• Rahul Reddy 1
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Can anyone send me 2 tickets on issues related to bigmachines and how you resolved them i mean the work around for those issues? That would be really really helpful.
Can anyone send me 2-3 tickets with complete resolution on Big Machines? Start to till End resolution(Complete explanantion) of 2-3 tickets? immediate need any help with be truly appreciated?
Amount Object to retrive and print  Amount and Payment Type from Amount Object and Customer Name (Master Detail), Customer Email, Customer Phone from Customer Object

    List <Amount__c> AM = [SELECT Amount, Payment_Type__C, Customer_Name__r.Name,Customer_Email__c, Customer_Phone__c From Amount__C];

It prints some reference ID for Customer_Name__r.Name instead of the the customer name also not sure how to print Customer_Email__C and Customer_Phone__C.

Help would be highly appreciated.
Need help with the below requirement.

When i create an opportunity in SFDC it should get created in SAP with same ID and also it should delete an opportunity when i do in SFDC.

Any help would be highly appreciated.

Thanks and Regards
Need help with the below requirement.

When i create an opportunity in SFDC it should get created in SAP with same ID and also it should delete an opportunity when i do in SFDC.

Any help would be highly appreciated.

Thanks and Regards
Hello All,

I have a impact analysis problem?

I'm trying to analyse the potential impact of proposed changes to picklist values. Is there any tool or utility available which assists with this?

I'm finding it particularly time consuming having to open the definitions of a huge set of Reports to determine whether or not the fields in question are used as selection criteria.

Also i need to know if the changes to the piclist values effects any VF pages and WF?

In short how do i start doing impact analysis? And how to know where all the field is used?

Note: I am SFDC Admin

1) How to make a custom field searchable?
2) Explain a Junction object and a scenario where created and used? (Real time Scenario where a junction object was created)
3)Can’t we create different layouts instead of record type for different process instead of Record Type?
4)Can we create an auto approval process? Can we create an approval process where an approval and submit button are clicked automatically through coding?
5)Can we create an approval page layout? Is it out of the box?Ans:
6)When you change a picklist value for a system in production? How do you know the effect of its change and how do you know where the picklist is already in use?
7)What are the common / major issues (atleast 3) when you deploy a project?
8)Please explain 3 critical issues faced by you as Admin and how did you resolve them?

I would higly appreciate any immediate response and help.
Thanks and Regards

Need help with the below requirement.

When i create an opportunity in SFDC it should get created in SAP with same ID and also it should delete an opportunity when i do in SFDC.

Any help would be highly appreciated.

Thanks and Regards
Can anyone send me 2 tickets on issues related to bigmachines and how you resolved them i mean the work around for those issues? That would be really really helpful.
Can anyone send me 2-3 tickets with complete resolution on Big Machines? Start to till End resolution(Complete explanantion) of 2-3 tickets? immediate need any help with be truly appreciated?
Amount Object to retrive and print  Amount and Payment Type from Amount Object and Customer Name (Master Detail), Customer Email, Customer Phone from Customer Object

    List <Amount__c> AM = [SELECT Amount, Payment_Type__C, Customer_Name__r.Name,Customer_Email__c, Customer_Phone__c From Amount__C];

It prints some reference ID for Customer_Name__r.Name instead of the the customer name also not sure how to print Customer_Email__C and Customer_Phone__C.

Help would be highly appreciated.
Need help with the below requirement.

When i create an opportunity in SFDC it should get created in SAP with same ID and also it should delete an opportunity when i do in SFDC.

Any help would be highly appreciated.

Thanks and Regards
Hello All,

I have a impact analysis problem?

I'm trying to analyse the potential impact of proposed changes to picklist values. Is there any tool or utility available which assists with this?

I'm finding it particularly time consuming having to open the definitions of a huge set of Reports to determine whether or not the fields in question are used as selection criteria.

Also i need to know if the changes to the piclist values effects any VF pages and WF?

In short how do i start doing impact analysis? And how to know where all the field is used?

Note: I am SFDC Admin

1) How to make a custom field searchable?
2) Explain a Junction object and a scenario where created and used? (Real time Scenario where a junction object was created)
3)Can’t we create different layouts instead of record type for different process instead of Record Type?
4)Can we create an auto approval process? Can we create an approval process where an approval and submit button are clicked automatically through coding?
5)Can we create an approval page layout? Is it out of the box?Ans:
6)When you change a picklist value for a system in production? How do you know the effect of its change and how do you know where the picklist is already in use?
7)What are the common / major issues (atleast 3) when you deploy a project?
8)Please explain 3 critical issues faced by you as Admin and how did you resolve them?

I would higly appreciate any immediate response and help.
Thanks and Regards

How to do Impact analysis to salesforce projects?
I have a requirement that the custom filed in account is Multi Sellect Pick list and i need to pass multi select picklist values on account to opportunity as a non editable field?

Can you guys help me with this? Any hlep is highly appreciated.



I am a newbie to apex coding, but trying to figure out a way to override the opportunity amount once opportunity products have been added. Through research, I was able to write a trigger that allows my sales reps to override the amount on an opportunity with Opportunity products. BTW, we utilize BigMachines for quoting, so the opportunity products are sync'd over from BigMachines each time the quote is updated. 


As I mentioned before, this solution works, but in order to remove the override flag and revert back to the quote amount, the salesrep must go back into BigMachines and re-save the quote record to initiate the product update thus updating the amount. What I would like to do is figure out a way to insert logic in the For statement that will either replace the Unit Price with "RealAmount" if the override flag = true  OR utilize Unit Price if override flag is not True.


Any ideas? Trigger code is below:




trigger OverrideLISalesPrice2 on Opportunity (after insert,after update) {
List<Id> oppIds = new List<Id>{};

for (Opportunity o : Trigger.new)

if (o.Use_Actual_Amount__c == True && o.HasOpportunityLineItem == true)

 List<OpportunityLineItem> theLines = [SELECT Id,UnitPrice,RealAmount__c FROM OpportunityLineItem WHERE OpportunityId IN :oppIds];
    for(OpportunityLineItem OLI : theLines)  
                        OLI.UnitPrice = OLI.RealAmount__c;  
                update theLines;