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Hi Developers,

I am creating a VF page containing a table like the followings. How to do subtotals grouped by Aged Category? And then put a row at the end of each category with the category name on the left side of the row? Any ideas and sample code would be greatly helpful!

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Hi All,

I have a sObject SSS that has a Customer_Account__c field looking up to Account standard object. I have a Status field in that sObject with default value "Open". I have setup an auto-update through Process Builder--whenever an SSS Line Item sObject (which is the child in a master-detail relationship with SSS) is checked in Billed__c checkbox field, the Status field in parent SSS sObject would be auto-populated to "On Hold".

Would it be possible to set up a trigger that once Status field is updated to "On Hold", the rest of SSS with the same Account and Status = "Open" would be auto-updated with the Status = "On Hold"? I have written the following codes, but I need some help with it...

Hi All,

I have an Apex controller to a VF page. It will run everytime I click a button in the VF page. The controller works well. It's function is to clear a whole sObject old records and create a batch of new records.

When it comes to the second part to write a scheduled apex job, it is really confusing. There are a lot of posts about Apex Scheduler to run every hour or everyday. But would it be possible to set up a VF page just like the following (screenshot from Reports)? Users are able to choose wheter to start scheduling the apex job or stop scheduling; they can choose the date to start and cease; they can choose what time they would like the scheduled Apex job to run. 

I would like to know if it is doable. Any hints or sample codes are welcomed. If you have ever seen any post similar to it, please shart it to me!

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Hi all,

Let's say we have a parent sObject called ParentObj with a QuoteNumber custom field, and a child sObject called ChildObj. There are two custom fields in ChildObj, Product and Price. 

Within the same record of ParentObj, the ChildObj is a related list in ParentObj record page. When a new record of ChildObj is created in the same parent record, we would like to compare the price value of the previous record with the same product name. If the price is different, then I would receive an email alert.
ParentID: P00000012
QuoteNumber: QN0001
RecordId         Product            Price
  001                Item1                100
  002                Item1                100
  003                Item2                 60
  004                Item1                 200  
As shown above, I should receive an email alert when a child record 004 is created. Any ideas? I would really appreciate if sample code for this issue is provided or urls to similar Apex trigger. 

Thank you.
Hi All,

I have two custom objects with Master-Detail relationships, A__c (parent) and B__c (child).

When clicking "New" button in related list of B__c in A__c page layout, a VF page, named newBrecord is generated to let user create a new B__c record. One of the fields is populated with A__c.Name. For example, in the VF newBrecord page, 

A__c.Name:                A0001       (auto populated parent name not editable field)
B__c.Date__c:            5/15/2015  (input field)
B__c.Description__c:  Asking Apex Questions (input field)
After clicking "Clone" button, the current B__c record should be saved, and a new VF newBrecord page should be in edit-mode with A__c.Name (not editable), Date__c, Description__c fields populated. The StandardController of the VF newBrecord page is B__c, and an extension is created to write APEX codes.

I am new to Salesforce and have worked on this functionality for a long time. I would really appreciate your help on this functionaly.
Hi All,

I have an Apex controller to a VF page. It will run everytime I click a button in the VF page. The controller works well. It's function is to clear a whole sObject old records and create a batch of new records.

When it comes to the second part to write a scheduled apex job, it is really confusing. There are a lot of posts about Apex Scheduler to run every hour or everyday. But would it be possible to set up a VF page just like the following (screenshot from Reports)? Users are able to choose wheter to start scheduling the apex job or stop scheduling; they can choose the date to start and cease; they can choose what time they would like the scheduled Apex job to run. 

I would like to know if it is doable. Any hints or sample codes are welcomed. If you have ever seen any post similar to it, please shart it to me!

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Hi All,

I have a sObject SSS that has a Customer_Account__c field looking up to Account standard object. I have a Status field in that sObject with default value "Open". I have setup an auto-update through Process Builder--whenever an SSS Line Item sObject (which is the child in a master-detail relationship with SSS) is checked in Billed__c checkbox field, the Status field in parent SSS sObject would be auto-populated to "On Hold".

Would it be possible to set up a trigger that once Status field is updated to "On Hold", the rest of SSS with the same Account and Status = "Open" would be auto-updated with the Status = "On Hold"? I have written the following codes, but I need some help with it...

Hi All,

I have an Apex controller to a VF page. It will run everytime I click a button in the VF page. The controller works well. It's function is to clear a whole sObject old records and create a batch of new records.

When it comes to the second part to write a scheduled apex job, it is really confusing. There are a lot of posts about Apex Scheduler to run every hour or everyday. But would it be possible to set up a VF page just like the following (screenshot from Reports)? Users are able to choose wheter to start scheduling the apex job or stop scheduling; they can choose the date to start and cease; they can choose what time they would like the scheduled Apex job to run. 

I would like to know if it is doable. Any hints or sample codes are welcomed. If you have ever seen any post similar to it, please shart it to me!

User-added image
Hi all,

Let's say we have a parent sObject called ParentObj with a QuoteNumber custom field, and a child sObject called ChildObj. There are two custom fields in ChildObj, Product and Price. 

Within the same record of ParentObj, the ChildObj is a related list in ParentObj record page. When a new record of ChildObj is created in the same parent record, we would like to compare the price value of the previous record with the same product name. If the price is different, then I would receive an email alert.
ParentID: P00000012
QuoteNumber: QN0001
RecordId         Product            Price
  001                Item1                100
  002                Item1                100
  003                Item2                 60
  004                Item1                 200  
As shown above, I should receive an email alert when a child record 004 is created. Any ideas? I would really appreciate if sample code for this issue is provided or urls to similar Apex trigger. 

Thank you.
Hi All,

I have two custom objects with Master-Detail relationships, A__c (parent) and B__c (child).

When clicking "New" button in related list of B__c in A__c page layout, a VF page, named newBrecord is generated to let user create a new B__c record. One of the fields is populated with A__c.Name. For example, in the VF newBrecord page, 

A__c.Name:                A0001       (auto populated parent name not editable field)
B__c.Date__c:            5/15/2015  (input field)
B__c.Description__c:  Asking Apex Questions (input field)
After clicking "Clone" button, the current B__c record should be saved, and a new VF newBrecord page should be in edit-mode with A__c.Name (not editable), Date__c, Description__c fields populated. The StandardController of the VF newBrecord page is B__c, and an extension is created to write APEX codes.

I am new to Salesforce and have worked on this functionality for a long time. I would really appreciate your help on this functionaly.
I have custom object Target.we are created custom visualforce page and assigned to Target Tab.We used custom visualfoce for targert because we have lot of  validation during record save and page layout implemention according to product selected.

Example : Assiged Visaulforce CreateTarget to target tab (/apex/CreateTarget).Now business want to create clone button on created visualforcepage (CreateTarget).Is there any API for Clone or Idea? 

Please help on create custom clone button on visualforce page?

I cannot find the answer to my question in the boards, and I am very new to SF, so please be gentle with me!


I have used REST before, but not with SF, and I am just starting. I already have some reports defined in SF, and I want to run an Excel VBA script to download the results of these four reports into Excel (I will be doing this once a week).


The documentation I have been able to understand keeps talking about SQL. I understand SQL, but since the report is already defined to SF, surely there is a way to specify that's what I want? Or do I simply have to rewrite the extract using SQL?


Sorry again if this has already been asked, but I could not find it.


Thanks for listening.

  • July 29, 2013
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