• Lalitkumar Sawale
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Hi All,

I was moving all attachments to files using Magic Mover for Lightning Experience app of Salesforce Lab. The apex job in the background is getting failed again and agin for Accounts object and works fine for rest of the objects.
Does anyone knows any specific reason behind this ?

We're getting the following error for most of our test methods during deployment in production. All the test methods with this error executed successful in sandbox.


Test failure, method: AccountTests.testAfterUpdateTrigger -- Internal Salesforce Error: 1061812497-29679 (778955809) (778955809) stack null


Test failure, method: EquipmentControllerTest.test -- Internal Salesforce Error: 1061812497-29681 (778955809) (778955809) stack null


Has someone seen this before? Any insights to resolving the issue would be appreciated.

