• kondru sampreeth
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please need your help

 line No 5 expecting a right parentheses, found ';'--- trigger
line No 12  same error in class

trigger FindDupesonLead on Lead (before insert) {
 for (Lead myLead : Trigger.new) {
    if (myLead.Email != null) {
      List<contact> dupes = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE Email = :myLead.Email];

//below line getting an error
      if (dupes != null &amp;&amp; dupes.size() &gt; 0) {
        String errorMessage = 'Duplicate contact found! ';
        errorMessage += 'Record ID is ' + dupes[0].Id;
public class FindDupesonLead {
    public static List<account> mergeDupeContactsInAnAccount(List<account> accList) {
        // Create a set of duplicate contacts that
        //  we will delete later. We use a set because it has the contains() method
        Set<contact> duplicates = new Set<contact>();
        // For each account, we will loop over every contact to find a dupe
        for (Account a : accList) {
             //below  line i am getting an error
            // There needs to be at least 2 contacts to have a dupe
            if (a.Contacts != null &amp;  a.Contacts.size() > 1) {
                // Iterate across the account's contacts to find dupes
                for (Contact outerContact : a.Contacts) {
                    // Skip this contact if it has been identified as a dupe
                    if (duplicates.contains(outerContact)) { continue; }
                    // Iterate again though the contacts to find a match by email or name
                    for (Contact innerContact : a.Contacts) {
                        // Skip this contact if it has been identified as a dupe
                        if (duplicates.contains(innerContact )) { continue; }
                        // Since the original contact is in this list, make sure we don't match it
                        if (outerContact.Id != innerContact.Id) {
                            // Check for a match by email
                            if (outerContact.Email != null &amp;&amp; outerContact.Email.equals(innerContact.Email)) {
                            // Now check for a match by name
                            if (outerContact.FirstName != null &amp;&amp; innerContact.FirstName != null) {
                                String outerContactName = outerContact.FirstName + outerContact.LastName;
                                String innerContactName = innerContact.FirstName + innerContact.LastName;
                                if (outerContactName.equals(innerContactName)) {
        // Delete dupes
       // if (duplicates.size() &gt; 0) {
           // List<contact> duplicatesList = new List<contact>();
          //  duplicatesList.addAll(duplicates);
          //  delete duplicatesList;
        return accList;

how we can track billing within salesforce
please let me know the document if any body having document  if it possible please send kondruxavier27@gmail.com

when lead status changed to"closed-but not converted" then task should be assign to a manager , 
please write a triiger how it will do?