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My Code bolow,
PageReference  pr = Page.VF_Page_Here;
String mailBody = pr.getContent().toString();

The above code was working fine abount a few day's ago. All of a sudden it has started throwing exception,
System.VisualforceException: Attempt to de-reference a null object

When I run the same code through workbench it works fine, but when called from an apex class throws the above excpetion.

Has somebody faced similar issue & got any resolution over it?
Is this some versioning problem?

Please help!!
Thanks in Advance!
We are not able to deploy classes into Production because of code coverage. But the code coverage of Production is 78% right now, we have also complied the classes and cleared all histrory related to Running test classes. What whould be the issue ?
My Code bolow,
PageReference  pr = Page.VF_Page_Here;
String mailBody = pr.getContent().toString();

The above code was working fine abount a few day's ago. All of a sudden it has started throwing exception,
System.VisualforceException: Attempt to de-reference a null object

When I run the same code through workbench it works fine, but when called from an apex class throws the above excpetion.

Has somebody faced similar issue & got any resolution over it?
Is this some versioning problem?

Please help!!
Thanks in Advance!
We are not able to deploy classes into Production because of code coverage. But the code coverage of Production is 78% right now, we have also complied the classes and cleared all histrory related to Running test classes. What whould be the issue ?