• Stephen Bunda
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Hi.  I'm completely new to triggers and need some help.  I want to use the Standard "Orders" object to populate orders for an account.  We are pulling in account data automatically from an external dataabase using a jitterbit integration.  We will also be feeding the order object via the same ETL tool and a different database table.  

The indexed field on the account is the "Account Number" field.  What I am trying to do is based on teh account number on the order feed is populate the account lookup with the account that matches the account number.  I would like a trigger to do this but I know nothing about writing triggers.Any help would be appreciated.
Hi.  I'm completely new to triggers and need some help.  I want to use the Standard "Orders" object to populate orders for an account.  We are pulling in account data automatically from an external dataabase using a jitterbit integration.  We will also be feeding the order object via the same ETL tool and a different database table.  

The indexed field on the account is the "Account Number" field.  What I am trying to do is based on teh account number on the order feed is populate the account lookup with the account that matches the account number.  I would like a trigger to do this but I know nothing about writing triggers.Any help would be appreciated.