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Hello Everyone,

How to create New Folder in "Documents" by using REST API in ASP.Net C#?

Any help would be appreciated , 

Hello Salesforce Support Team,

How to get folder Id of " My Personal Documents " folder by using REST API in ASP.NET?


Any help would be appreciated , 

Hello Salesforce Support Team,

We want to integrate one of the our ASP .Net application with Salesforce.
Our main purpose is to upload documents(generally in excel or csv) from our application to Salesforce Account Documents.

We have followed the steps given in following link but couldn't succeed.

Can you please help us and provide guidance regarding detailed steps to upload document through our application to Salesforce Account.

We have developer account in Salesforce.
Hello Salesforce Support Team,

We want to integrate one of the our ASP .Net application with Salesforce.
Our main purpose is to upload documents(generally in excel or csv) from our application to Salesforce Account Documents.

We have followed the steps given in following link but couldn't succeed.

Can you please help us and provide guidance regarding detailed steps to upload document through our application to Salesforce Account.

We have developer account in Salesforce.
Hello Salesforce Support Team,

We want to integrate one of the our ASP .Net application with Salesforce.
Our main purpose is to upload documents(generally in excel or csv) from our application to Salesforce Account Documents.

We have followed the steps given in following link but couldn't succeed.

Can you please help us and provide guidance regarding detailed steps to upload document through our application to Salesforce Account.

We have developer account in Salesforce.
Hey everyone, 

the enterprise WSDL in the soap API exposes a well-known bug in the XmlSerializer in .NET.  Apparently MS has known about the bug since 2009 and has decided not to fix this.  You can read about it here on this link:  https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/471297

To work around this, I tweaked the WSDL with a dummy attribute.  Everyone that uses .NET with the Enterprise WSDL is going to hit this problem.  Hoping this helps.

<complexType name="ListViewRecord">
   <element name="columns" type="tns:ListViewRecordColumn" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <xsd:attribute name="tmp" type="xsd:string" /> <!--Added by Chris Berg per bug found in XML Serializer-->