• Lara Marsh
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I created a Visualforce page that has a link to a report (I'd rather just embed the report but haven't figured out how to do that just yet). The VF page is in force.com sites and is publicly viewable. However if a person clicks on the link to the report, it redirects to login.

I want to make it possible for anyone with the link to the site to view the report. How do I do that? THANKS!

Here is the page I started so far:  http://district6000hef.force.com/SLFaculty

I created a Visualforce page that has a link to a report (I'd rather just embed the report but haven't figured out how to do that just yet). The VF page is in force.com sites and is publicly viewable. However if a person clicks on the link to the report, it redirects to login.

I want to make it possible for anyone with the link to the site to view the report. How do I do that? THANKS!

I have a form on FormAssembly which includes making a payment using PayPal. When PayPal sends the IPN that payment has completed, FormAssembly sends the IPN to a custom URL which is http://district6000hef.force.com/IPNHandler. 

In Salesforce, I have an APEX class called IPNHandlerController and it has this in the body:
public class IPNHandlerController {

    public PageReference myIPNupdate() {
        PageReference pageRef = ApexPages.currentPage();
        //Get the value of the 'custom' parameter from current page
        String paramCustom = pageRef.getParameters().get('custom');
        payments = [select Id,Paid__c from Payments__c where FormAssemblyID__c = :paramCustom ];

        String content = '';
        for(String key : pageRef.getParameters().keySet()){
            //Note that there is no guarantee of order in the parameter key map.
            content += key + ' : ' + pageRef.getParameters().get(key) + '\n';
        payments.PayPalInfo__c = content;
        payments.paid__c = True;
        update payments;

        PageReference newPage = new ApexPages.StandardController(payments).view();

        return newPage;
     } catch (System.Exception e){
         //A failure occurred
         return null;

    public Payments__c payments {get; set;}

    public IPNHandlerController() {
It is supposed to create a new record in the custom object called Payments with the amount, the PayPal info, and the fact that the payment has been paid.

I have a VisualForce page called IPNHandler. It has the following:
<apex:page controller="IPNHandlerController" action="{!myIPNupdate}" />
I created a site called IPNEnd. The siteURL is http://district6000hef.force.com. The Active Site Home Page is IPNHandler.

So to summarize in order:
1. FormAssembly sends user to PayPal.
2. User pays on PayPal. PayPal sends IPN to FormAssembly.
3. FormAssembly sends IPN to Salesforce "site" at URL of http://district6000hef.force.com/IPNHandler.
4. IPNHandler calls IPNHandlerController which creates the Payments record.

All of this works EXCEPT the PayPal information is not coming through and the Paid field on Payments is not being set. So basically, IPNHandlerController creates the payment record with the correct Contact ID and FormAssembly information, but not the correct PayPal information nor setting the Paid field to true. Is there something wrong in my APEX code?

THANK YOU so much for any pointers. I really appreciate it!
I created a Campaign Member Workflow Email Alert. I want it to run once and go through all the Campaign Members and send an email if the criteria is true. How do I set it up to "batch" run the rule and send out the emails? Will the email activity be stored for each Contact?
I created a custom object (Payments) with an Apex class that acts as a PayPal IPN Handler. I deployed it to Production. But in Production, there is no Payments tab like I have in Sandbox. I am viewing all the tabs available and it is not in the list. How do I add it as a tab in production?

I've read through a lot of questions and answers about rolling up Formula Fields, but I don't find my scenario being addressed. Either that or I don't recognize it. :)

I have a custom object (Trip Fees). It has a lookup field to Campaign and a Master-Detail with Contact. There is also a field for Amount.

Amount is a formula that references another object (Fee Type) and populates the Amount based on the Fee Type in the Trip Fees record.

I realize there is cross-object referencing here. But the actual Amount field is only looking at the Fee Type object and grabbing the Amount from that object. Does this still mean I cannot create a rollup summary field on the Contact for all the records that pertain to them?

As a very obvious thing to point out, the formula Amount field on the Trip Fees has a little icon next to it that says it is cross-referencing objects. But I don't understand why it is saying this. Here is the formula:


I guess I'm basically saying I don't understand why it thinks that formula is referencing multiple objects. Both of those fields are on the Fee Type object.

Thank you.
I have a situation where I have many Contacts and many Campaigns (which are actually Trips for our organization). Each Contact may be associated to any number of Campaigns. I need to track payments for each Contact, but I only want to do it for this year's trip (i.e. the current trip). 

I have a custom Payments object. It holds all payment records and tracks which Campaign and which Contact the payment is for. On the Contact, I have a roll-up field that sums the Payment records for that Contact only for records where the Campaign = the current Campaign ID. Right now, that Campaign ID value is hardcoded to the ID of our current trip. Can I reference a Custom Setting value or something in that filter so that I don't have to update the actual roll-up field each year and can instead update the constant?

I created an email alert that uses an HTML template to send an email to the email field on the Campaign Member object. I created a workflow rule that evaluates anytime the record is created or updated. The workflow rule checks to see if a custom checkbox on the Campaign Member is true. If it is true, it sends the email alert with a copy to my admin email.

A couple of questions:
1. The email alert is not sending. It doesn't send to the Contact, it doesn't send to me.
2. When I'm in the email template and I test the merge fields, it finds the Contact First Name but not the custom field on the Campaign Member. This makes sense to me because how would it know which Campaign to look for? So how do I test the Campaign Member merge fields?

I am a total newbie to APEX. I am using FormAssembly to integrate payments made by our volunteers to a custom object I created in SalesForce (Payments). In Salesforce, it says the name of the object for API use is "Payments_c" . However when I reference it in sample code provided by FormAssembly, I get an error that says, "sObject type 'Payments_c' is not supported. If you are attempting to use a custom object, be sure to append the '__c' after the entity name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names."

I'm sure this is very basic... I really appreciate your help. :)
We are a non-profit who has multiple trips each year to developing countries to do medical and construction work (Rotary). Our volunteers pay to go on these trips. I set up each trip as a Campaign, each person on the trip is a Campaign Member (who is also a Contact record). I want to track payments made by each Campaign Member (there are installments of 3 to 4 payments).

I think I want to set up a master-child relationship between a custom object (e.g. Payments) and the Campaign Member. That way, I could roll-up the total payments to each member. Addtionally, since people (e.g. Contacts) travel on multiple trips, I could see the payment information at the Campaign Member level so each Contact would have multiple Campaigns and multiple Payments.

However, when I try to create a master-detail relationship between Payments and Campaign Member, the option to select Campaign Member as the master is not shown in the list of available objects. I could do Contact or Campaign, but I think I want the Campaign Member. Eventually I will have automated code that will create the Payments records and associate them with each Campaign Member when each Campaign Member pays on PayPal.

Ideas? Thanks so much!
I created a Visualforce page that has a link to a report (I'd rather just embed the report but haven't figured out how to do that just yet). The VF page is in force.com sites and is publicly viewable. However if a person clicks on the link to the report, it redirects to login.

I want to make it possible for anyone with the link to the site to view the report. How do I do that? THANKS!

Here is the page I started so far:  http://district6000hef.force.com/SLFaculty

I have a form on FormAssembly which includes making a payment using PayPal. When PayPal sends the IPN that payment has completed, FormAssembly sends the IPN to a custom URL which is http://district6000hef.force.com/IPNHandler. 

In Salesforce, I have an APEX class called IPNHandlerController and it has this in the body:
public class IPNHandlerController {

    public PageReference myIPNupdate() {
        PageReference pageRef = ApexPages.currentPage();
        //Get the value of the 'custom' parameter from current page
        String paramCustom = pageRef.getParameters().get('custom');
        payments = [select Id,Paid__c from Payments__c where FormAssemblyID__c = :paramCustom ];

        String content = '';
        for(String key : pageRef.getParameters().keySet()){
            //Note that there is no guarantee of order in the parameter key map.
            content += key + ' : ' + pageRef.getParameters().get(key) + '\n';
        payments.PayPalInfo__c = content;
        payments.paid__c = True;
        update payments;

        PageReference newPage = new ApexPages.StandardController(payments).view();

        return newPage;
     } catch (System.Exception e){
         //A failure occurred
         return null;

    public Payments__c payments {get; set;}

    public IPNHandlerController() {
It is supposed to create a new record in the custom object called Payments with the amount, the PayPal info, and the fact that the payment has been paid.

I have a VisualForce page called IPNHandler. It has the following:
<apex:page controller="IPNHandlerController" action="{!myIPNupdate}" />
I created a site called IPNEnd. The siteURL is http://district6000hef.force.com. The Active Site Home Page is IPNHandler.

So to summarize in order:
1. FormAssembly sends user to PayPal.
2. User pays on PayPal. PayPal sends IPN to FormAssembly.
3. FormAssembly sends IPN to Salesforce "site" at URL of http://district6000hef.force.com/IPNHandler.
4. IPNHandler calls IPNHandlerController which creates the Payments record.

All of this works EXCEPT the PayPal information is not coming through and the Paid field on Payments is not being set. So basically, IPNHandlerController creates the payment record with the correct Contact ID and FormAssembly information, but not the correct PayPal information nor setting the Paid field to true. Is there something wrong in my APEX code?

THANK YOU so much for any pointers. I really appreciate it!
I created a custom object (Payments) with an Apex class that acts as a PayPal IPN Handler. I deployed it to Production. But in Production, there is no Payments tab like I have in Sandbox. I am viewing all the tabs available and it is not in the list. How do I add it as a tab in production?

I have a situation where I have many Contacts and many Campaigns (which are actually Trips for our organization). Each Contact may be associated to any number of Campaigns. I need to track payments for each Contact, but I only want to do it for this year's trip (i.e. the current trip). 

I have a custom Payments object. It holds all payment records and tracks which Campaign and which Contact the payment is for. On the Contact, I have a roll-up field that sums the Payment records for that Contact only for records where the Campaign = the current Campaign ID. Right now, that Campaign ID value is hardcoded to the ID of our current trip. Can I reference a Custom Setting value or something in that filter so that I don't have to update the actual roll-up field each year and can instead update the constant?

I created an email alert that uses an HTML template to send an email to the email field on the Campaign Member object. I created a workflow rule that evaluates anytime the record is created or updated. The workflow rule checks to see if a custom checkbox on the Campaign Member is true. If it is true, it sends the email alert with a copy to my admin email.

A couple of questions:
1. The email alert is not sending. It doesn't send to the Contact, it doesn't send to me.
2. When I'm in the email template and I test the merge fields, it finds the Contact First Name but not the custom field on the Campaign Member. This makes sense to me because how would it know which Campaign to look for? So how do I test the Campaign Member merge fields?

I am a total newbie to APEX. I am using FormAssembly to integrate payments made by our volunteers to a custom object I created in SalesForce (Payments). In Salesforce, it says the name of the object for API use is "Payments_c" . However when I reference it in sample code provided by FormAssembly, I get an error that says, "sObject type 'Payments_c' is not supported. If you are attempting to use a custom object, be sure to append the '__c' after the entity name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names."

I'm sure this is very basic... I really appreciate your help. :)