask.whoId = con.id;
newtask.ActivityDate = system.today();
newTask.Status = 'Open';
newTask.Attendee__c = con.Task_Attendee__c;
if(con.Direct_Dial__c == ''){
newTask.Priority = 'Low';
newTask.Priority = 'Medium';
if(listOfTaskToBeInserted.size() > 0){
insert listOfTaskToBeInserted;
- Angela Schloeder
- May 06, 2016
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- 0
Error: Compile Error: expecting an equals sign, found 'record' at line 2 column 20
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you,
trigger UpdatedRelatedEventField on Task_Helper__c (before insert, before update) {
for(Task Helper record: Trigger.new) {
try {
record.Related_Event__c = Id.valueOf(record.Related_Event__c);
} catch(Exception e) {
- Angela Schloeder
- April 19, 2016
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- 0
How to have 2 fields 'read only' on vf page layout????
Also, once the 'Post-Meeting Notes' task has been created and saved, if you you edit it, it shows a different page layout; (Pre-Meeting Notes layout).
<apex:page standardController="Task" extensions="ViewTaskExtension">
<apex:sectionHeader title="Task" subtitle="{!Task.Subject}" />
<apex:form >
<apex:pageMessages ></apex:pageMessages>
<apex:pageBlock title="Task Edit" id="thePageBlock" mode="edit">
<apex:pageBlockButtons >
<apex:commandButton action="{!edit}" value="Edit"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{!delete}" value="Delete"/>
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Task Information" columns="2" collapsible="false">
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.OwnerId}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.Attendee__c}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.Subject}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.WhatId}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.ActivityDate}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.WhoId}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.Description}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!taskHelper.Next_Steps__c}" rendered="{!showPostTaskFields}"/>
<apex:outputfield value="{!Task.Meeting_Rating__c}" rendered="{!showPostTaskFields}"/>
<apex:outputfield value="{!Task.Rating_Notes__c}" rendered="{!showPostTaskFields}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.Date_Approved__c}" rendered="{!showPreTaskFields}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.Approved_by__c}" rendered="{!showPreTaskFields}"/>
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Additional Information" columns="2" collapsible="false">
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.Priority}" rendered="{!showPreTaskFields}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.Meeting_Notes__c}" rendered="{!showPreTaskFields}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.Status}"/>
<apex:pageBlockSection title="System Information" columns="2" collapsible="false">
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.CreatedById}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.LastModifiedById}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.Related_Event__c}"/>
public with sharing class CreatePostMeetingTaskExtension {
private Event currentEvent;
public Task postMeetingTask {get;set;}
public Task_Helper__c taskHelper {get;set;}
public CreatePostMeetingTaskExtension(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
this.currentEvent = (Event)controller.getRecord();
currentEvent = [Select OwnerId,Attendee__c,WhatId,WhoId,Meeting_Rating__c,Rating_Notes__c from Event where Id =: currentEvent.id];
taskHelper = new Task_Helper__c();
postMeetingTask = new Task();
postMeetingTask.OwnerId = currentEvent.OwnerId;
postMeetingTask.Attendee__c = currentEvent.Attendee__c;
postMeetingTask.WhatId = currentEvent.WhatId;
postMeetingTask.WhoId = currentEvent.WhoId;
postMeetingTask.Meeting_Rating__c = currentEvent.Meeting_Rating__c;
postMeetingTask.Rating_Notes__c = currentEvent.Rating_Notes__c;
postMeetingTask.Subject = 'Post Meeting Notes';
postMeetingTask.Status = 'Completed';
postMeetingTask.Related_Event__c = currentEvent.id;
public PageReference save(){
insert taskHelper;
postMeetingTask.Task_Helper__c = taskHelper.id;
insert postMeetingTask;
return new PageReference('/'+postMeetingTask.id);
- Angela Schloeder
- April 05, 2016
- Like
- 0
Only 1 User receives this error: Attempt to de-reference a null object
This is a visualforce page of the users tasks that can be modified and saed on the page without having to open the Task.
Attempt to de-reference a null object
Error is in expression '{!saveRecord}' in component <apex:commandButton> in page allopentasks: Class.TaskController.saveRecord: line 145, column 1
- Angela Schloeder
- January 07, 2016
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- 0
Sort by column header on vf page.
Any help is enormously appreciated. I'm going crazy with this thing.
My Controller:
public with sharing class MeetingBacklogController
public String getSortDirection() {
return null;
public String sortExpression { get; set; }
public PageReference ViewData() {
return null;
public String events { get; set; }
public List<Event> eventsList{get; set;}
public Map<Id, sObject> relatedRecords{get; set;}
private Map<Id, Event> originalEventsMap;
public MeetingBacklogController()
private void init(Boolean updateUI)
Set<String> meetingProgressionValues=new Set<String>();
for(PicklistEntry entry: Event.Meeting_Progression__c.getDescribe().getPicklistValues())
if(entry.getValue().startsWithIgnoreCase('M') || entry.getValue().startsWithIgnoreCase('Conf'))
originalEventsMap=new Map<Id, Event>([
SELECT Id, Set_By__c, Attendee__c, Meeting_Progression__c, Exec_Invites__c,
Client_Invites__c, Meeting_Status__c,
ActivityDate, StartDateTime, Subject, AccountId, Account.Name, WhoId, Who.Name, Who.Title,
Location, Meeting_Location__c, IsChild
FROM Event
WHERE StartDateTime=NEXT_N_DAYS:90
AND Meeting_Progression__c IN :meetingProgressionValues
AND Meeting_Status__c NOT IN ('CCLP','CP','CC','MP','MC','AM')
AND IsChild=false
relatedRecords=new Map<Id, SObject>();
for(Event record: originalEventsMap.values())
relatedRecords.put(record.WhoId, Null);
relatedRecords.putAll([SELECT Title FROM Lead WHERE Id IN :relatedRecords.keySet()]);
relatedRecords.putAll([SELECT Title FROM Contact WHERE Id IN :relatedRecords.keySet()]);
relatedRecords.put(Null, new Contact());
eventsList=new List<Event>();
eventsList=originalEventsMap.values().deepClone(true, true, true);
public void refresh()
public void save()
List<Event> eventsToBeUpdateList=new List<Event>();
for(Integer i=0; i<originalEventsMap.values().size(); i++)
for(Integer j=0; j<eventsList.size(); j++)
if(originalEventsMap.values()[i].Id==eventsList[j].Id && originalEventsMap.values()[i]!=eventsList[j])
Boolean updateUI=true;
Integer numberOfRecordsUpdated=0;
for(Database.SaveResult result: Database.update(eventsToBeUpdateList, false))
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO, numberOfRecordsUpdated+' record'+(numberOfRecordsUpdated==1?'':'s')+' saved.'));
catch(Exception e)
VF Page:
<apex:page controller="MeetingBacklogController" tabStyle="Event">
<apex:sectionHeader title="Event" subtitle="Meeting Backlog" />
<apex:form id="form">
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockButtons >
<apex:commandButton action="{!save}" id="saveButton" value="Save" reRender="form" status="status" />
<apex:commandButton value="Refresh" action="{!refresh}" reRender="form" status="status" />
<apex:commandButton onclick="resetInlineEdit()" id="cancelButton" value="Cancel"/>
<apex:actionStatus startText="Updating..." id="status" />
<apex:pageMessages />
<apex:pageMessage severity="info" rendered="{!eventsList.size=0}">
No records found
<apex:pageBlockTable rendered="{!eventsList.size>0}" value="{!eventsList}" var="event">
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Set_By__c.Label}" value="{!event.Set_By__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Attendee__c.Label}" >
<apex:outputField value="{!event.Attendee__c}" >
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Meeting_Progression__c.Label}">
<apex:outputField value="{!event.Meeting_Progression__c}" >
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Client_Invites__c.Label}">
<apex:outputField value="{!event.Client_Invites__c}" >
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Exec_Invites__c.Label}">
<apex:outputField value="{!event.Exec_Invites__c}" >
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Meeting_Status__c.Label}">
<apex:outputField value="{!event.Meeting_Status__c}" >
<apex:facet name="header">
<apex:commandLink action="{!ViewData}" value="StartDateTime{!IF(sortExpression=='name',IF(sortDirection='ASC','▼','▲'),'')}" id="cmdSort">
<apex:param value="name" name="column" assignTo="{!sortExpression}" ></apex:param>
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.StartDateTime.Label}">
<apex:outputField value=" {!event.StartDateTime}" >
<apex:column headervalue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Subject.Label}">
<apex:outputField value="{!event.Subject}" label="Subject" >
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Location.Label}" >
<apex:outputField value="{!event.Location}" >
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Subject.Label}" value="{!event.Subject}" />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Account.fields.Name.Label}" value="{!event.AccountId}" />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Contact.fields.Name.Label}" value="{!event.WhoId}" />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Contact.fields.Title.Label}" value="{!relatedRecords[event.WhoId]['Title']}" />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Meeting_Location__c.Label}" >
<apex:outputField value=" {!event.Meeting_Location__c}" >
<apex:inlineEditSupport event="ondblClick"
showOnEdit="saveButton,cancelButton" hideOnEdit="editButton" />
Very frustrated Admin
- Angela Schloeder
- November 20, 2015
- Like
- 0
How to have the 'Subject' of the Event clickable and open in a new tab?
<apex:page controller="MeetingBacklogController" tabStyle="Event">
<apex:sectionHeader title="Event" subtitle="Meeting Backlog" />
<apex:form id="form">
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockButtons >
<apex:commandButton action="{!save}" id="saveButton" value="Save" reRender="form" status="status" />
<apex:commandButton value="Refresh" action="{!refresh}" reRender="form" status="status" />
<apex:commandButton onclick="resetInlineEdit()" id="cancelButton" value="Cancel"/>
<apex:actionStatus startText="Updating..." id="status" />
<apex:pageMessages />
<apex:pageMessage severity="info" rendered="{!eventsList.size=0}">
No records found
<apex:pageBlockTable rendered="{!eventsList.size>0}" value="{!eventsList}" var="event">
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Set_By__c.Label}" value="{!event.Set_By__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Attendee__c.Label}" >
<apex:outputField value="{!event.Attendee__c}" >
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Meeting_Progression__c.Label}">
<apex:outputField value="{!event.Meeting_Progression__c}" >
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Client_Invites__c.Label}">
<apex:outputField value="{!event.Client_Invites__c}" >
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Exec_Invites__c.Label}">
<apex:outputField value="{!event.Exec_Invites__c}" >
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Meeting_Status__c.Label}">
<apex:outputField value="{!event.Meeting_Status__c}" >
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.StartDateTime.Label}" >
<apex:outputField value=" {!event.StartDateTime}" >
<apex:column headervalue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Subject.Label}">
<apex:outputField value="{!event.Subject}" label="Subject" >
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Location.Label}" >
<apex:outputField value="{!event.Location}" >
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Account.fields.Name.Label}" value="{!event.AccountId}" />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Contact.fields.Name.Label}" value="{!event.WhoId}" />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Contact.fields.Title.Label}" value="{!relatedRecords[event.WhoId]['Title']}" />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Meeting_Location__c.Label}" >
<apex:outputField value=" {!event.Meeting_Location__c}" >
<apex:inlineEditSupport event="ondblClick"
showOnEdit="saveButton,cancelButton" hideOnEdit="editButton" />
public with sharing class MeetingBacklogController
public String events { get; set; }
public List<Event> eventsList{get; set;}
public Map<Id, sObject> relatedRecords{get; set;}
private Map<Id, Event> originalEventsMap;
public MeetingBacklogController()
private void init(Boolean updateUI)
Set<String> meetingProgressionValues=new Set<String>();
for(PicklistEntry entry: Event.Meeting_Progression__c.getDescribe().getPicklistValues())
if(entry.getValue().startsWithIgnoreCase('M') || entry.getValue().startsWithIgnoreCase('Conf'))
originalEventsMap=new Map<Id, Event>([
SELECT Id, Set_By__c, Attendee__c, Meeting_Progression__c, Exec_Invites__c,
Client_Invites__c, Meeting_Status__c,
ActivityDate, StartDateTime, Subject, AccountId, Account.Name, WhoId, Who.Name, Who.Title,
Location, Meeting_Location__c, IsChild
FROM Event
WHERE StartDateTime=NEXT_N_DAYS:90
AND Meeting_Progression__c IN :meetingProgressionValues
AND IsChild=false
relatedRecords=new Map<Id, SObject>();
for(Event record: originalEventsMap.values())
relatedRecords.put(record.WhoId, Null);
relatedRecords.putAll([SELECT Title FROM Lead WHERE Id IN :relatedRecords.keySet()]);
relatedRecords.putAll([SELECT Title FROM Contact WHERE Id IN :relatedRecords.keySet()]);
relatedRecords.put(Null, new Contact());
eventsList=new List<Event>();
eventsList=originalEventsMap.values().deepClone(true, true, true);
public void refresh()
public void save()
List<Event> eventsToBeUpdateList=new List<Event>();
for(Integer i=0; i<originalEventsMap.values().size(); i++)
for(Integer j=0; j<eventsList.size(); j++)
if(originalEventsMap.values()[i].Id==eventsList[j].Id && originalEventsMap.values()[i]!=eventsList[j])
Boolean updateUI=true;
Integer numberOfRecordsUpdated=0;
for(Database.SaveResult result: Database.update(eventsToBeUpdateList, false))
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO, numberOfRecordsUpdated+' record'+(numberOfRecordsUpdated==1?'':'s')+' saved.'));
catch(Exception e)
- Angela Schloeder
- November 19, 2015
- Like
- 0
Inline edit: text has to turn orange to save???
Any ideas or help is greatly appriciated.
VF Page:
<apex:page controller="MeetingBacklogController" tabStyle="Event">
<apex:sectionHeader title="Event" subtitle="Meeting Backlog" />
<apex:form id="form">
<apex:pageBlock mode="inlineedit" >
<apex:pageBlockButtons >
<apex:commandButton rendered="{!eventsList.size>0}" value="Save" action="{!save}" reRender="form" status="status" />
<apex:commandButton value="Refresh" action="{!refresh}" reRender="form" status="status" />
<apex:commandButton onclick="resetInlineEdit()" id="cancelButton" value="Cancel"/>
<apex:actionStatus startText="Updating..." id="status" />
<apex:pageMessages />
<apex:pageMessage severity="info" rendered="{!eventsList.size=0}">
No records found
<apex:pageBlockTable rendered="{!eventsList.size>0}" value="{!eventsList}" var="event">
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Set_By__c.Label}" value="{!event.Set_By__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Attendee__c.Label}" >
<apex:outputField value="{!event.Attendee__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Meeting_Progression__c.Label}">
<apex:outputField value="{!event.Meeting_Progression__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Client_Invites__c.Label}">
<apex:outputField value="{!event.Client_Invites__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Exec_Invites__c.Label}">
<apex:outputField value="{!event.Exec_Invites__c}" >
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Meeting_Status__c.Label}">
<apex:outputField value="{!event.Meeting_Status__c}" >
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Location.Label}" >
<apex:outputField value="{!event.Location}" >
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.StartDateTime.Label}" >
<apex:outputField value=" {!event.StartDateTime}" >
<apex:inlineEditSupport />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Account.fields.Name.Label}" value="{!event.AccountId}" />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Contact.fields.Name.Label}" value="{!event.WhoId}" />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Contact.fields.Title.Label}" value="{!relatedRecords[event.WhoId]['Title']}" />
Apex Controller:
public with sharing class MeetingBacklogController
public String events { get; set; }
public List<Event> eventsList{get; set;}
public Map<Id, sObject> relatedRecords{get; set;}
private Map<Id, Event> originalEventsMap;
public MeetingBacklogController()
private void init(Boolean updateUI)
Set<String> meetingProgressionValues=new Set<String>();
for(PicklistEntry entry: Event.Meeting_Progression__c.getDescribe().getPicklistValues())
if(entry.getValue().startsWithIgnoreCase('M') || entry.getValue().startsWithIgnoreCase('Conf'))
originalEventsMap=new Map<Id, Event>([
SELECT Id, Set_By__c, Attendee__c, Meeting_Progression__c, Exec_Invites__c,
Client_Invites__c, Meeting_Status__c,
ActivityDate, StartDateTime, AccountId, Account.Name, WhoId, Who.Name, Who.Title,
Location, IsChild
FROM Event
WHERE StartDateTime=NEXT_N_DAYS:90
AND Meeting_Progression__c IN :meetingProgressionValues
AND Meeting_Status__c NOT IN ('CCLP','CP','CC','MP','MC','AM')
AND IsChild=false
relatedRecords=new Map<Id, SObject>();
for(Event record: originalEventsMap.values())
relatedRecords.put(record.WhoId, Null);
relatedRecords.putAll([SELECT Title FROM Lead WHERE Id IN :relatedRecords.keySet()]);
relatedRecords.putAll([SELECT Title FROM Contact WHERE Id IN :relatedRecords.keySet()]);
relatedRecords.put(Null, new Contact());
eventsList=new List<Event>();
eventsList=originalEventsMap.values().deepClone(true, true, true);
public void refresh()
public void save()
List<Event> eventsToBeUpdateList=new List<Event>();
for(Integer i=0; i<originalEventsMap.values().size(); i++)
for(Integer j=0; j<eventsList.size(); j++)
if(originalEventsMap.values()[i].Id==eventsList[j].Id && originalEventsMap.values()[i]!=eventsList[j])
Boolean updateUI=true;
Integer numberOfRecordsUpdated=0;
for(Database.SaveResult result: Database.update(eventsToBeUpdateList, false))
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO, numberOfRecordsUpdated+' record'+(numberOfRecordsUpdated==1?'':'s')+' saved.'));
catch(Exception e)
- Angela Schloeder
- October 06, 2015
- Like
- 0
IsChild = False
This is what I have so far. really hoping someone can help.
<apex:page controller="MeetingBacklogController" tabStyle="Event">
<apex:sectionHeader title="Event" subtitle="Meeting Backlog" />
<apex:form id="form">
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockButtons >
<apex:commandButton rendered="{!events.size>0}" value="Save" action="{!save}" reRender="form" status="status" />
<apex:commandButton value="Refresh" action="{!refresh}" reRender="form" status="status" />
<apex:actionStatus startText="Updating..." id="status" />
<apex:pageMessages />
<apex:pageMessage severity="info" rendered="{!events.size=0}">
No records found
<apex:pageBlockTable rendered="{!events.size>0}" value="{!events}" var="event">
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Set_By__c.Label}" value="{!event.Set_By__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Attendee__c.Label}" value="{!event.Attendee__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Meeting_Progression__c.Label}" value="{!event.Meeting_Progression__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Client_Invite__c.Label}">
<apex:inputField value="{!event.Client_Invite__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Exec_Invite__c.Label}">
<apex:inputField value="{!event.Exec_Invite__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Exec_Accepted__c.Label}">
<apex:inputField value="{!event.Exec_Accepted__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Exec_Tentative__c.Label}">
<apex:inputField value="{!event.Exec_Tentative__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Meeting_Status__c.Label}">
<apex:inputField value="{!event.Meeting_Status__c}" />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.Location.Label}" value="{!event.Location}" />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Event.fields.StartDateTime.Label}" value="{!event.StartDateTime}" />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Account.fields.Name.Label}" value="{!event.AccountId}" />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Contact.fields.Name.Label}" value="{!event.WhoId}" />
<apex:column headerValue="{!$ObjectType.Contact.fields.Title.Label}" value="{!relatedRecords[event.WhoId]['Title']}" />
- Angela Schloeder
- September 03, 2015
- Like
- 0
Trigger only for specified profile?
trigger EventDelete on Event (before delete)
if (Trigger.isDelete) {
for (Event sb : Trigger.old)
sb.addError('Cannot delete an Event');
- Angela Schloeder
- April 27, 2015
- Like
- 0
Specific fields into 2nd column
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1" title="Account Details" collapsible="false">
<apex:outputField value="{!Account.Name}" />
<apex:pageBlockSection >
<apex:outputField value="{!Account.Website}" />
<apex:outputField value="{!Account.NumberOfEmployees}" />
<apex:outputField value="{!Account.AnnualRevenue}" />
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
<apex:outputField value="{!Account.Description}" />
- Angela Schloeder
- March 25, 2015
- Like
- 0
Need a line break
<apex:outputField value="{!Account.Website}" />
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
<apex:outputField value="{!Account.Description}" />
- Angela Schloeder
- March 24, 2015
- Like
- 0
Custom button - OnClick JavaScript
IF(ISPICKVAL(!Event.Approved_by__c, "NULL")){
alert("Pre Meeting Notes Need to be Approved First");
window.location = 'apex/EventMeetingNotes';
- Angela Schloeder
- May 25, 2017
- Like
- 0
How to save just the edited fields and not the whole page?
Just so I'm clear, I am not a developer. I can kind of read it and make small changes, but trying to learn to write it gives me a headache.
I have a vf page that was created for me, but when a Save is done it is saving all fields instead of just the fields that were edited. This is causing issues of data being deleted because the change was made in a record and not on the vf page. I hope that made sense.
Here is the page and controller. I do hope that someone can help with a small change to this code and a whole new page doesn't have to be created.
I cannot paste all code with the limit of 32,000 characters.
<apex:page controller="MyOpenTasksController">
<apex:includeScript value="{!$Resource.JS_Busy_Indicator}"/>
function showFilterData(){
function setUser(){
var xval;
function block_viewport() {
xval=getBusyOverlay('viewport',{color:'black', opacity:0.35, text:'processing...', style:'text-shadow: 0 0 3px black;font-weight:bold;font-size:12px;color:white'},{color:'#fff', size:75, type:'o'});
<apex:form id="frm">
<apex:actionFunction name="filterData" action="{!filterTaskData}" reRender="frm,pgBlock" oncomplete="xval.remove();"/>
<apex:actionFunction name="setUser" action="{!setCurrentUser}" reRender="frm,pgBlock" oncomplete="xval.remove();"/>
<apex:pageBlock title="My Open Tasks" id="pgBlock">
<apex:pageBlockButtons >
<apex:commandButton onclick="block_viewport();" oncomplete="xval.remove();" value="Update To Tomorrow" action="{!updateToTomorrow}" reRender="frm,pgBlock" disabled="{!Not(taskList.size > 0)}"/>
<apex:commandButton onclick="block_viewport();" oncomplete="xval.remove();" value="Save" action="{!saveChanges}" reRender="frm,pgBlock" disabled="{!Not(taskList.size > 0)}"/>
<apex:commandButton onclick="block_viewport();" oncomplete="xval.remove();" value="Cancel" action="{!cancelChanges}" reRender="frm,pgBlock" disabled="{!Not(taskList.size > 0)}"/>
<apex:outputPanel >
public with sharing class MyOpenTasksController {
public String eventObject { get; set; }
public Integer recordsSize {get;set;}
public Integer totalNumberOfPages { get; set; }
public Integer pageNumber {get;set;}
public Boolean hasNext {get;set;}
public Boolean hasPrevious {get;set;}
public List<SelectOption> contactAttendeeList{get;set;}
public List<SelectOption> mailingStateList{get;set;}
public List<SelectOption> activeUsersList{get;set;}
public Id selectedUserId {get;set;}
public boolean showUserPicklist {get;set;}
public String selectedAttendee{get;set;}
public String selectedState{get;set;}
public string selectedPriority {get;set;}
public string selectedTimezone {get;set;}
public List<Task> taskList {get;set;}
private List<Id> taskListWithAllRecords;
private Integer noOfRecordsPerPage = 50;
public MyOpenTasksController(){
activeUsersList = new List<SelectOption>();
showUserPicklist = false;
for(User_Information__c usrInfo : User_Information__c.getAll().values()){
if(usrInfo.User_Id__c == String.valueOf(UserInfo.getUserId()).substring(0,15)){
showUserPicklist = true;
selectedUserId = UserInfo.getUserId();
activeUsersList.add(new SelectOption(UserInfo.getUserId(),'Current User'));
for(User usr : [Select Id, Name from User where IsActive = true]){
if(usr.id != UserInfo.getUserId()){
activeUsersList.add(new SelectOption(usr.Id,usr.Name));
private void populateTaskData(){
recordsSize = 0;
totalNumberOfPages = 0;
pageNumber = 0;
hasNext = false;
hasPrevious = false;
//taskList = new List<Task>();
taskListWithAllRecords = new List<Id>();
// String Query to have a list of cases for a respective End-user.
//String soql = 'Select ActivityDate, Status, Priority, Atendee__c, Dummy_Contact__c, WhatId,Dummy_Contact__r.Name,What.Name, Description, Dummy_Contact__r.Title, Dummy_Contact__r.Key_Exec__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Exec_Type__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Direct_Dial__c, Dummy_Contact__r.MobilePhone, Dummy_Contact__r.Phone, Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState, Dummy_Contact__r.Timezone__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Task_Attendee__c from Task where IsClosed = false AND OwnerID =:selectedUserId';
String soql = 'Select id from Task where IsClosed = false AND OwnerID =:selectedUserId';
if(selectedPriority == null && selectedTimezone == null && selectedAttendee == null && selectedState == null){
else if (selectedPriority != null && selectedTimezone == null && selectedAttendee == null && selectedState == null){
soql = soql + ' AND Priority = :selectedPriority ';
else if(selectedPriority == null && selectedTimezone != null && selectedAttendee == null && selectedState == null){
soql = soql + ' AND Dummy_Contact__r.Timezone__c = :selectedTimezone ';
else if(selectedPriority == null && selectedTimezone == null && selectedAttendee != null && selectedState == null){
soql = soql + ' AND Attendee__c = :selectedAttendee ';
else if(selectedPriority == null && selectedTimezone == null && selectedAttendee == null && selectedState != null){
soql = soql + ' AND Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState = :selectedState ';
else if(selectedPriority != null && selectedTimezone != null && selectedAttendee == null && selectedState == null){
soql = soql + ' AND Priority = :selectedPriority AND Dummy_Contact__r.Timezone__c = :selectedTimezone ';
else if(selectedPriority == null && selectedTimezone != null && selectedAttendee != null && selectedState == null){
soql = soql + ' AND Dummy_Contact__r.Timezone__c = :selectedTimezone AND Attendee__c = :selectedAttendee ';
else if(selectedPriority != null && selectedTimezone == null && selectedAttendee != null && selectedState == null){
soql = soql + ' AND Priority = :selectedPriority AND Attendee__c = :selectedAttendee ';
else if(selectedPriority != null && selectedTimezone == null && selectedAttendee == null && selectedState != null){
soql = soql + ' AND Priority = :selectedPriority AND Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState = :selectedState ';
else if(selectedPriority == null && selectedTimezone != null && selectedAttendee == null && selectedState != null){
soql = soql + ' AND Dummy_Contact__r.Timezone__c = :selectedTimezone AND Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState = :selectedState ';
else if(selectedPriority == null && selectedTimezone == null && selectedAttendee != null && selectedState != null){
soql = soql + ' AND Attendee__c = :selectedAttendee AND Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState = :selectedState ';
else if(selectedPriority != null && selectedTimezone != null && selectedAttendee != null && selectedState == null){
soql = soql + ' AND Priority = :selectedPriority AND Dummy_Contact__r.Timezone__c = :selectedTimezone AND Attendee__c = :selectedAttendee ';
else if(selectedPriority != null && selectedTimezone != null && selectedAttendee == null && selectedState != null){
soql = soql + ' AND Priority = :selectedPriority AND Dummy_Contact__r.Timezone__c = :selectedTimezone AND Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState = :selectedState ';
else if(selectedPriority != null && selectedTimezone == null && selectedAttendee != null && selectedState != null){
soql = soql + ' AND Priority = :selectedPriority AND Attendee__c = :selectedAttendee AND Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState = :selectedState ';
else if(selectedPriority == null && selectedTimezone != null && selectedAttendee != null && selectedState != null){
soql = soql + ' AND Dummy_Contact__r.Timezone__c = :selectedTimezone AND Attendee__c = :selectedAttendee AND Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState = :selectedState ';
soql = soql + ' AND Priority = :selectedPriority AND Dummy_Contact__r.Timezone__c = :selectedTimezone AND Attendee__c = :selectedAttendee AND Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState = :selectedState ';
// Passing the String array to a list with Selected field sorting.
for(Task tsk : Database.query(soql + ' order by ' + sortExpression + ' ' + sortDirection + ' NULLS LAST')){
recordsSize = taskListWithAllRecords.size();
if(Math.mod(recordsSize,noOfRecordsPerPage) != 0){
totalNumberOfPages = (recordsSize / noOfRecordsPerPage) + 1;
totalNumberOfPages = recordsSize / noOfRecordsPerPage;
Set<Id> taskIds = new Set<Id>();
if(recordsSize > noOfRecordsPerPage){
for(Integer i=pageNumber*noOfRecordsPerPage ; i<noOfRecordsPerPage ; i++){
hasNext = true;
String soqlQuery = 'Select ActivityDate, Status, Priority, Attendee__c, Dummy_Contact__c, WhatId,Dummy_Contact__r.Name,What.Name, Description, Dummy_Contact__r.Title, Dummy_Contact__r.Key_Exec__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Exec_Type__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Direct_Dial__c, Dummy_Contact__r.MobilePhone, Dummy_Contact__r.Phone, Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState, Dummy_Contact__r.Timezone__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Attendee_Contact__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Task_Attendee__c from Task where Id In :taskIds order by ' + sortExpression + ' ' + sortDirection + ' NULLS LAST';
taskList = new List<Task>();
taskList = Database.query(soqlQuery);
private void populateSelectOptions(){
contactAttendeeList = new List<SelectOption>();
contactAttendeeList.add(new SelectOption('','---None---'));
mailingStateList = new List<SelectOption>();
mailingStateList.add(new SelectOption('','---None---'));
Set<String> setOfAttendee = new Set<String>();
Set<String> setOfStates = new Set<String>();
for(Task tsk : [Select Attendee__c,Dummy_Contact__r.Task_Attendee__c, Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState from Task where IsClosed = false AND OwnerID =:selectedUserId]){
if(tsk.Attendee__c != null){
if(tsk.Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState != null){
if(setOfAttendee.size() > 0){
List<String> sortedListOfAttendee = new List<String>();
for(String attendee : sortedListOfAttendee){
contactAttendeeList.add(new SelectOption(attendee,attendee));
if(setOfStates.size() > 0){
List<String> sortedListOfStates = new List<String>();
for(String state : sortedListOfStates){
mailingStateList.add(new SelectOption(state, state ));
// returns the previous page of records
public void previous() {
hasNext = true;
//taskList = new List<Task>();
Set<Id> taskIds = new Set<Id>();
for(Integer i= (pageNumber-1)*noOfRecordsPerPage; i<noOfRecordsPerPage*pageNumber ; i++){
if(pageNumber > 1){
hasPrevious = true;
hasPrevious = false;
String soqlQuery = 'Select ActivityDate, Status, Priority, Attendee__c, Dummy_Contact__c, WhatId,Dummy_Contact__r.Name,What.Name, Description, Dummy_Contact__r.Title, Dummy_Contact__r.Key_Exec__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Exec_Type__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Direct_Dial__c, Dummy_Contact__r.MobilePhone, Dummy_Contact__r.Phone, Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState, Dummy_Contact__r.Timezone__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Attendee_Contact__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Task_Attendee__c from Task where Id In :taskIds order by ' + sortExpression + ' ' + sortDirection + ' NULLS LAST';
taskList = new List<Task>();
taskList = Database.query(soqlQuery);
// returns the next page of records
public void next() {
hasPrevious = true;
//taskList = new List<Task>();
Set<Id> taskIds = new Set<Id>();
if((pageNumber+1)*noOfRecordsPerPage < taskListWithAllRecords.size()){
for(Integer i = pageNumber*noOfRecordsPerPage ; i<(pageNumber+1)*noOfRecordsPerPage ;i++){
for(Integer i=pageNumber*noOfRecordsPerPage ; i<recordsSize ;i++){
hasNext = false;
String soqlQuery = 'Select ActivityDate, Status, Priority, Attendee__c, Dummy_Contact__c, WhatId,Dummy_Contact__r.Name,What.Name, Description, Dummy_Contact__r.Title, Dummy_Contact__r.Key_Exec__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Exec_Type__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Direct_Dial__c, Dummy_Contact__r.MobilePhone, Dummy_Contact__r.Phone, Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState, Dummy_Contact__r.Timezone__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Attendee_Contact__c, Dummy_Contact__r.Task_Attendee__c from Task where Id In :taskIds order by ' + sortExpression + ' ' + sortDirection + ' NULLS LAST';
taskList = new List<Task>();
taskList = Database.query(soqlQuery);
public void sortData() {
// simply toggle the direction
sortDirection = sortDirection.equals('asc') ? 'desc' : 'asc';
// the current sort direction. defaults to asc
public String sortDirection {
// To set a Direction either in ascending order or descending order.
get { if (sortDirection == null) { sortDirection = 'asc'; } return sortDirection;}
// the current field to sort by. defaults to last name
public String sortExpression {
// To set a Field for sorting.
get { if (sortExpression == null) {sortExpression = 'ActivityDate'; } return sortExpression; }
public PageReference filterTaskData() {
return null;
public PageReference updateToTomorrow() {
DateTime dateToBeChanged = system.Today().addDays(1);
Datetime dt = DateTime.newInstance(System.today(), Time.newInstance(0, 0, 0, 0));
String dayOfWeek=dt.format('EEEE');
if(dayOfWeek == 'Friday'){
dateToBeChanged = system.Today().addDays(3);
else if(dayOfWeek == 'Saturday'){
dateToBeChanged = system.Today().addDays(2);
List<Task> listOfTaskToUpdate = new List<Task>();
for(Task tsk : [Select ActivityDate from Task where IsClosed = false AND OwnerID =:selectedUserId]){
if(tsk.ActivityDate <= system.today()){
tsk.ActivityDate = Date.valueOf(dateToBeChanged);
if(listOfTaskToUpdate.size() > 0){
update listOfTaskToUpdate;
return null;
public PageReference cancelChanges() {
return null;
public PageReference saveChanges() {
Set<Id> conIds = new Set<Id>();
Set<Contact> setOfContacts = new Set<Contact>();
List<Contact> listOfContactToUpdate = new List<Contact>();
for(Task tsk : taskList){
if(tsk.Dummy_Contact__c != null){
for(Contact con : [Select Name,Title, Key_Exec__c, Exec_Type__c, Direct_Dial__c, MobilePhone, Phone, MailingState, Timezone__c, Attendee_Contact__c, Task_Attendee__c from Contact where id in :conIds]){
for(Task tsk : taskList){
if(tsk.Dummy_Contact__c == con.id){
con.Title = tsk.Dummy_Contact__r.Title;
con.Key_Exec__c = tsk.Dummy_Contact__r.Key_Exec__c;
con.Exec_Type__c = tsk.Dummy_Contact__r.Exec_Type__c;
con.Direct_Dial__c = tsk.Dummy_Contact__r.Direct_Dial__c;
con.MobilePhone = tsk.Dummy_Contact__r.MobilePhone;
con.Phone = tsk.Dummy_Contact__r.Phone;
con.MailingState = tsk.Dummy_Contact__r.MailingState;
con.Timezone__c = tsk.Dummy_Contact__r.Timezone__c;
if(setOfContacts.size() > 0){
update listOfContactToUpdate;
if(taskList.size() > 0){
update taskList;
return null;
public PageReference setCurrentUser() {
return null;
- Angela Schloeder
- November 17, 2016
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- 0
report on custom object field that is in visualforce page
My problem is running a report that can pull in Activity fields and the "Next Step" field.
I've tried CRT to no avail.
Any ideas? I asked Steve Molis and he said I lost him at Visualforce.
- Angela Schloeder
- August 09, 2016
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Error: Compile Error: expecting an equals sign, found 'record' at line 2 column 20
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you,
trigger UpdatedRelatedEventField on Task_Helper__c (before insert, before update) {
for(Task Helper record: Trigger.new) {
try {
record.Related_Event__c = Id.valueOf(record.Related_Event__c);
} catch(Exception e) {
- Angela Schloeder
- April 19, 2016
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How to have 2 fields 'read only' on vf page layout????
Also, once the 'Post-Meeting Notes' task has been created and saved, if you you edit it, it shows a different page layout; (Pre-Meeting Notes layout).
<apex:page standardController="Task" extensions="ViewTaskExtension">
<apex:sectionHeader title="Task" subtitle="{!Task.Subject}" />
<apex:form >
<apex:pageMessages ></apex:pageMessages>
<apex:pageBlock title="Task Edit" id="thePageBlock" mode="edit">
<apex:pageBlockButtons >
<apex:commandButton action="{!edit}" value="Edit"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{!delete}" value="Delete"/>
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Task Information" columns="2" collapsible="false">
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.OwnerId}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.Attendee__c}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.Subject}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.WhatId}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.ActivityDate}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.WhoId}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.Description}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!taskHelper.Next_Steps__c}" rendered="{!showPostTaskFields}"/>
<apex:outputfield value="{!Task.Meeting_Rating__c}" rendered="{!showPostTaskFields}"/>
<apex:outputfield value="{!Task.Rating_Notes__c}" rendered="{!showPostTaskFields}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.Date_Approved__c}" rendered="{!showPreTaskFields}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.Approved_by__c}" rendered="{!showPreTaskFields}"/>
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Additional Information" columns="2" collapsible="false">
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.Priority}" rendered="{!showPreTaskFields}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.Meeting_Notes__c}" rendered="{!showPreTaskFields}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.Status}"/>
<apex:pageBlockSection title="System Information" columns="2" collapsible="false">
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.CreatedById}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.LastModifiedById}"/>
<apex:outputField value="{!Task.Related_Event__c}"/>
public with sharing class CreatePostMeetingTaskExtension {
private Event currentEvent;
public Task postMeetingTask {get;set;}
public Task_Helper__c taskHelper {get;set;}
public CreatePostMeetingTaskExtension(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
this.currentEvent = (Event)controller.getRecord();
currentEvent = [Select OwnerId,Attendee__c,WhatId,WhoId,Meeting_Rating__c,Rating_Notes__c from Event where Id =: currentEvent.id];
taskHelper = new Task_Helper__c();
postMeetingTask = new Task();
postMeetingTask.OwnerId = currentEvent.OwnerId;
postMeetingTask.Attendee__c = currentEvent.Attendee__c;
postMeetingTask.WhatId = currentEvent.WhatId;
postMeetingTask.WhoId = currentEvent.WhoId;
postMeetingTask.Meeting_Rating__c = currentEvent.Meeting_Rating__c;
postMeetingTask.Rating_Notes__c = currentEvent.Rating_Notes__c;
postMeetingTask.Subject = 'Post Meeting Notes';
postMeetingTask.Status = 'Completed';
postMeetingTask.Related_Event__c = currentEvent.id;
public PageReference save(){
insert taskHelper;
postMeetingTask.Task_Helper__c = taskHelper.id;
insert postMeetingTask;
return new PageReference('/'+postMeetingTask.id);
- Angela Schloeder
- April 05, 2016
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- 0
Need Text Area (Long) field for an Activity Task
Is there any possible way I can create a Text Area (Long) field type for an Activity Task? I don't see any option for this when creating a custom field. I need it badly.
There seems to be a lot of random limitations when working with Activity Tasks and Events which is very frustrating.
- gringoese
- October 21, 2011
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