• Clay Hilte
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I have been going through the developer docs like crazy trying to get a better understand of loading multiple datasets and ouputting multiple columns from each. I understand that the use of cogroup is much like SQL Inner/Outer Joins, but even in SQL is very simple to add multiple columns from either table as long as they are linked through a foregin key.

Below is my SAQL. I am trying to join a Salesforce Account dataset with an external csv loaded data set and join them from a common field, but that field has 2 different labels. (VENDOR_CODE & Vend_Code__c), I dont think this is a problem because it still outputs when I generate on 1 of these fields. However, I want to generate on a DIFFERENT field in one of the 2 datasets "Account_Owner_Text__c". It will not compile and load any table unless I use the Vend_Code__c field that I used to cogroup. Instead I get the error: Unknown IDTOKEN: Account_Owner_Text__c

Basically, for each "Q" dataset row I want to add in a column from "A" dataset, keeping "Q" as the primary for sorting/grouping etc. And am having difficulty understanding where to put the "WHERE" clause ...or the SAQL equivelent. 

q = load "AN_SHIPPED_ORDERS_FY2019";
q = foreach q generate 'CUST7_NUM' as 'CUST7_NUM', 'VENDOR_CODE' as 'VENDOR_CODE', 'ACCOUNT_OWNER' as 'ACCOUNT_OWNER', sum('SUM_LGP_SUM') as 'sum_SUM_LGP_SUM';
q = order q by ('ACCOUNT_OWNER' asc, 'VENDOR_CODE' asc);

a = load "Accounts";
a = foreach a generate 'Vend_Code__c' as 'Vend_Code__c', 'Account_Owner_Text__c' as 'Account_Owner_Text__c', 'Customer_Number__c' as 'Customer_Number__c', 'RecordType_Name__c' as 'RecordType_Name__c';

c = cogroup q by 'VENDOR_CODE', a by 'Vend_Code__c';
c = foreach c generate a.'Account_Owner_Text__c' as 'Account_Owner_Text__c', sum(q.'sum_SUM_LGP_SUM') as 'Total';
I am looking for a solution to the following use-case with Apex/Visualforce and NOT using an app like DocuSign. I would like to have an email template sent from an Opportunity when it reaches a specific stage that sends the customer an email with the basic Opportunity data as well as a checkbox to Approve/Reject the opportunity. I would like to find a way (programmatically) that would accept the user's response, and write back to the same Opportunity ID checking the Approved box. Almost like an external approval process or confirmation from the customer that would "count" as a signature to close the opportunity and move forward with the deal.

Is there a solution for this that anyone may be able to share with me? I know it will require Apex and I can create the external email to send to the customer -- but I am not familiar enough with the External API or email classes to know what to do with the customer's response.

Any Ideas?
Since 4/20/18 when Salesforce started requiring API logins to be "login.salesforce.com" instead of "www.salesforce.com" I started getting an error through SAP Data Services via an API Login. We already had the correct URL changed in preparation.

Can someone better explain what an "unexpected subelement" java response from the WSDL during connect attempts really means? And why I am getting it? Snippet of the response is below and specifically references the newer chatterExternal element in the WSDL?

4/23/18 3:42:18 PM There was a communication error when talking to Salesforce.com: org.apache.axis2.databinding.ADBException: Unexpected subelement {urn:partner.soap.sforce.com}chatterExternal

4/23/18 3:42:18 PM Fault-tolerance-login-failed : There was a communication error when talking to Salesforce.com: org.apache.axis2.databinding.ADBException: Unexpected subelement {urn:partner.soap.sforce.com}chatterExternal

4/23/18 3:42:18 PM Retry : 5. Waiting 405 mins before trying to login to Salesforce.com again.
Hi all - I am trying to find clarification and resolutio on the java error experienced from an Outbound Message to a Jitterbit Server. It appears as though the connection is getting closed before the response is sent to Salesforce OR that Jitterbit cannot communicate back to Salesforce.

First let me mention - Jitterbit themselves has confirmed my configuration is correct and troubleshooted through the entire server setup with no result. They think Salesforce may be blocking. Interestingly enough, this is a Jitterbit migration...we currently have an older server set up running the exact same operations with no problems.

1. Outbound message triggered when update to Account Object.
2. SOAP request sent to Jitterbit HTTP endpoint & consumes the WSDL and successfully maps the data to a local Oracle DB
3. But the Operation has no evidence in the log that it runs
4. SFDC displays the error: java.io.IOException: Stream closed

I've tested this with SoapUI using the HTTP Endpoint on the server, and i successfully get an ACK. The only thing that stands out is that the Connection says "Keep-alive" when I kind of expect it to say "Closed"

The request also correct references the right SSL Cert on the server, we're using HTTPS and this fails even when all ports/network firewalls/IP ranges are open.
I have a visualforce page that runs a flow and passes the CaseId into the flow. The flow then is supposed to perform a Record Update based on 2 pieces of criteria:

1- Id equals {Var_CaseId}   (CaseId is a variable passed in from VF Page - this part works great!)
2- Status equals Closed

However, the flow ignores the 2nd criteria. The flow is intended to add a case comment to the selected Case if the status is closed. It does correctly add the case comment to the correct case, but it works if I use a case that has a different status. I see in my errors/log from intentional failures that both filters are being validated but it doesn't work.

If you follow the chain below, you can see that the Case TESTED has a Status of "Assigned" and yet it created the Case Comment anyway, when the filter is supposed to update only those that are Status = "Closed"

Find all Case records where:
Status Equals Closed
Id Equals 5001b000001FsUr

Update the records’ field values.
Status = Assigned
All records that meet the filter criteria are ready to be updated when the next Screen or Wait element is executed or when the interview finishes.
Create one CaseComment record where:
CommentBody = {!Var_Reason} (test hard coded case id #2)
ParentId = 5001b000001FsUr
A record is ready to be created when the next Screen or Wait element is executed or when the interview finishes.
{!CaseCommentId} = 00a1b000000O0MrAAK
Display Text: SuccessMessage

User-added image

Since 4/20/18 when Salesforce started requiring API logins to be "login.salesforce.com" instead of "www.salesforce.com" I started getting an error through SAP Data Services via an API Login. We already had the correct URL changed in preparation.

Can someone better explain what an "unexpected subelement" java response from the WSDL during connect attempts really means? And why I am getting it? Snippet of the response is below and specifically references the newer chatterExternal element in the WSDL?

4/23/18 3:42:18 PM There was a communication error when talking to Salesforce.com: org.apache.axis2.databinding.ADBException: Unexpected subelement {urn:partner.soap.sforce.com}chatterExternal

4/23/18 3:42:18 PM Fault-tolerance-login-failed : There was a communication error when talking to Salesforce.com: org.apache.axis2.databinding.ADBException: Unexpected subelement {urn:partner.soap.sforce.com}chatterExternal

4/23/18 3:42:18 PM Retry : 5. Waiting 405 mins before trying to login to Salesforce.com again.
Hi all - I am trying to find clarification and resolutio on the java error experienced from an Outbound Message to a Jitterbit Server. It appears as though the connection is getting closed before the response is sent to Salesforce OR that Jitterbit cannot communicate back to Salesforce.

First let me mention - Jitterbit themselves has confirmed my configuration is correct and troubleshooted through the entire server setup with no result. They think Salesforce may be blocking. Interestingly enough, this is a Jitterbit migration...we currently have an older server set up running the exact same operations with no problems.

1. Outbound message triggered when update to Account Object.
2. SOAP request sent to Jitterbit HTTP endpoint & consumes the WSDL and successfully maps the data to a local Oracle DB
3. But the Operation has no evidence in the log that it runs
4. SFDC displays the error: java.io.IOException: Stream closed

I've tested this with SoapUI using the HTTP Endpoint on the server, and i successfully get an ACK. The only thing that stands out is that the Connection says "Keep-alive" when I kind of expect it to say "Closed"

The request also correct references the right SSL Cert on the server, we're using HTTPS and this fails even when all ports/network firewalls/IP ranges are open.