• Arvindyadav
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  • Member since 2015

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Hello developer gurus,
I have create a VF page form to capture leads for our community users. The form is StandradController "Lead" and TabStyle "Lead". I would like this form to be more advance. Below is the fuctionality I would like to create. I am newbee to the Apex.
1) Whenever a user (specially, Community User) access this form, the form should auto populate the User's FirstName, LastName, Email, Comapny, Account (info will be in Contact or User detail record)

Thank you in advance. Again, I would appreciate if you could provide me some codes 
I have created a custom button on Opportunity. The custom button has following javascript code. When the user clicks on the button the email should be sent. and it is working fine. But I am not able to see the fields which is bind on template. How can i show or generate opportunity fields on email ?
Any suggestion would be helpful.
Thank you in Advance,
Yunus Kalam
(function() {
sforce.connection.sessionId = "{!$Api.Session_ID}";
var message = new sforce.SingleEmailMessage();
message.targetObjectId = "{!Opportunity.ContactId__c}";
message.templateId = "00X7E000000EF6w";
message.saveAsActivity = true;
var result = sforce.connection.sendEmail([message]);
  if(result[0].success == 'true') {
     alert("Email has sent succesfully...");
  } else {


i have 1time donation field on Transaction obj,This should be sumed up and update the field total amount on contact.
i have  a lookup on transaction to contact. how to write  batch apex fr this?

  • August 02, 2016
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Hi All,

I'm trying to use svg4everybody in Lightning Component. However, I did not find any documentation on how to use it in Lightning Components. Any help would be greatly appreciated..!!

Hello all,
   How to generate random list of ID's from existed list.
example : i have 1000 records in list. in that i have to generate 10 random records. and the 10 random records must be unique
how to achive this functionallity using APEX.
Its bit urgent requirement . your help is appreciable.

One of the opportunity rollup summary custom field of datatype currency is showing some decimal values like 0.000999... in database(means when we query it) but same rollup summary field is just showing a zero value in UI.
When we checked the formula behind this custom rollup summary field, it summing up all the opportunitylineitem's amount value which is again a custom field of datatype currency. And each product under this opportunity is just showing zero in backend and in UI.
Can you help us in understanding this behaviour of showing decimal values in rollup summary field?
This is impacting our day to day business as we have some logic in class which queries the same custom field and check whether it's value is zero, if it's zero do some action.But in backend since it is having some decimal values, if i look for zero value match it will never return any result.
Any help on this will be much appreciated.
I want to get list of all the "Connected Apps" and "Connected Apps OAuth Usage" as seen at  Administration Setup->Managed Apps.
I can get application id, but how can I get the corresponding name of that application.

Any help would be much appreciated!
I'm trying to get the step -2 and while running the supplied Apex Test, 
Getting below error 

Method NamehugYourMother
Error MessageSystem.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject
Stack TraceClass.sb_security.BeAwesome.createUser: line 89, column 1
Class.sb_security.BeAwesome.setup: line 81, column 1

I have created the records owned by Samantha as mentioned and also created sharing rule for Project managers.
Can someone please help ?
Hi Experts,
     I would like to know the exact difference between 15 and 18 digits record id. Most of us say, 15 digit(case sensitive) and 18 digit(case insensitive).

Let's consider a small example,
While if you query record from Developer Console you will get 18 digit record id. Consider the below retrieved 18 digit id,

001i000001AWbWuGTA(Retrieved from query)

If 18 digit case insensitive means,

001i000001AWbWugta (this id same to the above retrieved ID)? If yes, then if you queried record with this id means, you will get no result or no rows found..!

So if both 15 and 18 are unique means what is the real time use and difference between these two ID's.

Thanks in advance..!