• sravanthi k 4
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if suppose I have date field with value start date - 26/05/2016

 and mutiselect picklist called Collection days with values Tuesday, Friday 
Example :
start date - 26/05/2016

Collection day - Monday,Thrusday
and we have another field called next scheduled collection day

System should show today that "next scheduled collection day" is 26/05/2016

Tommorow(27/05/2016) - system should show that "next scheduled collection day" is 30/05/2016 (Monday)
Tuesday 31/05/2016 - system shows Thrusday 02/06/2016
03/06/2016 - system shows 06/05/2016
07/06/2016- system should show 09/06/2016

Help out with this.

We have integrated salesforce with sagepay.
The issue we are facing is: 
when we are logged in the sagepay we saw a change to their admin panel which required a tick box to enable API which has generated new integration key,integration password and vendor name.

Now,how do I update the SagePay configs with API Keys, I order to test the transactions?

Can any one please help me out with this
Many Thank in advance.

I need to get First day from the date given.

For example consider 30/04/2015 date and it is Thrusday all I need to get next month's first Thrusday i.e, 07/05/2015 in batch class.

Please help me out of this.

Many thanks in advance
Hi everyone,

I have an issue when I am trying to clone(standard clone button) a record ,it is redirecting to recordtype page where we choose record type to create record which should not happen . can any please help me out how to resolve it .

Thanks in advance
Hi everyone,

I have exported the data from salesforce now i want to send this data automatically to cloud account ?

Can any please tell me the steps to follow and  pass data to cloud.

Thank you .
Hi every one,

Trough REST API i am capturing url for a particular image now ,i want to read the data from that url in blob format and then attach that image in sales force ,

can any please help to read the data from url
This is my trigger:

trigger AttachmentImage on Item__c (before insert,before update) {
   list<Item__c>  lst=[select id,URL__c from Item__c];
    Blob pic ;
  pic =blob.valueof('http://multisite.dhrusoff.com/wp-content/plugins/forces/img/ballon1949004662-300X300.jpg');
       for(Item__c b:lst)
       if(b.URL__c !=null) {
         Attachment a = new Attachment (ParentId = b.id,Body = pic,Name = 'Item Image.jpeg');
          System.debug('==========Attach======= - ' +a);
          System.debug('==========Attach======= - ' +a.id);
        insert a;
Integration with PHP

My requriement  is that when user uploads image in php site i need to get the image url into salesforce throught rest api and then i have pass response that image has been attached
My code;

Global with sharing class HandMProducts{    
 global static string doGet(){              
RestRequest req = RestContext.request;        
 RestResponse res = RestContext.response;        
 system.debug('---------->request req'+req);    
 system.debug('---------->request url '+req.requestURI);              
System.debug('=============== req.requestURI -'+ req.params);          
String method = req.params.get('method');    
 System.debug('============= method-' + method);

if(method == 'Attach'){      System.debug('====Attach========= method-' + method);       String itemid=req.params.get('Itemid');       string url =req.params.get('url');      System.debug('====Attach=========-' + itemid);       System.debug('====Attach=========-' + url );     return Attach(itemid,url);     }  

  return null;   }

global static string Attach(String Itemid,string url){  System.debug('==========Attach======= - ' +Itemid);   System.debug('==========Attach======= - ' +url);     Item__c a = [select id,name from Item__c];    if(a.id==Itemid){          a.URL__c = url;           System.debug('==========Attach======= - ' +a.URL__c);           insert a;            System.debug('==========Attach======= - ' +a);               }     System.debug('==========Attach======= - ' +a.id);        return a.id;           }

can any help me out please
i have two objects Travel(Master) and Traveller Detalis(Child) and i have a cross object formula field ( DATATYPE:Currency)  in  Traveller Detalis object now i want to create a rollup summary field in travel object but this field is not displaying.please any one help me
I need to get First day from the date given.

For example consider 30/04/2015 date and it is Thrusday all I need to get next month's first Thrusday i.e, 07/05/2015 in batch class.

Please help me out of this.

Many thanks in advance
i have two objects Travel(Master) and Traveller Detalis(Child) and i have a cross object formula field ( DATATYPE:Currency)  in  Traveller Detalis object now i want to create a rollup summary field in travel object but this field is not displaying.please any one help me