• Sunil S
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  • Member since 2015

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I use this to get the image of richtext editor, but i need to resize the image to display
<apex:outputText id="profilepic" value="{!emp.Profile_Picture__c}" escape="false" label="Profile Picture" />
 In a picklist, I want to display US, UK on the top and rest should be alphabetical order? How can we achieve this?
What are the ways to setup multiple currencies in salesforce based on the location?
Why salesforce has set governer limits? Can we extend the governer limits? How can we avoid these?
I have a scenario like, I have a custom object named "XXX__c" and I have a picklist with values- 1.opened 2.in progress
-> I have created a record(record1) selecting "opened" value in picklist.
-> when I open the record1, it should display "Open Activities" section since the picklist value is "opened"
-> when i change the picklist value to "in progress" then it should hide the "Open Activities" section.

How can I do this?
I use this to get the image of richtext editor, but i need to resize the image to display
<apex:outputText id="profilepic" value="{!emp.Profile_Picture__c}" escape="false" label="Profile Picture" />