• Nikki Hagen 3
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Good afternoon.  Before I start contracting work out, I thought I would ask here.  We have a custom object for quotes and we are in the process of switching to the standard object.  During our original implementation, a trigger was built so that everytime a quote was created, or a subsequent quote was created on an opoortunity, it would give the quote a "number" which in turn, make that number a letter.  So, you end up with quote revisions.  

So on the trigger, I no longer want to reference the customer quote object (in bold), I want to reference the standard which would be Quote__c (I assume).  Here is a small portion of the trigger as it is today.  When I change the bold text to Quote__c, this is the error:[Error] Error: Compile Error: Invalid SObject type name: Quote__c at line 1 column 32

trigger PrimaryQuoteTrigger on SFDC_520_Quote__c (before insert, before update, before delete, after insert, after update) {
    // Rules:
    // #1 Can't delete primary quote
    // #2 Primary quote cannot be un-marked primary. A different existing quote must be marked primary which will unmark the others.
    // #3 Only one primary quote per oppy
    // #4 First quote on oppy must be primary

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks, Nikki ~
Good afternoon.  Before I start contracting work out, I thought I would ask here.  We have a custom object for quotes and we are in the process of switching to the standard object.  During our original implementation, a trigger was built so that everytime a quote was created, or a subsequent quote was created on an opoortunity, it would give the quote a "number" which in turn, make that number a letter.  So, you end up with quote revisions.  

So on the trigger, I no longer want to reference the customer quote object (in bold), I want to reference the standard which would be Quote__c (I assume).  Here is a small portion of the trigger as it is today.  When I change the bold text to Quote__c, this is the error:[Error] Error: Compile Error: Invalid SObject type name: Quote__c at line 1 column 32

trigger PrimaryQuoteTrigger on SFDC_520_Quote__c (before insert, before update, before delete, after insert, after update) {
    // Rules:
    // #1 Can't delete primary quote
    // #2 Primary quote cannot be un-marked primary. A different existing quote must be marked primary which will unmark the others.
    // #3 Only one primary quote per oppy
    // #4 First quote on oppy must be primary

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks, Nikki ~
Good afternoon.  Before I start contracting work out, I thought I would ask here.  We have a custom object for quotes and we are in the process of switching to the standard object.  During our original implementation, a trigger was built so that everytime a quote was created, or a subsequent quote was created on an opoortunity, it would give the quote a "number" which in turn, make that number a letter.  So, you end up with quote revisions.  

So on the trigger, I no longer want to reference the customer quote object (in bold), I want to reference the standard which would be Quote__c (I assume).  Here is a small portion of the trigger as it is today.  When I change the bold text to Quote__c, this is the error:[Error] Error: Compile Error: Invalid SObject type name: Quote__c at line 1 column 32

trigger PrimaryQuoteTrigger on SFDC_520_Quote__c (before insert, before update, before delete, after insert, after update) {
    // Rules:
    // #1 Can't delete primary quote
    // #2 Primary quote cannot be un-marked primary. A different existing quote must be marked primary which will unmark the others.
    // #3 Only one primary quote per oppy
    // #4 First quote on oppy must be primary

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks, Nikki ~