• Narendra S 3
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Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Smith Enterprises' account record could not be found or it does not have the correct values for the 'Type' and 'Industry' fields
I am having trouble complete this challenge. I cannot figure out how to complete bullet 4 and 5. I have looked at the directions a million times with no luck.

Your VP just connected you to a new contact, but the contact works with two different companies. To pass this challenge, relate the new contact to the two different accounts. Then, add yourself to the account team. In order to complete this challenge, you need to have Contacts to Multiple Accounts and Account Teams enabled. The Related Contacts and Account Teams related lists must be on the Account page layout. The Related Accounts related list must be on the Contact page layout.

1. Create an account with the Account Name 'Acme Corporation'.
2. Create an account with the Account Name 'Greendot Media'.
3. Create a contact with First Name = 'John', Last Name = 'Smith'. In the Account Name field, enter 'Acme Corporation'.
4. From the Greendot Media account record, use the Related Contacts related list to add a relationship with John Smith.
5. Add yourself to the account team for the 'Acme Corporation' account with the Team Role of 'Account Manager'.

When I tried to create an account, I am not finding fields such as Type' and 'Industry' . Can anybody help me please?
