• Louis Nguyen
  • 35 Points
  • Member since 2015
  • Data Architect
  • Young Presidents Organization

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Hello Everyone,
The code snippet works for the limited data sample.  I want to bulkify the part where it updates the spousename.

This SF article said I can use a MAP variable.    

I am struggling at what to do.  Please help me write the Map and Map.put statements.  Thanks.

//get the Scotland Members 
Relationship__c[] MemberIDs=[
	SELECT Account__c,contact__c
	FROM Relationship__c
	WHERE relationship_type__c='member'
	and Contact__c in (
		SELECT Contact__c
		FROM Account_Affiliation__c
		WHERE Account__c='0016100000STADyAAP'
		and Benefit_Status__c not in ('Terminated')
		and IsActive__c = true
		and IsDeleted = false)

//instantiate the report object variable
list<RptChapterRoster__c> rptList = new list<RptChapterRoster__c>();

//create the rpt rows
for(Relationship__c r :MemberIDs){
        rptList.add(new RptChapterRoster__c(Chapter_Name__c='WPO Scotland',Member_Contact__c = r.contact__c,Household_Account__c=r.account__c ));

//update with spousename -- this is not bulkified -- can't figure out how to use map for this
for(RptChapterRoster__c myvar:rptList) {
	Relationship__c  r = [select id,contact__c from Relationship__c where relationship_type__c='spouse' and account__c = :myvar.household_account__c];

insert rptList;

Hello Everyone,
If you are a YPO Management Team Member and are going through the Trailhead training, please reply to this email thread.  Thanks!
I keep getting this error when trying to do a Trailhead Challenge.  Any ideas?  Thanks.
User-added image

Here is my code:
<aura:event type="APPLICATION" description="Event template">
    <aura:attribute name="phone" type="String"/>
<aura:application >
	send : function(component, event, helper) {
		var phone = component.find("phone").get("v.value");
            phone: phone
	answer : function(component, event, helper) {
		var text = event.getParam("phone");
        component.set("v.phone", text);

<aura:component >
    <aura:registerEvent name="PhoneNumberEvent" type="c:PhoneNumberEvent"/>
    <ui:inputPhone aura:id="phone" label="phone" />
    <ui:button label="Show Phone" press="{!c.send}"/>
<aura:component >
    <aura:attribute name="phone" type="String" default="No Phone Number"/>
    <ui:outputText aura:id="phone" value="{!v.phone}"/>
    <aura:handler event="c:PhoneNumberEvent" action="{!c.answer}"/>
Hello Everyone,
The code snippet works for the limited data sample.  I want to bulkify the part where it updates the spousename.

This SF article said I can use a MAP variable.    

I am struggling at what to do.  Please help me write the Map and Map.put statements.  Thanks.

//get the Scotland Members 
Relationship__c[] MemberIDs=[
	SELECT Account__c,contact__c
	FROM Relationship__c
	WHERE relationship_type__c='member'
	and Contact__c in (
		SELECT Contact__c
		FROM Account_Affiliation__c
		WHERE Account__c='0016100000STADyAAP'
		and Benefit_Status__c not in ('Terminated')
		and IsActive__c = true
		and IsDeleted = false)

//instantiate the report object variable
list<RptChapterRoster__c> rptList = new list<RptChapterRoster__c>();

//create the rpt rows
for(Relationship__c r :MemberIDs){
        rptList.add(new RptChapterRoster__c(Chapter_Name__c='WPO Scotland',Member_Contact__c = r.contact__c,Household_Account__c=r.account__c ));

//update with spousename -- this is not bulkified -- can't figure out how to use map for this
for(RptChapterRoster__c myvar:rptList) {
	Relationship__c  r = [select id,contact__c from Relationship__c where relationship_type__c='spouse' and account__c = :myvar.household_account__c];

insert rptList;

I keep getting this error when trying to do a Trailhead Challenge.  Any ideas?  Thanks.
User-added image

Here is my code:
<aura:event type="APPLICATION" description="Event template">
    <aura:attribute name="phone" type="String"/>
<aura:application >
	send : function(component, event, helper) {
		var phone = component.find("phone").get("v.value");
            phone: phone
	answer : function(component, event, helper) {
		var text = event.getParam("phone");
        component.set("v.phone", text);

<aura:component >
    <aura:registerEvent name="PhoneNumberEvent" type="c:PhoneNumberEvent"/>
    <ui:inputPhone aura:id="phone" label="phone" />
    <ui:button label="Show Phone" press="{!c.send}"/>
<aura:component >
    <aura:attribute name="phone" type="String" default="No Phone Number"/>
    <ui:outputText aura:id="phone" value="{!v.phone}"/>
    <aura:handler event="c:PhoneNumberEvent" action="{!c.answer}"/>