• Eric Smith 10
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I am trying to pass the result of a Fast Lookup from Visual Flow to an invocable Apex class and I am unable to get the Flow designer let me select the SObject Collection variable.  Any ideas on how to make this work?
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global class collectionSize {
    public static List<Integer> getCollection(List<OpportunityLineItem> vwfCollection) {
        List<Integer> countList = new List<Integer>();
        return countList;

I'm issuing the following query via the force.com cli:

force query "select masterlabel, id, lastModifiedBy.Name, lastModifiedDate, createdBy.Name, createdDate, VersionNumber, Status, ProcessType, Description from Flow" --format:csv tooling > file.csv

My typical result is a csv file with the following column headers:
CreatedBy.Name, CreatedDate, Description, Id, LastModifiedBy.Name, LastModifiedDate, MasterLabel, ProcessType, Status, VersionNumber

However, some orgs return a file with two extra columns (CreatedBy and LastModifiedBy) both of which contain no values:
CreatedBy, CreatedBy.Name, CreatedDate, Description, Id, LastModifiedBy, LastModifiedBy.Name, LastModifiedDate, MasterLabel, ProcessType, Status, VersionNumber

Any ideas what would cause this behavior?
I'm issuing the following query via the force.com cli:

force query "select masterlabel, id, lastModifiedBy.Name, lastModifiedDate, createdBy.Name, createdDate, VersionNumber, Status, ProcessType, Description from Flow" --format:csv tooling > file.csv

My typical result is a csv file with the following column headers:
CreatedBy.Name, CreatedDate, Description, Id, LastModifiedBy.Name, LastModifiedDate, MasterLabel, ProcessType, Status, VersionNumber

However, some orgs return a file with two extra columns (CreatedBy and LastModifiedBy) both of which contain no values:
CreatedBy, CreatedBy.Name, CreatedDate, Description, Id, LastModifiedBy, LastModifiedBy.Name, LastModifiedDate, MasterLabel, ProcessType, Status, VersionNumber

Any ideas what would cause this behavior?