• Stefan Fellner
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  • Member since 2014

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how can I keep all the InputFields of the Contact standard controller by extending it with my own controller?

My goal is to have the same fields and attributes as shown in the image below, but having one additional component to it.
Contact View


based on the Android's SmartSyncExplorer App I am trying to delete a single contact on the android device which has been deleted through the web based application.
Everytime I syncDown newly added contacts are stored on the device BUT deleted contacts are kept in the smartStore.
Is there a way to accomblish this by setting a parameter or do I really have to change the SDK methods, such as SyncManager.syncDownSoql(...) ?


I have the following objective regarding to the login process of my android based salesforce app:

Depending on a user has been logged in / out or rather his login data (authToken,...) is still valid / invalid, I want to trigger different mechanisms.

Is it a save way if I check on the currently logged in UserAccount to be !null / null, like this:

UserAccount loggedInUserAccount = SmartSyncSDKManager.getInstance().getUserAccountManager().getCurrentUser();
if (loggedInUserAccount != null) {
   //Trigger mechanism 1
} else {
  //Trigger mechanism 2

Thank you in advance

I am creating a Android Application and I am using the Salesforce SDK.

As recommended I am using the REST API to get data from salesforce servers. All the examples indicate to hardcode the parameters to work with JSON Objects, for example to get the Id of a contact:


Is there any better way to avoid using the key of the json object as a string?
Normally I am using GSON library to parse the jsonObjects into my java objects. Are there java classes like Contact or Account available?

Thank you for your help!