• Amoolya Donty
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  • Member since 2015

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I have requirement to display Lightning Component along with VF page Contents.
We need to split the screen into 2 columns and in the left panel we need to display from Lightning and in right panel we should be able to display VF contents.

I tried using style tags but its not helping as Component will be executed using Script tag.

Kindly help with this. Its urgent.

It should be similar like below:

User-added image


If we call Apex class from Process builder, then the execution will be Scheduled Apex or Queuable Apex or Async Execution?


I need to call different methods for each tab. How i need to achieve that?

I used onClick in apex:tabPanel but tab is getting changed if i click within tab area.

onTabEnter is also not working for me in apex:tab.

Thanks in advance

I need to query date field from a Date/Time field in a SOQL query.

EG: [SELECT Id,StartDate FROM XYZ WHERE StartDate >=: StartTime];

StartDate = Date type
StartTime = Date/Time type

 I need to query the date in YYYY-MM-DD format, but in Date field the value being stored is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. So i cannot able to fetch the values.

I need help on the following requirement in vf page

i have a Visualforce page where i have a free text box where i have to enter date using date picker for some reason <apex:Input type ="date"> is not working

let me know how to achieve this requirement

Thanks in Advance

I need to query date field from a Date/Time field in a SOQL query.

EG: [SELECT Id,StartDate FROM XYZ WHERE StartDate >=: StartTime];

StartDate = Date type
StartTime = Date/Time type

 I need to query the date in YYYY-MM-DD format, but in Date field the value being stored is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. So i cannot able to fetch the values.