• Vishy Ram 7
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  • Member since 2015
  • Senior Manager
  • Accenture.com

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Hello Experts,

Need your kind help as I am implementing ETM 2.0 (Territory Managment) for a med device global client with in a single production ORG. What is the optimum number of territories that we should aim for to ensure there are no performance impact. Even though salesforce allows 1000 territories based on their implementation guide, I feel that is the upper limit but should have at least some performance impact. Need your kindly advice asap. thank you
Customer has built a u/I for their legacy application (AS400) and renders key sales/order reports to the reps in the field. All I am trying to do this get this as another tab with in their salesforce ORG. Nothing fancy, the data source, the current application what data it pulls all remains as is. I am not trying to replicate the functionality in salesforce (simply put). I know we can this with canvas app. If any of you have done it, kindly expand on it. thank you