• Anthony Saienni 2
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I have a visualforce page that uses apex:pageblocks, apex:pageblocksections, and apex:pageblocksectionitems all wrapped in an apex:form tag.

Within one of the apex:pageblocksectionitems, I am displaying an apex:inputfield whose value is bound to a long text area field on the object. When the page loads, if I assign the long text area field a value from an action on the controller and then rerender the apex:inputfield, the value displays normally with carriage returns preserved and normal whitespace.  However, if I do some other action that rerenders the parent apex:form tag, all of a sudden the apex:inputfield value no longer displays with carriage returns on subsequent actions that only rerender the apex:inputfield.

Anyone have any ideas on why I'm getting this behavior?


I have created a Quick Text to use in the Case Feed email channel that contains a merge field for a Rich Text Area field on the Case.  When I invoke the Quick Text in the body of the email I'm composing in the Case Feed view, only the plain text is copied from what was merged, even though the Case Feed supports markup.  It appears to be purposely stripping out the HTML tags.

After failing to find an answer using the Google machine, I'm hoping someone here has an idea on how I can get around this limitation.  Ultimately, I want to be able to use Quick Text with a referenced rich text area field merged into the email I'm composing while maintaining the formatting of the merged field.  Any help or thoughts would be sincerely appreciated.
