• Patrick Nylen
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  • Member since 2015

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I'm using the reportChart component to embed a chart on a Visualforce page. When clicked, though, the report opens in edit mode and, while the filters are visible in the URL, clicking Run Report then shows the unfiltered report.

See my example below. The issue seems to be the "THIS YEAR" value in the second filter. When replaced with an actualy date (e.g. "2016-01-01") everything works fine. Is there another way to reference "this year"?

<analytics:reportChart reportId="xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" showRefreshButton="false" size="medium" cacheResults="false" filter="[{column:'Custom_Field__c', operator:'equals', value:'Value1,Value2,Value3'},{column:'Custom_Date_Field__c', operator:'equals', value:'THIS YEAR'}]"></analytics:reportChart>
I'm creating a Visualforce page with an embedded chart using <analytics:reportChart>. I'm trying to filter by the Last Modified By field, but keep getting an "Specify a valid filterable column because LastModifiedById is invalid" error. Here's what I'm working with:

<analytics:reportChart reportId="[report ID]" showRefreshButton="false" size="medium" filter="{column:'LastModifiedById', operator:'equals', value:'[user ID]'}"></analytics:reportChart>

I'm building a series of department dashboards using VIsualforce pages and the <analytics:reportChart> element.

How do I inline filter my report by Case Owner? My assumption is below, and I've tried several variations. We do not use queues/escalation rules, so I'm hoping that simplifies things.

<analytics:reportChart reportId="[Report ID]" filter="{column:'Case.Owner', operator:'equals', value:'[Name 1],[Name 2],[etc.]'}"></analytics:reportChart>

Thanks for taking a look ^_^

I'm using the reportChart component to embed a chart on a Visualforce page. When clicked, though, the report opens in edit mode and, while the filters are visible in the URL, clicking Run Report then shows the unfiltered report.

See my example below. The issue seems to be the "THIS YEAR" value in the second filter. When replaced with an actualy date (e.g. "2016-01-01") everything works fine. Is there another way to reference "this year"?

<analytics:reportChart reportId="xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" showRefreshButton="false" size="medium" cacheResults="false" filter="[{column:'Custom_Field__c', operator:'equals', value:'Value1,Value2,Value3'},{column:'Custom_Date_Field__c', operator:'equals', value:'THIS YEAR'}]"></analytics:reportChart>