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Modifying Existing Test Class
Please assist in the error with the test class. I have the below Apex Classes for Salesforce attachments and a test class;
FilesUtils Class
Error is on Code Coverage Failure and test failure message as below;
Code Coverage Failure
Your code coverage is 0%. You need at least 75% coverage to complete this deployment.
Please assist in the error with the test class. I have the below Apex Classes for Salesforce attachments and a test class;
/** * AttachmentUtils Utility class for processing attachments */ public class AttachmentUtils { public static void saveAttachments(list<attachment> atts){ Set<id> assignmentIds = new Set<id>(); Map<id, string> filenames = new Map<id, string>(); for(Attachment att: atts){ //Get the SObject type String objectAPIName = att.parentId.getSObjectType().getDescribe().getName(); if(objectAPIName == 'Assignment__c'){ //Get all the attachments for this assignment and concatenate names into a string, then update the field assignmentIds.add(att.parentId); } } FilesUtils.updateAttachmentNames(assignmentIds); } }
FilesUtils Class
/** * Utility class for processing files */ public class FilesUtils { //Update the Attachment_Names__c field on assignments public static void updateAttachmentNames(set<id> assignmentIds){ Map<id, string> filenames = new Map<id, string>(); //Get all attachments for all affected assignments list<attachment> atts = [SELECT id, parentId, name FROM attachment WHERE parentId = : assignmentIds]; for(Attachment att: atts){ string existingFilenames = filenames.get(att.parentId); if (existingFilenames == null) existingFilenames = ''; filenames.put(att.parentId, existingFilenames + ' '+ att.name); } List<id> contentDocIds = new List<id>(); //Now get all files for all affected assignments for (ContentDocumentLink cdl: [SELECT LinkedEntityId,ContentDocumentId, ContentDocument.Title FROM ContentDocumentLink WHERE LinkedEntityId in :assignmentIds]){ string existingFilenames = filenames.get(cdl.LinkedEntityId); if (existingFilenames == null) existingFilenames = ''; filenames.put(cdl.LinkedEntityId, existingFilenames + ' '+ cdl.ContentDocument.Title); } List<id> assIdsWithZeroAtts = new List<id>(); //Check there are no Assignments with zero attachments now for(id assId: assignmentIds){ if(filenames.containsKey(assId) == false){ assIdsWithZeroAtts.add(assId); } } List<Assignment__c> asses = [SELECT id, Attachment_Names__c FROM Assignment__c WHERE id = :assignmentIds]; for (Assignment__c ass: asses){ ass.Attachment_Names__c = filenames.get(ass.id); } List<Assignment__c> assesWithZeroAtts = [SELECT id, Attachment_Names__c FROM Assignment__c WHERE id = :assIdsWithZeroAtts]; for (Assignment__c ass: assesWithZeroAtts){ ass.Attachment_Names__c = ''; } update asses; update assesWithZeroAtts; } }
trigger AttachmentTrigger on Attachment (after insert, after update, after delete) { //delegate to utility class // if(trigger.isDelete){ AttachmentUtils.saveAttachments(trigger.old); } else { AttachmentUtils.saveAttachments(trigger.new); } }
/** * Test class for attachmentUtils and filesUtils classes */ @isTest public class AttachmentUtilsTest{ static integer NUMBER_OF_FILES = 5; //this is a test setup method - will be automatically executed before each test method @testSetup static void createAssignmentandAttachments() { //Set up facility (account) Account fac = new Account(); fac.name = 'new facility'; fac.billingCity = 'Weymouth'; fac.billingCountry = 'Iceland'; insert fac; Assignment__c ast = new Assignment__c(); ast.facility__c = fac.id; insert ast; //create and insert the attachments list<attachment> atts = new list<attachment>(); for(integer i=0;i<NUMBER_OF_FILES;i++){ attachment att = new attachment(); att.parentId = ast.id; att.name = 'a'; att.body = Blob.valueOf('Attachment Body'); atts.add(att); } //this should cause the trigger to fire and concatenate attachment names in the Attachment_Name__c field //names should be 300 characters long (200 x with spaces in between, plus trailing space) insert atts; //create and insert files list<ContentVersion> contentVersions = new list<ContentVersion>(); for(integer i=0;i<NUMBER_OF_FILES;i++){ String filesString = 'Binary string of the files'; ContentVersion conVer = new ContentVersion(); conVer.ContentLocation = 'S'; // S specify this document is in SF, use E for external files conVer.PathOnClient = 'file.txt'; // The files name, extension is very important here which will help the file in preview. conVer.Title = 'c'; // Display name of the files conVer.VersionData = EncodingUtil.base64Decode(filesString); // converting your binary string to Blog contentVersions.add(conVer); } insert contentVersions; list<ContentDocumentLink> contentDocLinks = new list<ContentDocumentLink>(); for(ContentVersion conVer: [SELECT contentDocumentId from ContentVersion WHERE Title = 'c']){ //Create ContentDocumentLink ContentDocumentLink cDe = new ContentDocumentLink(); cDe.ContentDocumentId = conVer.contentDocumentId; cDe.LinkedEntityId = ast.Id; // you can use objectId,GroupId etc cDe.ShareType = 'I'; // Inferred permission, checkout description of ContentDocumentLink object for more details cDe.Visibility = 'AllUsers'; contentDocLinks.add(cDe); } insert contentDocLinks; } //test to see if trigger is correctly modifying field on assignment when 200 attachments are added public static testmethod void addAttachments(){ //assert that the attachment name field is correct string names = [SELECT Attachment_Names__c FROM assignment__c][0].Attachment_Names__c; //Each file name is 1 character long //And the 'attachment names' field contains each filename with a space in between //So length of Attachment Names should = number of files * 2 characters * 2 (attachments and content) - 1 space if(names!=null) system.assertEquals(NUMBER_OF_FILES * 2 * 2 - 1,names.length()); } //test to see if trigger is correctly modifying field on assignment when one attachment name is changed public static testmethod void modifyAttachments(){ //select an attachment and modify its name attachment att = [ SELECT id, name FROM attachment ][0]; att.name = 'aaaa'; contentVersion cv = [SELECT id, Title from ContentVersion][0]; cv.Title = 'cccc'; test.startTest(); update att; update cv; test.stopTest(); //test that names field has increased by 4 //assert that the attachment name field is correct string names = [SELECT Attachment_Names__c FROM assignment__c][0].Attachment_Names__c; //Increases by 6 characters total system.assertEquals(NUMBER_OF_FILES * 2 * 2 - 1 + 6,names.length()); } //test to see if trigger is correctly modifying field on assignment when one attachment name is deleted public static testmethod void deleteAttachments(){ //select an attachment and delete it attachment att = [ SELECT id FROM attachment ][0]; test.startTest(); delete att; test.stopTest(); //test that names field is now decreased by 2 //assert that the attachment name field is correct string names = [SELECT Attachment_Names__c FROM assignment__c][0].Attachment_Names__c; system.assertEquals(NUMBER_OF_FILES * 2 * 2 - 1 - 2,names.length()); } }
Error is on Code Coverage Failure and test failure message as below;
Code Coverage Failure
Your code coverage is 0%. You need at least 75% coverage to complete this deployment.
System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: Expected: 17, Actual: 19 Stack Trace: Class.AttachmentUtilsTest.deleteAttachments: line 139, column 1
- Robert Adero
- April 06, 2021
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This is an Apex Test Class, Delete and Modify methods not working. Only Insert new method when running the test.
Below are part of the Test Class Code which fails;
Method Name: deleteAttachments
Pass/Fail: Fail
Error Message: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object
Stack Trace: Class.AttachmentUtilsTest.deleteAttachments: line 137, column 1
Class: AttachmentUtilsTest
Method: NamemodifyAttachments
Pass/Fail: Fail
Error Message: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object
Stack Trace: Class.AttachmentUtilsTest.modifyAttachments: line 115, column 1
Please help, thanks.
Method Name: deleteAttachments
Pass/Fail: Fail
Error Message: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object
Stack Trace: Class.AttachmentUtilsTest.deleteAttachments: line 137, column 1
Class: AttachmentUtilsTest
Method: NamemodifyAttachments
Pass/Fail: Fail
Error Message: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object
Stack Trace: Class.AttachmentUtilsTest.modifyAttachments: line 115, column 1
Please help, thanks.
/** * Test class for attachmentUtils and filesUtils classes */ @isTest public class AttachmentUtilsTest{ static integer NUMBER_OF_FILES = 5; //this is a test setup method - will be automatically executed before each test method @testSetup static void createAgriFiReportandAttachments() { //Set up AgriFi Application (record) AgriFI_Application__c App =new AgriFI_Application__c(); //App.Name = 'new AgriFI Reference()'; //App.LeadBusinessName = 'Weymouth'; //App.LeadContactSurname = 'Ken'; insert App; AgriFI_Report__c ast = new AgriFI_Report__c(); ast.AgriFI_Application__c = App.id; insert ast; //create and insert the attachments list<attachment> atts = new list<attachment>(); for(integer i=0;i<NUMBER_OF_FILES;i++){ attachment att = new attachment(); att.parentId = ast.id; att.name = 'a'; att.body = Blob.valueOf('Attachment Body'); atts.add(att); } //this should cause the trigger to fire and concatenate attachment names in the Attachment_Name__c field //names should be 300 characters long (200 x with spaces in between, plus trailing space) insert atts; //create and insert files list<ContentVersion> contentVersions = new list<ContentVersion>(); for(integer i=0;i<NUMBER_OF_FILES;i++){ String filesString = 'Binary string of the files'; ContentVersion conVer = new ContentVersion(); conVer.ContentLocation = 'S'; // S specify this document is in SF, use E for external files conVer.PathOnClient = 'file.txt'; // The files name, extension is very important here which will help the file in preview. conVer.Title = 'c'; // Display name of the files conVer.VersionData = EncodingUtil.base64Decode(filesString); // converting your binary string to Blog contentVersions.add(conVer); } insert contentVersions; list<ContentDocumentLink> contentDocLinks = new list<ContentDocumentLink>(); for(ContentVersion conVer: [SELECT contentDocumentId from ContentVersion WHERE Title = 'c']){ //Create ContentDocumentLink ContentDocumentLink cDe = new ContentDocumentLink(); cDe.ContentDocumentId = conVer.contentDocumentId; cDe.LinkedEntityId = ast.Id; // you can use objectId,GroupId etc cDe.ShareType = 'I'; // Inferred permission, checkout description of ContentDocumentLink object for more details cDe.Visibility = 'AllUsers'; contentDocLinks.add(cDe); } insert contentDocLinks; } //test to see if trigger is correctly modifying field on assignment when 200 attachments are added public static testmethod void addAttachments(){ //assert that the attachment name field is correct string names = [SELECT Attachment_Names__c FROM AgriFI_Report__c][0].Attachment_Names__c; //Each file name is 1 character long //And the 'attachment names' field contains each filename with a space in between //So length of Attachment Names should = number of files * 2 characters * 2 (attachments and content) - 1 space if(names!=null) system.assertEquals(NUMBER_OF_FILES * 2 * 2 - 1,names.length()); } //test to see if trigger is correctly modifying field on assignment when one attachment name is changed public static testmethod void modifyAttachments(){ //select an attachment and modify its name attachment att = [ SELECT id, name FROM attachment ][0]; att.name = 'aaaa'; contentVersion cv = [SELECT id, Title from ContentVersion][0]; cv.Title = 'cccc'; test.startTest(); update att; update cv; test.stopTest(); //test that names field has increased by 4 //assert that the attachment name field is correct string names = [SELECT Attachment_Names__c FROM AgriFI_Report__c][0].Attachment_Names__c; //Increases by 6 characters total system.assertEquals(NUMBER_OF_FILES * 2 * 2 - 1 + 6,names.length()); } //test to see if trigger is correctly modifying field on assignment when one attachment name is deleted public static testmethod void deleteAttachments(){ //select an attachment and delete it attachment att = [ SELECT id FROM attachment ][0]; test.startTest(); delete att; test.stopTest(); //test that names field is now decreased by 2 //assert that the attachment name field is correct string names = [SELECT Attachment_Names__c FROM AgriFI_Report__c][0].Attachment_Names__c; system.assertEquals(NUMBER_OF_FILES * 2 * 2 - 1 - 2,names.length()); } }
- Robert Adero
- April 05, 2020
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- 0
Enable a field to be editable
I have a formula field on Record A that updates field 1 from Record B but I would like it to also include a formula that will enable field 1 (or additional field lets say field 2) on Record A to be active and editable when Null Value is shown
- Robert Adero
- December 08, 2014
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Modifying Existing Test Class
Please assist in the error with the test class. I have the below Apex Classes for Salesforce attachments and a test class;
FilesUtils Class
Error is on Code Coverage Failure and test failure message as below;
Code Coverage Failure
Your code coverage is 0%. You need at least 75% coverage to complete this deployment.
Please assist in the error with the test class. I have the below Apex Classes for Salesforce attachments and a test class;
/** * AttachmentUtils Utility class for processing attachments */ public class AttachmentUtils { public static void saveAttachments(list<attachment> atts){ Set<id> assignmentIds = new Set<id>(); Map<id, string> filenames = new Map<id, string>(); for(Attachment att: atts){ //Get the SObject type String objectAPIName = att.parentId.getSObjectType().getDescribe().getName(); if(objectAPIName == 'Assignment__c'){ //Get all the attachments for this assignment and concatenate names into a string, then update the field assignmentIds.add(att.parentId); } } FilesUtils.updateAttachmentNames(assignmentIds); } }
FilesUtils Class
/** * Utility class for processing files */ public class FilesUtils { //Update the Attachment_Names__c field on assignments public static void updateAttachmentNames(set<id> assignmentIds){ Map<id, string> filenames = new Map<id, string>(); //Get all attachments for all affected assignments list<attachment> atts = [SELECT id, parentId, name FROM attachment WHERE parentId = : assignmentIds]; for(Attachment att: atts){ string existingFilenames = filenames.get(att.parentId); if (existingFilenames == null) existingFilenames = ''; filenames.put(att.parentId, existingFilenames + ' '+ att.name); } List<id> contentDocIds = new List<id>(); //Now get all files for all affected assignments for (ContentDocumentLink cdl: [SELECT LinkedEntityId,ContentDocumentId, ContentDocument.Title FROM ContentDocumentLink WHERE LinkedEntityId in :assignmentIds]){ string existingFilenames = filenames.get(cdl.LinkedEntityId); if (existingFilenames == null) existingFilenames = ''; filenames.put(cdl.LinkedEntityId, existingFilenames + ' '+ cdl.ContentDocument.Title); } List<id> assIdsWithZeroAtts = new List<id>(); //Check there are no Assignments with zero attachments now for(id assId: assignmentIds){ if(filenames.containsKey(assId) == false){ assIdsWithZeroAtts.add(assId); } } List<Assignment__c> asses = [SELECT id, Attachment_Names__c FROM Assignment__c WHERE id = :assignmentIds]; for (Assignment__c ass: asses){ ass.Attachment_Names__c = filenames.get(ass.id); } List<Assignment__c> assesWithZeroAtts = [SELECT id, Attachment_Names__c FROM Assignment__c WHERE id = :assIdsWithZeroAtts]; for (Assignment__c ass: assesWithZeroAtts){ ass.Attachment_Names__c = ''; } update asses; update assesWithZeroAtts; } }
trigger AttachmentTrigger on Attachment (after insert, after update, after delete) { //delegate to utility class // if(trigger.isDelete){ AttachmentUtils.saveAttachments(trigger.old); } else { AttachmentUtils.saveAttachments(trigger.new); } }
/** * Test class for attachmentUtils and filesUtils classes */ @isTest public class AttachmentUtilsTest{ static integer NUMBER_OF_FILES = 5; //this is a test setup method - will be automatically executed before each test method @testSetup static void createAssignmentandAttachments() { //Set up facility (account) Account fac = new Account(); fac.name = 'new facility'; fac.billingCity = 'Weymouth'; fac.billingCountry = 'Iceland'; insert fac; Assignment__c ast = new Assignment__c(); ast.facility__c = fac.id; insert ast; //create and insert the attachments list<attachment> atts = new list<attachment>(); for(integer i=0;i<NUMBER_OF_FILES;i++){ attachment att = new attachment(); att.parentId = ast.id; att.name = 'a'; att.body = Blob.valueOf('Attachment Body'); atts.add(att); } //this should cause the trigger to fire and concatenate attachment names in the Attachment_Name__c field //names should be 300 characters long (200 x with spaces in between, plus trailing space) insert atts; //create and insert files list<ContentVersion> contentVersions = new list<ContentVersion>(); for(integer i=0;i<NUMBER_OF_FILES;i++){ String filesString = 'Binary string of the files'; ContentVersion conVer = new ContentVersion(); conVer.ContentLocation = 'S'; // S specify this document is in SF, use E for external files conVer.PathOnClient = 'file.txt'; // The files name, extension is very important here which will help the file in preview. conVer.Title = 'c'; // Display name of the files conVer.VersionData = EncodingUtil.base64Decode(filesString); // converting your binary string to Blog contentVersions.add(conVer); } insert contentVersions; list<ContentDocumentLink> contentDocLinks = new list<ContentDocumentLink>(); for(ContentVersion conVer: [SELECT contentDocumentId from ContentVersion WHERE Title = 'c']){ //Create ContentDocumentLink ContentDocumentLink cDe = new ContentDocumentLink(); cDe.ContentDocumentId = conVer.contentDocumentId; cDe.LinkedEntityId = ast.Id; // you can use objectId,GroupId etc cDe.ShareType = 'I'; // Inferred permission, checkout description of ContentDocumentLink object for more details cDe.Visibility = 'AllUsers'; contentDocLinks.add(cDe); } insert contentDocLinks; } //test to see if trigger is correctly modifying field on assignment when 200 attachments are added public static testmethod void addAttachments(){ //assert that the attachment name field is correct string names = [SELECT Attachment_Names__c FROM assignment__c][0].Attachment_Names__c; //Each file name is 1 character long //And the 'attachment names' field contains each filename with a space in between //So length of Attachment Names should = number of files * 2 characters * 2 (attachments and content) - 1 space if(names!=null) system.assertEquals(NUMBER_OF_FILES * 2 * 2 - 1,names.length()); } //test to see if trigger is correctly modifying field on assignment when one attachment name is changed public static testmethod void modifyAttachments(){ //select an attachment and modify its name attachment att = [ SELECT id, name FROM attachment ][0]; att.name = 'aaaa'; contentVersion cv = [SELECT id, Title from ContentVersion][0]; cv.Title = 'cccc'; test.startTest(); update att; update cv; test.stopTest(); //test that names field has increased by 4 //assert that the attachment name field is correct string names = [SELECT Attachment_Names__c FROM assignment__c][0].Attachment_Names__c; //Increases by 6 characters total system.assertEquals(NUMBER_OF_FILES * 2 * 2 - 1 + 6,names.length()); } //test to see if trigger is correctly modifying field on assignment when one attachment name is deleted public static testmethod void deleteAttachments(){ //select an attachment and delete it attachment att = [ SELECT id FROM attachment ][0]; test.startTest(); delete att; test.stopTest(); //test that names field is now decreased by 2 //assert that the attachment name field is correct string names = [SELECT Attachment_Names__c FROM assignment__c][0].Attachment_Names__c; system.assertEquals(NUMBER_OF_FILES * 2 * 2 - 1 - 2,names.length()); } }
Error is on Code Coverage Failure and test failure message as below;
Code Coverage Failure
Your code coverage is 0%. You need at least 75% coverage to complete this deployment.
System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: Expected: 17, Actual: 19 Stack Trace: Class.AttachmentUtilsTest.deleteAttachments: line 139, column 1
- Robert Adero
- April 06, 2021
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Enable a field to be editable
I have a formula field on Record A that updates field 1 from Record B but I would like it to also include a formula that will enable field 1 (or additional field lets say field 2) on Record A to be active and editable when Null Value is shown
- Robert Adero
- December 08, 2014
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