• Kumar Saurav
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I have a dev org and have been working with omnichannel. After working with omnichannel for awhile(about 2 months) I was no longer able to log into omnichannel. I checked the console and it said  "Login Failed" ...."Data Storage Limits Exceeded". So I went to check my data usage and found out that I was maxed out at 110% of my data usage. Most of it(over 50%) was being used by "User Presences" records(over 1400 records). I have identifiyed these objects as "UserServicePresence" records, which can not be deleted. So now a am maxed out on my data and can not delete what is causing it to be maxed out. If anyone can find a way to delete "UserServicePresence" records, I would really like to know.
I have tried the " Data Management Importing Data" trailhead module. I have trouble importing contacts into my dev org. I'm getting 'STORAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED:storage limit exceeded:--" error.
Salesforce.com Organization ID00D36000000L2PW
User: savudaiappan@wave.de.com

Please advise.

   i have used salesforce trial version for my project purpose. my task using jitterbit data loader to load the data in salesforce, after insert operation my data not successfuly install in salesforce. error " storage limit exceeded ". how to solve this error.

how to connect jitterbit agent.

Help: I have created a Validation which will block the insertion of a contact if the contact is related to an account and has a mailing postal code (which has the API Name MailingPostalCode) different from the account's shipping postal code (which has the API Name ShippingPostalCode).
I tested the validation and I know it works because it gives the correct error message for this scenario however I am recieiving this error from Trail Head when I click on the green Check Challenge button :

There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: STORAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, storage limit exceeded: []

2) I checked Data Management and I have a lot of space for creating a contact (1% or 99% free space)
For accounts I am at 93% full but I am not creating another account.

IS it the account percentage that needs reducing even though I am not creating another Account obejct at 93%?  Thanks for your help on this.
Hi everyone,

As per the business requirement, customer should be able to attach up to 10MB of file while sending an email and it should get attached with the newly created case in Salesforce as an attachment. As per my knowledge currently salesforce file size limit for email attachments is 5MB per attachment up to 25MB total. I have been digging on internet but I could find at places that we can send an attachment of more than 5MB also.
If I want to attach a single file to an email, can you please confirm what max size it can be of?
Also, If we can't send a single file of size more than 5MB, what are the workarounds?
Hi everyone,

As per the business requirement, customer should be able to attach up to 10MB of file while sending an email and it should get attached with the newly created case in Salesforce as an attachment. As per my knowledge currently salesforce file size limit for email attachments is 5MB per attachment up to 25MB total. I have been digging on internet but I could find at places that we can send an attachment of more than 5MB also.
If I want to attach a single file to an email, can you please confirm what max size it can be of?
Also, If we can't send a single file of size more than 5MB, what are the workarounds?

Hello, I have a requirement to send Attachment file data to a third party system. Currently I am quering each attachment in a separate batch and then convert the blob data to base64 string to form a specific XML for the third party API to accept. Then issueing a apexcallout to send the attachment data to that system.
string requestBody = '<Job><InputType>'+attachment.ContentType.substringAfter('/')+'</InputType><InputURL></InputURL><InputBlob type="binary">'+EncodingUtil.base64Encode(attachment.Body)+'</InputBlob></Job>

This is working fine although the problem is with large attachments. When in an average, an attachment is of size around 7MB, the base64 string is hitting the System.heaplimitexception of 12MB and the callout fails. Salesforce supports to attach a file upto 25MB size, so i have to support that file size. But I am severely limited by the heaplimit exception. I tried the

o send the blob data directly to external system but that again it has only 3MB of limit. Could you please help me to show any solution to get around it?
Thanks in advance.
HI All,
i am attaching files to an email that I send out form Apex code. I was reading the documentation of email file size limits and came across very conflicting statements. In the help section it is clearly written

"The size limit for multiple files attached to the same email is 25 MB, with a maximum size of 5 MB per file."

But then I also find this in a couple of places

"The max email message size for a complete email message including attachments is 10MB"

"Email Services: Maximum Size of Email Message (Body and Attachments):10MB"
"Email services reject email messages and notify the sender if the email (combined body text, body HTML, and attachments) exceeds approximately 10 MB (varies depending on language and character set)."

My question is quite simple ... What limit should I care about if I intend to send attachments through email directly from the controller?

Lately I've turned Email-to-Case option and found out that there is limitation to attachments sent via Email.

According to http://login.salesforce.com/help/doc/en/limits.htm there is limit to 10mb for attachment in "On-Demand Service".

But every time I send attachment bigger than 7,5 mb I got Mail delivery failure with "The error that the other server returned was: 552 552 Message is too large; 10485760 bytes max"

From what I've read emails grow up while they are sent by 33% so I figured out that this might be the problem.
Could anyone confirm that? If yes what are the "real" limits for attachments?


Btw maybe anyone knows, if there is way to copy/move attachment from email to salesforce attachments in case (excluding that application on appexchange)??


Best regards



Edit: I have just noticed, that there is attachment icon next to email in case view but when i opened email i see: "Attachments[0]".




I am having this error.

First error: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: STORAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, storage limit exceeded: []



Tried deleting the records by using data loader but no success, also tried it by deleting the record by selecting all and deleting but the error comes


Cannot delete last list view. You can't delete the last list view that's Visible to all users or Visible to certain groups of users.



I having an issue with the size limit on the Quote PDF object. The Quote generated is really big ( > 5MB), so I won't be able to attach it. What are the options to over come this issue?


Thank you for you time.



Can we get Used Data Space and % space used from sforce API ?





I'm sending an email with attachments using SingleEmailMessage. An EmailFileAttachment[] List is created to contain the attachments which are within the specified 10mb limit for all attachments but when the attachments exceed 2mb in size the Apex heap size limit is exceeded.


My question simply is this: how are files, of up to 10mb, attached to an email using the SingleEmailMessage class without getting 'System.Exception: Apex heap size too large'?



// Create EmailMessage and assign parameters
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); 
mail.setSubject('New Case Created : ' + case.Id);
mail.setPlainTextBody('Your Case: ' + case.Id +' has been created');

// Set email file attachments
List<Messaging.Emailfileattachment> fileAttachments = new List<Messaging.Emailfileattachment>();
for (Attachment a : [select Name, Body, BodyLength 
                     from Attachment
                     where ParentId = :case.Id])
  // Add to attachment file list
  Messaging.Emailfileattachment efa = new Messaging.Emailfileattachment();

// Send email
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail })


I came up against this issue a couple of months back, posted it, but got no response. So apologies, I'm posting again in the hope that I can finally find a solution.


Would appreciate any responses on this one, even if it's half a guess. Thanks in advance.


I'm attempting to send an email with a large attachment (or attachments) using SingleEmailMessage. A EmailFileAttachment[] List is created to contain the attachments which are within the 10mb limit for all attachments but when the attachment(s) exceed 2mb in size the Apex heap size limit is exceeded. There's obviously something I'm missing here. With this in mind, how are files, of up to 10mb collectively, attached to an email using the setFileAttachments method without exceeding the Apex heap size limit?


There's no problem uploading a file of up to 5mb in size to the Attachments object for example, that doesn't cause a Apex heap size error. So I assume blobs don't count against heap size. But that doesn't seem to be true for a collection of objects that contain a blob. Surely the blob is only held by reference?


The code below doesn't enforce the 10mb attachments limit but assume it's not exceeded. When fileAttachments exceeds 2mb the 'System.Exception: Apex heap size too large' occurs.


// Create EmailMessage and assign parameters
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
mail.setSubject('New Case Created : ' + case.Id);
mail.setPlainTextBody('Your Case: ' + case.Id +' has been created');

// Set email file attachments
List<Messaging.Emailfileattachment> fileAttachments = new List<Messaging.Emailfileattachment>();
for (Attachment a : [select Name, Body, BodyLength
from Attachment
where ParentId = :case.Id])
// Add to attachment file list
Messaging.Emailfileattachment efa = new Messaging.Emailfileattachment();

// Send email
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail })

Message Edited by nelloC on 02-16-2010 03:35 AM

I'm using axis 1.1 to create cases from emails I get and upload the attachments (as an attachment to the case).
this program has been running for a few months now and yesterday I started getting errors on (SoapBindingStub)x.create((SObject[])y) that tell me: "attachment data exceeded maximum size"
unfortunately, I am unable to reproduce the error; I successfully uploaded a file of 1 MB today while none of yesterday's files exceeded 150 KB.
I am not exactly sure what the message is about, so I checked the organisation's storage usage. the storage limit is well over 3 GB with ~1.4 GB currently used.
is it possible that the api erroneously checks used space with the default enterprise edition limit of 1 GB?
this is just about the only thing I could think of that might cause such an error (or maybe attachments may use only a certain %age of storage space? or a single user may use only a certain amount of space?)...
the really weird thing is that out of 10 items only 2 failed and 8 worked both before and after the failed ones and I can't really see any meaningful difference in the files. it's not even the biggest files that fail.
also, if it were some programming error / encoding problem, I'd expect all 10 to fail...
the same thing applies for the storage space limits, really. I'd expect the program to fail to upload anything if I had run into some kind of limit...
so, as you can see, I'm quite clueless...any help would be appreciated.

thanks in advance
Can anyone tell me, off-hand, what is the maximum size for an attachment upload?  I seem to recall being told it is1Mb, but I'm not sure.  I know this is a lame question, but I don't have the latest API docs for this.  Speaking of which, can anyone tell me where I can get the latest apI docs - also a lame question I'm sure?