• RahulBorgaonkar@Britsafe
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We recently enabled 'My Domain'.

Now whenever our user clicks on a record link eample New Lead or New contact which come from an email, it redirect it to Login page and not record page directly.

Before 'My Domain' it used to open record page directly.

Could I request what could be reason for the same? It will help a lot.

Best Regards,


I have written a flow which should search for a product with core product flag equals true and updates product field value on another record related to product. But it is not looping through product to search for core product.
I can see that 'Next Element' arrow is also showing 'FAULT' message in return arrow.

Please find flow diagram below.

User-added image

Also sharing log output for you ref.

How the Interview Started
Some of this flow's variables were set when the interview started.
varSubscriptionId = a0MD000000Koxu1

FAST LOOKUP: Find_Related_Subscription_Lines
Find all Subscription_Line__c records where:
Subscription__c Equals {!varSubscriptionId} (a0MD000000Koxu1)
Assign those records to {!arrSubscriptionLines}.
Save these field values in the variable: Id, Product__c
Successfully found records.

LOOP: Loop_Through_Subscription_Lines
Loop Through: [a0sD000000UClVgIAL,a0sD000000UClVhIAL,a0sD000000UClViIAL]
Iteration: 0
Current value of {!colSubscriptionLines}: a0sD000000UClVgIAL

FAST LOOKUP: Find_Core_Product
Find all Product2 records where:
Core_Subscription_Product__c Equals true
Id Equals {!colSubscriptionLines.Product__c} (01t20000001mCjgAAE)
Assign those records to {!varCoreProduct}.
Save these field values in the variable: Subscription_Format__c
Failed to find records.

RECORD UPDATE: Update_Subscription
Find all Subscription__c records where:
Id Equals {!varSubscriptionId} (a0MD000000Koxu1)
Update the records’ field values.
Membership_Type__c = {!varCoreProduct.Subscription_Format__c} (null)
All records that meet the filter criteria are ready to be updated when the next Screen or Wait element is executed or when the interview finishes.

Could you please help?

Thanks and Best Regards,


I am using a formula in rendered option of inputCheckbox. It is as below
<apex:inputCheckbox id="isDelete" value="{!ebrecs.deleteDelegate}" selected="false" rendered="{!IF(OR(ebrecs.EventBooking['Name']==null, ebrecs.EventBooking['Name'].contains('New-EB')),true,false)}">

I am getting Error: Syntax error. Missing ')'  
Could you please help to find correct syntax.

Best Regards,


Any Idea how to extract ActivityHistory object data in CSV format.

It is not supported in data loader.
It fulls internal log and gives 'Internal Salesforce.com Error' when tried to extract using Batch apex
It is not supported by BULK api too.
Also cannot directly use into SOQL and has to use in relation with account/contact.

Please share you thoughts/experience. It will help a lot.

Best Regards,

Hi All,

I am writing a BULK API script using CURL command same as example discussed in Bulk API Developer's Guide page 74. I have wrote below script 

export client_id='not for sharing'
export client_secret='not for sharing'
export username='not for sharing'
export password='not for sharing'
export returnvalues='./returnvalues.txt'
export createjob='./createjob.txt'
export batchDetails='./batchDetails.txt'
export instanceURL='https://cs14.salesforce.com/services/async/32.0/job' 
export loginURL='https://test.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token'

curl https://test.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token -d "grant_type=password" -d "client_id=$client_id" -d "client_secret=$client_secret" -d "username=$username" -d "password=$password" -o 

$returnvalues -s

sessionId=`cat $returnvalues | sed 's/[{}]/''/g' | awk -v RS=',"' -F: '/^access_token/{print $2}' | sed 's/\(^"\|"$\)//g'`

echo $sessionId

curl -H "X-SFDC-Session: $sessionId" -H "Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8" -d @create-job.xml $instanceURL -o $createjob -s

cat $createjob
echo ""

jobId=`grep id $createjob | sed 's/<\/id>//' | sed 's/ *<id>//'`

echo $jobId


echo $jobURL

curl —d @query.txt -H "X-SFDC-Session: $sessionId" -H "Content-Type: text/csv; charset=UTF-8" $jobURL
On last line as curl is adding a job to batch, I am getting an error as

curl: (6) Could not resolve host: 97d
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: query.txt
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><batchInfoList
   xmlns="http://www.force.com/2009/06/asyncapi/dataload" />

Any idea about the problem ? I am using sames steps from the guide. Could you please help ?

The output should be similar following. 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Please reply,

Best Regards,

Rahul Borgaonkar

We recently enabled 'My Domain'.

Now whenever our user clicks on a record link eample New Lead or New contact which come from an email, it redirect it to Login page and not record page directly.

Before 'My Domain' it used to open record page directly.

Could I request what could be reason for the same? It will help a lot.

Best Regards,


Hello All,
I have the requirement where I want to share all Cases and Assets of all related accounts with newly created customer community user.
It should share all cases and assets records of its Parent to GrandParent accounts.
I am using AssetShare object, CaseShare object with apex trigger for this solution. Currently, I am facing below error :
FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION: field integrity exception: unknown (invalid user or group: 005XXXXXXXXXXXXX).’
If someone worked on this same task or error, please reply.


Any Idea how to extract ActivityHistory object data in CSV format.

It is not supported in data loader.
It fulls internal log and gives 'Internal Salesforce.com Error' when tried to extract using Batch apex
It is not supported by BULK api too.
Also cannot directly use into SOQL and has to use in relation with account/contact.

Please share you thoughts/experience. It will help a lot.

Best Regards,
