• Kevin Breanach
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I've followed all of the documentation steps, starting from https://help.salesforce.com/apex/HTViewHelpDoc?id=admin_files_connect_overview.htm&language=en_US (https://help.salesforce.com/apex/HTViewHelpDoc?id=admin_files_connect_overview.htm&language=en_US) but when I test the authentication (either via my username>My Settings>Personal>Authentication (etc) or Setup>Develop>External Data Sources) the following happens:
1. I get redirected to the correct SharePoint site and asked if I want to trust CRM. I click 'Trust it'.
2. I get a SalesForce error

There was a problem with your authentication attempt. Please try again. If you continue to encounter problems, contact your administrator.

Is there any way I can debug this further? I've not been able to connect to SharePoint with the Online Mnaagement PowerShell plugin (as suggested). Are there any SalesForce logs I can check?

Any suggestions gladly appreciated.

I've followed all of the documentation steps, starting from https://help.salesforce.com/apex/HTViewHelpDoc?id=admin_files_connect_overview.htm&language=en_US (https://help.salesforce.com/apex/HTViewHelpDoc?id=admin_files_connect_overview.htm&language=en_US) but when I test the authentication (either via my username>My Settings>Personal>Authentication (etc) or Setup>Develop>External Data Sources) the following happens:
1. I get redirected to the correct SharePoint site and asked if I want to trust CRM. I click 'Trust it'.
2. I get a SalesForce error

There was a problem with your authentication attempt. Please try again. If you continue to encounter problems, contact your administrator.

Is there any way I can debug this further? I've not been able to connect to SharePoint with the Online Mnaagement PowerShell plugin (as suggested). Are there any SalesForce logs I can check?

Any suggestions gladly appreciated.