• Łukasz Bieniawski
  • 45 Points
  • Member since 2015

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Hi all,

I've got a SFDC user sandbox and cuold login successfully with SOAP API.
When I get an object name, E.G. Account, how could I have a check whether I could read or edit its records before really having a try to read out a record or modify a record?
Any suggestion is expected.

  • September 02, 2015
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Hi all,
How to find which are the objects having tab setting in each profile.i.e.Whether its default on or default off.
I liked to create a HELP page using Visualforce.
I searched "Visualforce" in force.com but not finding.
Any pointer, how can I find this?
In my code I am getting controlling field value from another page through parameter and using this value I need to display its dependent picklist values as a textvalue on VF Page. I have used Schema.DescribeSObjectResult for getting picklist values dynamically but using this option I am getting all the values and not dependent value. How can I achieve to get dependent values.

Thanks In advance.
Hello all,
    I'm new on salesforce technology.I wanna retrieve some records from sObject and I wanna insert those retrieved records into a custome object. without using Apex controller and trigger. How can I perform this task. I'll  eagerly wait for yours' reply.
thank you all in advance 
Hello , I was trying to complete all challenge about lightining, i was able to pass all of them except "Using Javascript Controller with Components" challenge. I was not able to figure out why trailhead gives the  error below  :

User-added image

Here is my component :
<aura:component > 

    <ui:inputNumber aura:id="inputOne" onError='{!c.handleError}' /> <br />
    <ui:inputNumber aura:id="inputTwo" onError='{!c.handleError}' /> <br/> 
    <ui:inputNumber aura:id="inputThree" onError='{!c.handleError}' /> <br/>
    <ui:outputNumber aura:id="totalValue" value="" /><br/>
	 <ui:button label="Calculate"  press="{!c.calculate}"/>  

and here is my js controler :
	calculate : function(component, event, helper) {
		var inputFirst = component.find("inputOne").get("v.value");
        var inputSecond = component.find("inputTwo").get("v.value");
        var inputThird = component.find("inputThree").get("v.value");
        var total = parseInt(inputFirst) + parseInt(inputSecond) - parseInt(inputThird);


Anyone help me. I send json object with webhook to  /services/apexrest/myService/test, but i can't reseve them, my class is 
global class myWeb {
    global static void sayHello() {
        RestRequest request = RestContext.request; 
        RestResponse response = RestContext.response;
        String accountId = request.requestURI.substring(request.requestURI.lastIndexOf('/')+1);

But result after execute is System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object. I need send from woocommerce wordpress plugin with webhooks to salesforce. Anyone help me. Thanks :)
Ho to use Sytem.debug in this code..

global with sharing class sendsms {
    webservice static void sendsms1(String strPhone,String strName){
    AppRemind__c c =[Select Name,Email_Address__c,Phone_Mobile_Number__c, Alert__c from AppRemind__c];
    if(c.Name != null){
    if(c.Phone_Mobile_Number__c != null){
        //String txt='Your Appointment No. '+c.Name+'';
        String email=''+c.Email_Address__c+'';
        String phn=''+c.Phone_Mobile_Number__c+'';
            HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
            //Setting Endpoint URL to HTTP request
            //set the request type
            //HTTP object creation
            Http http = new Http();
            //Sending the Req throgh HTTPResponse object.
            HTTPResponse res = http.send(req);
Hi all,

I've got a SFDC user sandbox and cuold login successfully with SOAP API.
When I get an object name, E.G. Account, how could I have a check whether I could read or edit its records before really having a try to read out a record or modify a record?
Any suggestion is expected.

  • September 02, 2015
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I create a free salesforce account. 
Salesforce give me a dev environment.

Will i be able to create public websites from that ?

Not sure if I am blind or its not on my set up.  I type it in the quick search and it does not come up.
Is it possible to use S2S between 2 different Sandboxes (Say Dev to Test) withing the same Org?  If so, how do I set this up?
Hi ,
 I need to write a trigger which checks all the leads and if any lead had duplicate lastname then in that i have to mark checkbox via trigger,for that i have written a trigger but it is not working can anyone help me..
my trigger is:
trigger LeadDuplicatePreventer on Lead (before insert ,after update) 
List<Lead> lead1 = new List<Lead>();
List<Lead> lead2 = new List<Lead>();
for (Lead L1 :trigger.new)
  for(Lead L2:trigger.new)
   if(L1.LastName == L2.LastName)
    L1.Duplicate_Lastname1__c = true;
but is showing an error method does not exist exit();