• Ashutosh Tripathi 9
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Can we alter the Unresolved Items page using VF PAGE ?
Hi All,

I want to create some article using rest API, is it possible to create using rest ? If yes please let me know.


I am implementing autocomplete functionality on custom vf page. I have called the controller on the page which conitain the method which return the contact details using SOQL query. Now below is the code which I am using for auto complete. Employee is the custom object which store the employee information.
********obelow is not working*************
 <apex:inputText value="{!Employee.Name}" id="memNam">
                                <c:autoComplete autocomplete_textbox="{!$Component.memNam}" objectname="Contact" />
                                <apex:actionSupport id="actionSupport_1_15_2" event="onchange" reRender="panelGrid_1_24,panelGrid_1_25,panelGrid_2" action="{!populateEmployeeDetails}"/>
Now I want to populate two fields(phone,email) on the vf page based on the contact selected in the autocoplete textbox. This funtionality is working fine If I took picklist(below code) inplace of autocomplete but stops If I am using autocomplete.

**********************working below code***********
                                 <apex:selectList id="selectList_1_6" value="{!Employee.Name}" size="1">
                                     <apex:selectOptions id="selectOptions_1_10" value="{!EmployeeFirstName}"/>
                                     <apex:actionSupport id="actionSupport_1_15_2" event="onchange" reRender="panelGrid_1_24,panelGrid_1_25,panelGrid_2" action="{!populateEmployeeDetails}"/>
Please suggest how can I make this happen with autocomplete functionality, what i am missing here ?

I would really appriciate your help.


I am getting error with "mutual authentication failed" -  This session could not be mutualy authenticated for user.

I have an user which having API user profile, when I am making a call from SOAP UI tool to salesforce it is failing with above error. I have already enabled the required permission for mutual authentication. But when I am making a SOAP call not as a API user it is working fine. Not getting why it is showing error when I am doing with API User.

I have already uploaded the CA certs in the salesforce.

Please help me out your help is really appriciated.

Hi All,

I have Live Agent pre-chat forms set up on some of our Force.com sites, and customers are using them to initiate a live agent chat session with me.  I have configured them to create a case when the chat is created. Intermittently, a case is not being created.
Please tell me how can I fix this issue. The code used Javascript, do you know how I can set up the debug log to log if the case create failed? 

Is  there any other tools or tips you can provide that would help us narrow down where it's failing, or where I can see any error messages from when the case is being created?

Your help is much appriciated!

I am trying to implements the apex managed sharing on the custom object Job__c, I am using the standard code provided. But I am getting the 
Error: Compile Error: Entity is not org-accessible at line 1 column 1

trigger JobApexSharing on Job__c (after insert) {
        // Create a new list of sharing objects for Job
        List<Job__Share> jobShrs  = new List<Job__Share>();
        // Declare variable hiring manager sharing
        Job__Share hmShr;
        for(Job__c job : trigger.new){
            // Instantiate the sharing object
            hmShr = new Job__Share();
            // Set the ID of record being shared
            hmShr.ParentId = job.Id;
            // Set the ID of user or group being granted access
            hmShr.UserOrGroupId = job.Hiring_Manager__c;
            // Set the access level
            hmShr.AccessLevel = 'read';
            // Set the Apex sharing reason for hiring manager
            hmShr.RowCause = Schema.Job__Share.RowCause.Hiring_Manager__c;
            // Add objects to list for insert
        // Insert sharing records and capture save result 
        // The false parameter allows for partial processing if multiple records are passed 
        // into the operation 
        Database.SaveResult[] lsr = Database.insert(jobShrs,false);
        // Create counter
        Integer i=0;
        // Process the save results
        for(Database.SaveResult sr : lsr){
                // Get the first save result error
                Database.Error err = sr.getErrors()[0];
                // Check if the error is related to a trivial access level
                // Access levels equal or more permissive than the object's default 
                // access level are not allowed. 
                // These sharing records are not required and thus an insert exception is 
                // acceptable. 
                if(!(err.getStatusCode() == StatusCode.FIELD_FILTER_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION  
                                               &&  err.getMessage().contains('AccessLevel'))){
                    // Throw an error when the error is not related to trivial access level.
                       'Unable to grant sharing access due to following exception: '
                       + err.getMessage());

Please advise.
I am trying to call a class method on the pasge load, I am not sure how can I do this.
Another one Can I pass the soql query on the page load ?
Hi Everyone,

I have a situation here, I have created a link on the Account detail page that will navigate to a new VF page. I want to add contact and opportunity to be added on that page for the selected account.
I have created link and also can navigate it from account detail page to new VF page but how can I add contact and opporutnity to the selected account from that VF page.

Please advise!
Can we alter the Unresolved Items page using VF PAGE ?
I am trying to implements the apex managed sharing on the custom object Job__c, I am using the standard code provided. But I am getting the 
Error: Compile Error: Entity is not org-accessible at line 1 column 1

trigger JobApexSharing on Job__c (after insert) {
        // Create a new list of sharing objects for Job
        List<Job__Share> jobShrs  = new List<Job__Share>();
        // Declare variable hiring manager sharing
        Job__Share hmShr;
        for(Job__c job : trigger.new){
            // Instantiate the sharing object
            hmShr = new Job__Share();
            // Set the ID of record being shared
            hmShr.ParentId = job.Id;
            // Set the ID of user or group being granted access
            hmShr.UserOrGroupId = job.Hiring_Manager__c;
            // Set the access level
            hmShr.AccessLevel = 'read';
            // Set the Apex sharing reason for hiring manager
            hmShr.RowCause = Schema.Job__Share.RowCause.Hiring_Manager__c;
            // Add objects to list for insert
        // Insert sharing records and capture save result 
        // The false parameter allows for partial processing if multiple records are passed 
        // into the operation 
        Database.SaveResult[] lsr = Database.insert(jobShrs,false);
        // Create counter
        Integer i=0;
        // Process the save results
        for(Database.SaveResult sr : lsr){
                // Get the first save result error
                Database.Error err = sr.getErrors()[0];
                // Check if the error is related to a trivial access level
                // Access levels equal or more permissive than the object's default 
                // access level are not allowed. 
                // These sharing records are not required and thus an insert exception is 
                // acceptable. 
                if(!(err.getStatusCode() == StatusCode.FIELD_FILTER_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION  
                                               &&  err.getMessage().contains('AccessLevel'))){
                    // Throw an error when the error is not related to trivial access level.
                       'Unable to grant sharing access due to following exception: '
                       + err.getMessage());

Please advise.