• Glenn Soden 2
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Trying to figure out how to count number of days and populate a field for "Date__C" calcualtion.  That part is easy.  But need it to count until ANOTHER date is entered then stop.

Assuming a workflow rule that can run the "counter" but then how to stop once second date is entered and be calculated upon.

(Date1__C) - TODAY()  - this runs and gives a running count  (X # of Days in number field) until below happens  

(Date1__C) - (Date2__D) which then produces (X # of Days in number field) and stops as the final date has been entered and reached.

Any ideas? And no not going ot get into the weekend days vs week days.  Thanks in advance!! 
I know there are many Validation rule solutions out there but not finding one for my use case.  We currently allow certain profiles ability to change Opportunity Stage using all encompassing "AND( ISCHANGED( StageName ), 
$Profile.Name <> "System Administrator) - and adding any other profiles, user id's etc we want to by pass this rule.  This works fine.

New requirment is to keep this but add a profile that can change ONLY certain picklist values on the Opportunity stage.  That is where I am stuck. Was thinking I could add that profile to this rule, then create a new rule specifically for the profile that will have partial ability to change stage.  But the original rule overrides the lower limiting rule for the profile.

How can I acheive limiting picklist values for one profile  (ie keeping what we have but prevnting this new profile from changing to close won, closed lost, etc)  while keeping the current rule bypass in place for the other profiles?  Any help would be appreciated