• Alexei Tchernoraenko
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I would like to consume salesforce web services via REST Api and I need Api description in any of those formats to generate a client.
So far I only find some none official incomplete examples
  https://github.com/paypal/wadl-library/blob/master/salesforce/salesforce-wadl.xml - incomplete
  or https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/apiplatform/popular#/portals/apis/8111/versions/8305 - does not work actually
and https://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/api_rest/Content/resources_list.htm but it's not something that can be used by any of known tools.
As far as I understand salesforce does not support those formats (maybe they have plans to support them?) but maybe I am missing somethng.
Does anybody know any other sources?