• PranayMistry
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Can someone please help me write a test class for an after insert trigger. I am newbie to Salesforce and trying to figure out the promote the trigger from Sandbox to Production. Below is the trigger source code.
trigger SetUserExpirationDate on User (after insert) {    
    List<User> ul = new List<User>();
    for (User u : Trigger.new) {    
        User usertoUpdate = new User(Id = u.Id, Expiration_Date__c = u.CreatedDate.addYears(3));
    update ul;

Can someone please help me write a test class for an after insert trigger. I am newbie to Salesforce and trying to figure out the promote the trigger from Sandbox to Production. Below is the trigger source code.
trigger SetUserExpirationDate on User (after insert) {    
    List<User> ul = new List<User>();
    for (User u : Trigger.new) {    
        User usertoUpdate = new User(Id = u.Id, Expiration_Date__c = u.CreatedDate.addYears(3));
    update ul;


Hi Folks,

               How to update original object fields with update DML statement in trigger after insert event. My code:


trigger myTrigger on Account (after insert) {

Account myAccount = trigger.new[0];
myAccount.Type = 'Enterprise Customer';
update myAccount;


Here the update DML statement throws the exception: System.FinalException: Record is read-only:


Please let me know and all suggestions are appreciated with any sample code or correction to above code.

