• vijendhar
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  • Member since 2015

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Hi to all,
  how to create a permission set that has only the capability to login as another user? 

i have one long text area custom field text__c,

it have N-lines, in that i need to display top 5 lines

example :
comment line  1
comment  line  2
comment  lline 3
comment  line 10,

now i need to display only top 5 lines in email template of salesforce, how can i achive these funcaionallity . very urgent requrement..help me

Thanks Advance


Hi All,
I have a requirement that, i have long text area field  with Recenct case comments displaying in case object by using some workflow ,
now my requrement is i  have a email template, in that template i need to create top five lines of  comments how can i achive these funcionallity


Hi all,
   can u help me to cover all adderror with differnt conditions frm same unit test method, its on opportunity object      
                            if(service == 'Starter' && opp.Initial_Cost__ < 0){
                                    opp.addError('Cannot close the Opportunity since setup fees is less than 0.initialcost');
                                if(service == 'Social' && initialcost < 0){
                                    opp.addError('Cannot close the Opportunity since setup fees is less than 0.initialcost');
                                if(service == 'Reputation Builder' && initialcost < 0){
                                    opp.addError('Cannot close the Opportunity since setup fees is less than 0.initialcost');
                                if(service == 'Media' && initialcost < 375){
                                    opp.addError('Cannot close the Opportunity since setup fees is less than 375.initialcost');
                                if(service == 'Premium' && initialcost < 425){
                                    opp.addError('Cannot close the Opportunity since setup fees is less than 425.initialcost');
                                if(service == 'Velocity' && initialcost < 500){
                                    opp.addError('Cannot close the Opportunity since setup fees is less than 500.initialcost');
                                if(service == 'Dominator' && initialcost < 650){
                                    opp.addError('Cannot close the Opportunity since setup fees is less than 650.initialcost');
Hi all,
  I have a scenario  asked in interview, list is loaded with all the countrys, now question is , in the list first need to show UK, US and after that display sorted list of countrys

can any one help how to achive it?

public class ChildRelationshipExample {
    public List<SelectOption> options;
    public List<SelectOption> getOptions(){
        return options;
    public ChildRelationshipExample(){
        options = new List<SelectOption>();
        Schema.DescribeSobjectResult r = Account.SobjectType.getDescribe();
        List<Schema.childRelationship> c = r.getChildRelationShips();
        for(schema.childRelationship x:c){
            String name = ' '+x.getChildSObject();
            SelectOption op = new SelectOption(name,name);

Constructor not defined: [selectoption].<Constructor>(String, String)

can any one help me to solve these problem
Hi All,
   i have a requirement on account to contact objects, in that in contacts object have once check box export=true , if data  have changed in  account  or contact objects then export has to be false( export =false.  ) in contact object. 
   can any one have best solution or code for it could u share with us
Thanks All
I need to hide account records in Global search whose  Active__c= no , can any one share idea about it?
Hi all,
  I have a scenario  asked in interview, list is loaded with all the countrys, now question is , in the list first need to show UK, US and after that display sorted list of countrys

can any one help how to achive it?

Hi All,
   i have a requirement on account to contact objects, in that in contacts object have once check box export=true , if data  have changed in  account  or contact objects then export has to be false( export =false.  ) in contact object. 
   can any one have best solution or code for it could u share with us
Thanks All