• Raluca Jibotean
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  • Member since 2015

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I created the object Vehicles which has also these fields: Last examination, Number of days between examinations, Next examination. The Next examination field is a formula field calculated using the last examination + number of days between examinations.

How can I check everyday which examination is going to take place the following day and how can I send an e-mail to the account that has that vehicle? It's about email template, but how can I generate it? I want to send an e-mail to each account one day before the day when the examination should take place.


I made a new custom object called Produs (meaning Product). And I made a relationship between Produs and the standard object Opportunity.

After saving an opportunity, I want to have a related list below where I can add products (from the custom object Produs). I can just make new products, not add products already made in the Produs object.


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I created the object Vehicles which has also these fields: Last examination, Number of days between examinations, Next examination. The Next examination field is a formula field calculated using the last examination + number of days between examinations.

How can I check everyday which examination is going to take place the following day and how can I send an e-mail to the account that has that vehicle? It's about email template, but how can I generate it? I want to send an e-mail to each account one day before the day when the examination should take place.
