• Marcelo Marsson
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Hi everyone!
I am trying to set an object ownership to a queue of users. It is "kind of" working, but the users from the queue are not getting notified that a new object has been assigned to them.

my snippet code so far:
if (Trigger.isBefore){
	 Group queue = [SELECT Id FROM Group WHERE Name = 'IMP_Developer Queue' and Type='Queue'];
	 Trigger.new[i].OwnerID = queue.id;
The ownership is being set correctly. Is there a way to enforce the email sending for the queue users?

Best Regards!
Hi everyone!
I am trying to set an object ownership to a queue of users. It is "kind of" working, but the users from the queue are not getting notified that a new object has been assigned to them.

my snippet code so far:
if (Trigger.isBefore){
	 Group queue = [SELECT Id FROM Group WHERE Name = 'IMP_Developer Queue' and Type='Queue'];
	 Trigger.new[i].OwnerID = queue.id;
The ownership is being set correctly. Is there a way to enforce the email sending for the queue users?

Best Regards!
Hi everyone!
I am trying to set an object ownership to a queue of users. It is "kind of" working, but the users from the queue are not getting notified that a new object has been assigned to them.

my snippet code so far:
if (Trigger.isBefore){
	 Group queue = [SELECT Id FROM Group WHERE Name = 'IMP_Developer Queue' and Type='Queue'];
	 Trigger.new[i].OwnerID = queue.id;
The ownership is being set correctly. Is there a way to enforce the email sending for the queue users?

Best Regards!