• Kim Amaral
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Currently my Marketing Manager exports a list of newly listed products and writes up the SEO on each. There are instances where we are receiving the same exact product to sell. Instead of her looking in our system and manually copying and pasting existing SEO I am looking for either a Validation Rule or Trigger to be set. 

I would need that if there is an exact match on Product Name, then populate Marketing (Rich Test Area), Blurb (Text), and Keyword (Text) fields to the new product record. If there is a False given, leave those fields blank.

I tried doing a validation rule but it doesn't seem to be the right way.

I am not familiar with Apex Triggers but from what I've been reading it could work. 

I am trying to create an aging field to see how many days it takes for items to be inventoried.

I have an "Aging" field (with formula: "TODAY() -  Delivery_Date__c"),  a "Delivery Date" (date format), and a picklist "Inventory Status".  

The Aging field is counting how many days from the "Delivery Date" to today, but I need it to stop once the "Inventory Status" is switched to "Needs Pricing". 

I was trying to change my "Aging" formula to
 IF(ISPICKVAL(Inventory_Status__c,'Awaiting Inventory'), TODAY() - Delivery_Date__c)
but i get the following error "Error: Incorrect number of parameters for function 'IF()'. Expected 3, received 2"

Currently my Marketing Manager exports a list of newly listed products and writes up the SEO on each. There are instances where we are receiving the same exact product to sell. Instead of her looking in our system and manually copying and pasting existing SEO I am looking for either a Validation Rule or Trigger to be set. 

I would need that if there is an exact match on Product Name, then populate Marketing (Rich Test Area), Blurb (Text), and Keyword (Text) fields to the new product record. If there is a False given, leave those fields blank.

I tried doing a validation rule but it doesn't seem to be the right way.

I am not familiar with Apex Triggers but from what I've been reading it could work. 

I am trying to create an aging field to see how many days it takes for items to be inventoried.

I have an "Aging" field (with formula: "TODAY() -  Delivery_Date__c"),  a "Delivery Date" (date format), and a picklist "Inventory Status".  

The Aging field is counting how many days from the "Delivery Date" to today, but I need it to stop once the "Inventory Status" is switched to "Needs Pricing". 

I was trying to change my "Aging" formula to
 IF(ISPICKVAL(Inventory_Status__c,'Awaiting Inventory'), TODAY() - Delivery_Date__c)
but i get the following error "Error: Incorrect number of parameters for function 'IF()'. Expected 3, received 2"