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JS button load a specific html in same window
Hello. I hav an onclick JS button that runs a flow. Currently, it opens a new tab and executes correctly. However, I would like to load the current tab/window with the flow URL vs. opening a new tab. How do I do that?
Existing code below. Basically, I need to replace the window.open with something else.
Existing code below. Basically, I need to replace the window.open with something else.
{!RequireScript("/soap/ajax/34.0/connection.js")} if("{!Wire_Template__c.Template_Status__c}" =="Approved"){ var base = '' //system.URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl(); var url = base+encodeURI('/flow/Wire_Template_Transfer_from_Locked_Template?WireTemplateId={!Wire_Template__c.Id}&retURL=a04/o'); window.open(url) }
- Jim Parker 7
- September 22, 2017
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Trying to adapt the code from:
Effectively, on the case quick email action, it automatically strips off CC'd email addresses when you hit reply. So I am trying to pre-popualte them. The issue I am having is I don't know how to lookup the email (and the associated to, CC and from addresses) that I am replying to on the case or the most recent email that is registered on the case. Please help!
Effectively, on the case quick email action, it automatically strips off CC'd email addresses when you hit reply. So I am trying to pre-popualte them. The issue I am having is I don't know how to lookup the email (and the associated to, CC and from addresses) that I am replying to on the case or the most recent email that is registered on the case. Please help!
global class EmailPublisherLoader implements QuickAction.QuickActionDefaultsHandler { // Empty constructor global EmailPublisherLoader() { } // The main interface method global void onInitDefaults(QuickAction.QuickActionDefaults[] defaults) { QuickAction.SendEmailQuickActionDefaults sendEmailDefaults = null; // Check if the quick action is the standard Case Feed send email action for (Integer j = 0; j < defaults.size(); j++) { if (defaults.get(j) instanceof QuickAction.SendEmailQuickActionDefaults && defaults.get(j).getTargetSObject().getSObjectType() == EmailMessage.sObjectType && defaults.get(j).getActionName().equals('Case.Email') && defaults.get(j).getActionType().equals('Email')) { sendEmailDefaults = (QuickAction.SendEmailQuickActionDefaults)defaults.get(j); break; } } //If stardard case feed email action if (sendEmailDefaults != null) { //Find the case Case c = [SELECT Status, Reason, SuppliedEmail, ContactEmail FROM Case WHERE Id=:sendEmailDefaults.getContextId()]; EmailMessage emailMessage = (EmailMessage)sendEmailDefaults.getTargetSObject(); //No idea how to get the most recent email attached to the case...... EmailMessage prevEmail = [Select ccAddresses, toAddresses, fromAddress from InboundEmail where ParentId=:sendEmailDefaults.getContextId()] //on Page load, not reply/reply all to a message if (sendEmailDefaults.getInReplyToId() == null) { //Count to see if previous emails on case Integer emailCount = [SELECT count() FROM EmailMessage WHERE ParentId=:sendEmailDefaults.getContextId()]; //previous email attached to existing case if (emailCount!= null && emailCount > 0) { // Set addresses emailMessage.ccAddress = prevEmail.CcAddress; emailMessage.toAddress = prevEmail.fromAddress; } //no previous email attached else { emailMessage.ccAddress = ''; emailMessage.toAddress = ''; } } //When user hits reply or reply all else { // Set addresses emailMessage.ccAddress = prevEmail.CcAddress; emailMessage.toAddress = prevEmail.fromAddress; } } } }
- Jim Parker 7
- August 08, 2017
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Transform Javascript to VisualForce Button
Hi everyone - trying to transform my Javascript button to a VisualForce or URL button so that is shows up in SF1. Don't really know where to start. This is the existing button.
{!RequireScript("/soap/ajax/34.0/connection.js")} if("{!Wire_Template__c.Template_Status__c}" =="Approved"){ var base = '' //system.URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl(); var url = base+encodeURI('/flow/Wire_Template_Transfer_from_Locked_Template?WireTemplateId={!Wire_Template__c.Id}&retURL=a04/o'); window.open(url) } else{ alert("Please submit the template for approval prior to submitting a wire."); }
- Jim Parker 7
- July 24, 2017
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Case Feed Email Alert
Hello - trying to send out an email to the case creator anytime someone adds a "post" to a case on the feed view. I am however struggling. I am trying to send out an email based on an email template that already exists. Few issues that I am having - what object should I set the trigger on (FeedItem?), how do I limit the trigger to only be "posts" on Cases, how do I extract the message out of the post, how do I send an email based on an email template, and how do I include the post text in the email template? Gave it a start but got lost... Any coding help would be greatly appreciated.
trigger FeedItemAddedCase on FeedItem (after insert) { Set<ID> feedIds = new Set<ID>(); for (FeedItem n:Trigger.new){ feedIds.add(n.parentID); } List<Case> caseList = new List<Case>([Select id, CaseNumber, Subject, Case_Creator_Employee_Email__c from Case where ID in:feedIds limit 1]); EmailTemplate templateId = [Select id from EmailTemplate where name = 'Case Note Alert - Internal']; for(Case c:caseList){ Messaging.reserveSingleEmailCapacity(1); Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); String[] toAddresses; toAddresses = new String [] {c.Case_Creator_Employee_Email__c}; mail.setToAddresses(toAddresses); mail.setReplyTo('supportresponse@test.com'); mail.setSenderDisplayName('Test Bank'); mail.setSubject('' + case.Id); Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.Email[] { mail } , true); } }
- Jim Parker 7
- July 19, 2017
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Update ID Values
So I am having an issue updating a variable. In essence, I want to choose a "User" based upon a condition. If the case has an employee email address on it, then use the User that has that email address. Otherwise, use the CreatedById. I have a User record called finalUser. I created finalUser early and then am trying to update the finalUser.Id based upon those two scenarios. I verified that I have an valid ID before setting finalUser equal to that but when I check to see if finalUser was updated after with a debug, the variable is still set to null. I am new to SOQL so I am clearly doing an assignment incorrectly... Help! I commented where it is broken.
trigger CaseTeamTrigger on Case (after insert) { /** * Comments: * To give visiblity into the Case records that were created by a User, we * will add them to the CaseTeamMember list when a particular record is * updated. The user should only be added to the CaseTeamMember table once. * * Additionally, add case teams based on user role. */ Map<Id, CaseTeamMember> membersToAdd = new Map<Id, CaseTeamMember>(); Map<Id, CaseTeamTemplate> teamsToAdd = new Map<Id, CaseTeamTemplate>(); List<User> employeeEmailSubmitter; Id employeeEmailID; User finalUser = new User(); UserRole userRoleID = new UserRole(); //Finds the case teams list <CaseTeamTemplate> bethesdaTeam = [Select Id, Name from CaseTeamTemplate where Name ='Bethesda Team' limit 1]; list <CaseTeamTemplate> busDevTeam = [Select Id, Name from CaseTeamTemplate where Name ='Business Development Team' limit 1]; list <CaseTeamTemplate> commDepTeam = [Select Id, Name from CaseTeamTemplate where Name ='Commerical Deposits Team' limit 1]; list <CaseTeamTemplate> dcTeam = [Select Id, Name from CaseTeamTemplate where Name ='DC Team' limit 1]; list <CaseTeamTemplate> hcDepTeam = [Select Id, Name from CaseTeamTemplate where Name ='Healthcare Deposits Team' limit 1]; list <CaseTeamTemplate> herndonTeam = [Select Id, Name from CaseTeamTemplate where Name ='Herndon Team' limit 1]; list <CaseTeamTemplate> itTeam = [Select Id, Name from CaseTeamTemplate where Name ='IT Help Desk' limit 1]; list <CaseTeamTemplate> potomacTeam = [Select Id, Name from CaseTeamTemplate where Name ='Potomac Team' limit 1]; list <CaseTeamTemplate> rockvilleTeam = [Select Id, Name from CaseTeamTemplate where Name ='Rockville Team' limit 1]; list <CaseTeamTemplate> corpLenders = [Select Id, Name from CaseTeamTemplate where Name ='Corporate Lending Team' limit 1]; list <CaseTeamTemplate> finalTeam; //Finds the case triggered List<Case> cases = [Select Id, OwnerId, CreatedById, Case_Creator_Employee_Email__c from Case where id IN :Trigger.newMap.keySet()]; //Determine case creater for (Case c : cases) { employeeEmailSubmitter = [Select ID, Email from User where Email =: c.Case_Creator_Employee_Email__c limit 1]; //if no results returned with an employee email match, then use CreatorID if (employeeEmailSubmitter.isEmpty() && c.CreatedbyId != null) { System.debug('*******************************************'); System.debug('Made it to the no employee email case - ' + c.CreatedById); //THIS DOESN"T WORK finalUser.Id =c.CreatedById ; update finalUser; System.debug('FinalUser ID - ' + finalUser.Id); } //If Employee Email match found, use that employee Else if (!employeeEmailSubmitter.isEmpty()){ for (User user : employeeEmailSubmitter){ if (user.Id != null){ System.debug('*******************************************'); System.debug('Made it to the employee email match -' + user.Id); //THIS DOESN"T WORK finalUser.Id = user.Id; update finalUser; System.debug('FinalUser ID - ' + finalUser.Id); } } } } //Determine User Role of case submitter System.debug('*******************************************'); System.debug('Final User Role ID Name ' + finalUser.UserRoleId); List <UserRole> userRoles = ([Select Id, Name from UserRole where Id =: finalUser.UserRoleId limit 1]); if (!userRoles.isEmpty()){ for (UserRole role: userRoles){ userRoleID.Id = role.Id; } } //map role to case team System.debug('*******************************************'); System.debug('Role ID Name ' + UserRoleID.Id); If (UserRoleID.Name == 'Bethesda Branch Manager') {for (CaseTeamTemplate team : bethesdaTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'Bethesda Staff') {for (CaseTeamTemplate team : bethesdaTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'Business Development Officers') {for (CaseTeamTemplate team : busDevTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'Business Development Staff'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : busDevTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'DC Branch Manager'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : dcTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'DC Staff'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : dcTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'Herndon Branch Manager'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : herndonTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'Herndon Staff'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : herndonTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'Lending Branch Deposit Staff'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : hcDepTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'Potomac Branch Manager'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : potomacTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'Potomac Staff'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : potomacTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'Rockville Branch Manager'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : rockvilleTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'Rockville Staff'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : rockvilleTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'Commercial Deposits Manager'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : commDepTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'Commercial Deposits Staff'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : commDepTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'IT Employees'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : itTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'Corporate Lenders'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : corpLenders) finalTeam.add(team); } //create list of new members to add for (Case c : cases) { if (c.Id != null && finalUser.Id!= null){ System.debug('*******************************************'); System.debug('Made it to the new member list add'); membersToAdd.put(c.Id, new CaseTeamMember( ParentId = c.Id, MemberId = finalUser.Id ) ); } } List <CaseTeamRole> caseTeamRl = [SELECT Id, Name FROM CaseTeamRole WHERE Name = 'Case Creator' LIMIT 1]; //add case creator to list // System.debug('*******************************************'); System.debug('Made it before IF - ' + membersToAdd.isEmpty() + ' ' + caseTeamRl.isEmpty() ); if (!membersToAdd.isEmpty() && !caseTeamRl.isEmpty()) { try { System.debug('*******************************************'); System.debug('Made it in Role If'); for (CaseTeamMember ctm : membersToAdd.values()) { for (CaseTeamRole role : caseTeamRl) { System.debug('*******************************************'); System.debug('Made it to the Case Creator List addition'); ctm.TeamRoleId = role.Id; } } for (CaseTeamMember ctm : [SELECT Id, MemberId, ParentId FROM CaseTeamMember WHERE ParentId IN :membersToAdd.keySet() AND MemberId =: finalUser.Id ORDER BY ParentId]) { System.debug('*******************************************'); System.debug('Made it to the individual user delete'); if (membersToAdd.containsKey(ctm.ParentId)) { membersToAdd.remove(ctm.ParentId); } } if (!membersToAdd.isEmpty()) { System.debug('*******************************************'); System.debug('Made it to the individual user insert'); insert membersToAdd.values(); } } catch (System.QueryException qe) {} } //add case teams System.debug('*******************************************'); System.debug('Made it to top of teams Add if - ' + teamsToAdd.isEmpty()); if (!teamsToAdd.isEmpty()) { try { CaseTeamTemplateRecord caseTeamLink; for(Case caseEval: cases){ for (CaseTeamTemplate team : finalTeam){ caseTeamLink= new CaseTeamTemplateRecord(ParentId =caseEval.Id, TeamTemplateId = team.Id ); } } if (caseTeamLink!=null) { System.debug('*******************************************'); System.debug('Made it to the case team insert'); insert caseTeamLink; } } catch (System.QueryException qe) {} } }
- Jim Parker 7
- March 06, 2017
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Update Encrypted Text Field - Compile Error
I have two fields on an account - SSN_TIN_Key__C and SSN_TIN__C; The SSN_TIN_Key__C is a cleartext text field which will be used as a unique key and wil lonly be accessible to super users. SSN_TIN__C is what will be displayed to the user and is an encrpyted text field so I can mask the field for certain users. What I want to be able to do is have users be able to update the SSN field they see (eg. SSN_TIN__C) and have that update SSN_TIN_Key__C. Similarly, if on an upsert, if SSN_TIN_Key__C changes (or is created), I want to update the field users can see SSN_TIN__C. I created a trigger as process won't let you do ischanged on an encrpyted field. However, I get a failure message that says
common.apex.runtime.impl.DmlExecutionException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id XXX; first error: SELF_REFERENCE_FROM_TRIGGER, Object (id = XXX) is currently in trigger RelationshipTrigger, therefore it cannot recursively update itself: []"|0x6c21e43e
What am I doing wrong?
common.apex.runtime.impl.DmlExecutionException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id XXX; first error: SELF_REFERENCE_FROM_TRIGGER, Object (id = XXX) is currently in trigger RelationshipTrigger, therefore it cannot recursively update itself: []"|0x6c21e43e
What am I doing wrong?
public class RelationshipUtil { public static void SSNKeyChanged (List<Account> incomingAcct) { try { System.debug('Got to SSNKeyChanged entered'); Set<Id> st_ParentId = new Set<Id>(); for(Account acctsEvaled : incomingAcct) { st_ParentId.add(acctsEvaled.Id); } Map<Id, Account> relatedAcctMap; if(st_ParentId!=null && !st_ParentId.isEmpty()) { relatedAcctMap = new Map<Id, Account>([SELECT Id, SSN_TIN__c, SSN_TIN_Key__c FROM Account WHERE Id IN :st_ParentId limit 1]); System.debug('Got to SSNKeyChanged lookup'); } for (Account acctsEvaled : incomingAcct) { System.debug('Got to SSNKeyChanged foor loop'); if(relatedAcctMap!=null && relatedAcctMap.containsKey(acctsEvaled.Id)) { //Updates the displayed SSN based upon the new Key System.debug('Got to SSNKeyChanged entered for if'); relatedAcctMap.get(acctsEvaled.Id).SSN_TIN__c = relatedAcctMap.get(acctsEvaled.Id).SSN_TIN_Key__c; System.debug('Got to SSNKeyChanged set'); } } if(relatedAcctMap!=null && relatedAcctMap.values()!=null) { update relatedAcctMap.values(); System.debug('Got to SSNKeyChanged update'); } } catch (Exception e) { System.debug('Issue with SSNKeyChanged: ' + e.getMessage()); } } public static void SSNDisplayChanged (List<Account> incomingAcct) { try { Set<Id> st_ParentId = new Set<Id>(); for(Account acctsEvaled : incomingAcct) { st_ParentId.add(acctsEvaled.Id); } Map<Id, Account> relatedAcctMap; if(st_ParentId!=null && !st_ParentId.isEmpty()) { relatedAcctMap = new Map<Id, Account>([SELECT Id, SSN_TIN__c, SSN_TIN_Key__c FROM Account WHERE Id IN :st_ParentId limit 1]); } for (Account acctsEvaled : incomingAcct) { if(relatedAcctMap!=null && relatedAcctMap.containsKey(acctsEvaled.Id)) { //Updates the Key with the new values input by the user relatedAcctMap.get(acctsEvaled.Id).SSN_TIN_Key__c = relatedAcctMap.get(acctsEvaled.Id).SSN_TIN__c; System.debug('Got to SSNDisplayChanged set'); } } if(relatedAcctMap!=null && relatedAcctMap.values()!=null) { System.debug('Got to SSNDisplayChanged update'); update relatedAcctMap.values(); } } catch (Exception e) { System.debug('Issue with SSNDisplayChanged: ' + e.getMessage()); } } } trigger RelationshipTrigger on Account (before insert, before update) { System.debug('Start Relationship Before Trigger'); List<Account> changedSSNKey = new List<Account>(); List<Account> changedSSNDisplay = new List<Account>(); for (Account acct : Trigger.new) { Account oldAcct = Trigger.oldMap.get(acct.Id); String oldSSNDisplay = oldAcct.SSN_TIN__c; String oldSSNKey = oldAcct.SSN_TIN_Key__c; System.debug('Old SSN_TIN__C = ' + oldSSNDisplay); System.debug('Old SSN_TIN_Key__C = ' + oldSSNKey); //Checks to see if the displayed TIN changed (eg. user put in new value) if(oldSSNDisplay != acct.SSN_TIN__c) { changedSSNDisplay.add(acct); //If Displayed SSN changed, then need to update the unique key if (changedSSNDisplay.isEmpty() == false) RelationshipUtil.SSNDisplayChanged(changedSSNDisplay); } //Checks to see if unique key changed if(oldSSNKey != acct.SSN_TIN_KEY__C) { changedSSNKey.add(acct); //If SSN Key changed, then need to updated the displayed value if (changedSSNKey.isEmpty() == false) RelationshipUtil.SSNKeyChanged(changedSSNKey); } } }
- Jim Parker 7
- March 02, 2017
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Invalid Initial Value Type List for List - Compile Error
Getting a compile error - Invalid Initial Value Type List for List. Line 14 (commented below). In essence, I have a trigger on dsfs__DocuSign_Status__c. dsfs__DocuSign_Status__c has a field dsfs__Case__c which is an ID of a case. Anytime the trigger occurs, I want to set the "Status" field on the case identified by dsfs__Case__c to newStatus. Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong?
public class DocusignStatusUtil { public static void updateCaseStatus (List<dsfs__DocuSign_Status__c> envelopes, String newStatus) { try { Set<Id> st_ParentId = new Set<Id>(); for(dsfs__DocuSign_Status__c envelopesEvaluated : envelopes) { st_ParentId.add(envelopesEvaluated.dsfs__Case__c); } List<Id> relatedCasesMap; if(st_ParentId!=null && !st_ParentId.isEmpty()) { //this is where the error is relatedCasesMap = new List<Id>([SELECT Id FROM Case WHERE Id IN :st_ParentId limit 1]); } for (dsfs__DocuSign_Status__c envelopesEvaluated : envelopes) { if(relatedCasesMap!=null && relatedCasesMap.containsKey(envelopesEvaluated.dsfs__Case__c)) { relatedCasesMap.get(envelopesEvaluated.dsfs__Case__c).Status = newStatus; } } if(relatedCasesMap!=null && relatedCasesMap.values()!=null) update relatedCasesMap.values(); } catch (Exception e) { System.debug('Issue with the Horizon Case Update: ' + e.getMessage()); } } }
- Jim Parker 7
- February 21, 2017
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Sobject Coding Issues
Having a coding issue that I can't figure out.... New to this and feel like I am missing something.
Creating a trigger on a joiner object (Horizon_Account_Cases__c) between cases and a custom object (Horizon_Account__c) which has only two fields (Horizon_Acct__c and Case__c) which are unique keys for the ID's on the two related object cases. Upon triggering on Horizon_Account_Cases__c, the related case (eg Case__C) should have its field Related_Horizon_Account__c updated with the value in the joiner object that triggered (Horizon_Acct__c). Can't get it to compile and need help! I am sure I am missing something very obvious...
public class horizonCaseLinkUtil {
public static void addHorizonToCase (List<sObject> linkIds) {
try {
List<Case> casesToUpdate = [select Id
from Case caseUsed
where Id in :linkIds.Case__c
limit 1];
List<Horizon_Account__c> horizonAccounts = [select Id
from Horizon_Account__c hzActCase
where Id in :linkIds.Horizon_Acct__c
limit 1];
for (Case cases : casesToUpdate)
for (Horizon_Account__c horizon : horizonAccounts)
cases.Related_Horizon_Account__c = horizon.Id;
update casesToUpdate;
catch (Exception e) {
System.debut('Issue with the Horizon Case Update: ' +e.getMessage() );
trigger HorizonAcctCaseLinked on Horizon_Account_Cases__c (after insert, after update) {
List<sObject> linkedHorizonCase = new List<sObject>();
for (Horizon_Account_Cases__c hzActCase : Trigger.new)
if (linkedHorizonCase.isEmpty() == false)
public class HorizonCaseLinkTest {
static testMethod void caseLinkTestMethod() {
List<sObject> sourceList = [SELECT Id
FROM Horizon_Account_Cases__c LIMIT 1];
Case c = new Case(Subject = 'Test Case');
Horizon_Account__c horizonAcct = new Horizon_Account__c (Name='Test Horizon Acct');
if(sourceList.size() == 0) {
new Horizon_Account_Cases__c(Case__c =c.Id, Horizon_Acct__c=horizonAcct.Name)
horizonCaseLinkUtil.addHorizonToCase( sourceList );
Creating a trigger on a joiner object (Horizon_Account_Cases__c) between cases and a custom object (Horizon_Account__c) which has only two fields (Horizon_Acct__c and Case__c) which are unique keys for the ID's on the two related object cases. Upon triggering on Horizon_Account_Cases__c, the related case (eg Case__C) should have its field Related_Horizon_Account__c updated with the value in the joiner object that triggered (Horizon_Acct__c). Can't get it to compile and need help! I am sure I am missing something very obvious...
public class horizonCaseLinkUtil {
public static void addHorizonToCase (List<sObject> linkIds) {
try {
List<Case> casesToUpdate = [select Id
from Case caseUsed
where Id in :linkIds.Case__c
limit 1];
List<Horizon_Account__c> horizonAccounts = [select Id
from Horizon_Account__c hzActCase
where Id in :linkIds.Horizon_Acct__c
limit 1];
for (Case cases : casesToUpdate)
for (Horizon_Account__c horizon : horizonAccounts)
cases.Related_Horizon_Account__c = horizon.Id;
update casesToUpdate;
catch (Exception e) {
System.debut('Issue with the Horizon Case Update: ' +e.getMessage() );
trigger HorizonAcctCaseLinked on Horizon_Account_Cases__c (after insert, after update) {
List<sObject> linkedHorizonCase = new List<sObject>();
for (Horizon_Account_Cases__c hzActCase : Trigger.new)
if (linkedHorizonCase.isEmpty() == false)
public class HorizonCaseLinkTest {
static testMethod void caseLinkTestMethod() {
List<sObject> sourceList = [SELECT Id
FROM Horizon_Account_Cases__c LIMIT 1];
Case c = new Case(Subject = 'Test Case');
Horizon_Account__c horizonAcct = new Horizon_Account__c (Name='Test Horizon Acct');
if(sourceList.size() == 0) {
new Horizon_Account_Cases__c(Case__c =c.Id, Horizon_Acct__c=horizonAcct.Name)
horizonCaseLinkUtil.addHorizonToCase( sourceList );
- Jim Parker 7
- February 17, 2017
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Update ID Values
So I am having an issue updating a variable. In essence, I want to choose a "User" based upon a condition. If the case has an employee email address on it, then use the User that has that email address. Otherwise, use the CreatedById. I have a User record called finalUser. I created finalUser early and then am trying to update the finalUser.Id based upon those two scenarios. I verified that I have an valid ID before setting finalUser equal to that but when I check to see if finalUser was updated after with a debug, the variable is still set to null. I am new to SOQL so I am clearly doing an assignment incorrectly... Help! I commented where it is broken.
trigger CaseTeamTrigger on Case (after insert) { /** * Comments: * To give visiblity into the Case records that were created by a User, we * will add them to the CaseTeamMember list when a particular record is * updated. The user should only be added to the CaseTeamMember table once. * * Additionally, add case teams based on user role. */ Map<Id, CaseTeamMember> membersToAdd = new Map<Id, CaseTeamMember>(); Map<Id, CaseTeamTemplate> teamsToAdd = new Map<Id, CaseTeamTemplate>(); List<User> employeeEmailSubmitter; Id employeeEmailID; User finalUser = new User(); UserRole userRoleID = new UserRole(); //Finds the case teams list <CaseTeamTemplate> bethesdaTeam = [Select Id, Name from CaseTeamTemplate where Name ='Bethesda Team' limit 1]; list <CaseTeamTemplate> busDevTeam = [Select Id, Name from CaseTeamTemplate where Name ='Business Development Team' limit 1]; list <CaseTeamTemplate> commDepTeam = [Select Id, Name from CaseTeamTemplate where Name ='Commerical Deposits Team' limit 1]; list <CaseTeamTemplate> dcTeam = [Select Id, Name from CaseTeamTemplate where Name ='DC Team' limit 1]; list <CaseTeamTemplate> hcDepTeam = [Select Id, Name from CaseTeamTemplate where Name ='Healthcare Deposits Team' limit 1]; list <CaseTeamTemplate> herndonTeam = [Select Id, Name from CaseTeamTemplate where Name ='Herndon Team' limit 1]; list <CaseTeamTemplate> itTeam = [Select Id, Name from CaseTeamTemplate where Name ='IT Help Desk' limit 1]; list <CaseTeamTemplate> potomacTeam = [Select Id, Name from CaseTeamTemplate where Name ='Potomac Team' limit 1]; list <CaseTeamTemplate> rockvilleTeam = [Select Id, Name from CaseTeamTemplate where Name ='Rockville Team' limit 1]; list <CaseTeamTemplate> corpLenders = [Select Id, Name from CaseTeamTemplate where Name ='Corporate Lending Team' limit 1]; list <CaseTeamTemplate> finalTeam; //Finds the case triggered List<Case> cases = [Select Id, OwnerId, CreatedById, Case_Creator_Employee_Email__c from Case where id IN :Trigger.newMap.keySet()]; //Determine case creater for (Case c : cases) { employeeEmailSubmitter = [Select ID, Email from User where Email =: c.Case_Creator_Employee_Email__c limit 1]; //if no results returned with an employee email match, then use CreatorID if (employeeEmailSubmitter.isEmpty() && c.CreatedbyId != null) { System.debug('*******************************************'); System.debug('Made it to the no employee email case - ' + c.CreatedById); //THIS DOESN"T WORK finalUser.Id =c.CreatedById ; update finalUser; System.debug('FinalUser ID - ' + finalUser.Id); } //If Employee Email match found, use that employee Else if (!employeeEmailSubmitter.isEmpty()){ for (User user : employeeEmailSubmitter){ if (user.Id != null){ System.debug('*******************************************'); System.debug('Made it to the employee email match -' + user.Id); //THIS DOESN"T WORK finalUser.Id = user.Id; update finalUser; System.debug('FinalUser ID - ' + finalUser.Id); } } } } //Determine User Role of case submitter System.debug('*******************************************'); System.debug('Final User Role ID Name ' + finalUser.UserRoleId); List <UserRole> userRoles = ([Select Id, Name from UserRole where Id =: finalUser.UserRoleId limit 1]); if (!userRoles.isEmpty()){ for (UserRole role: userRoles){ userRoleID.Id = role.Id; } } //map role to case team System.debug('*******************************************'); System.debug('Role ID Name ' + UserRoleID.Id); If (UserRoleID.Name == 'Bethesda Branch Manager') {for (CaseTeamTemplate team : bethesdaTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'Bethesda Staff') {for (CaseTeamTemplate team : bethesdaTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'Business Development Officers') {for (CaseTeamTemplate team : busDevTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'Business Development Staff'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : busDevTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'DC Branch Manager'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : dcTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'DC Staff'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : dcTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'Herndon Branch Manager'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : herndonTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'Herndon Staff'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : herndonTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'Lending Branch Deposit Staff'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : hcDepTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'Potomac Branch Manager'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : potomacTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'Potomac Staff'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : potomacTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'Rockville Branch Manager'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : rockvilleTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'Rockville Staff'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : rockvilleTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'Commercial Deposits Manager'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : commDepTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'Commercial Deposits Staff'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : commDepTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'IT Employees'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : itTeam) finalTeam.add(team); } else if (UserRoleID.Name == 'Corporate Lenders'){for (CaseTeamTemplate team : corpLenders) finalTeam.add(team); } //create list of new members to add for (Case c : cases) { if (c.Id != null && finalUser.Id!= null){ System.debug('*******************************************'); System.debug('Made it to the new member list add'); membersToAdd.put(c.Id, new CaseTeamMember( ParentId = c.Id, MemberId = finalUser.Id ) ); } } List <CaseTeamRole> caseTeamRl = [SELECT Id, Name FROM CaseTeamRole WHERE Name = 'Case Creator' LIMIT 1]; //add case creator to list // System.debug('*******************************************'); System.debug('Made it before IF - ' + membersToAdd.isEmpty() + ' ' + caseTeamRl.isEmpty() ); if (!membersToAdd.isEmpty() && !caseTeamRl.isEmpty()) { try { System.debug('*******************************************'); System.debug('Made it in Role If'); for (CaseTeamMember ctm : membersToAdd.values()) { for (CaseTeamRole role : caseTeamRl) { System.debug('*******************************************'); System.debug('Made it to the Case Creator List addition'); ctm.TeamRoleId = role.Id; } } for (CaseTeamMember ctm : [SELECT Id, MemberId, ParentId FROM CaseTeamMember WHERE ParentId IN :membersToAdd.keySet() AND MemberId =: finalUser.Id ORDER BY ParentId]) { System.debug('*******************************************'); System.debug('Made it to the individual user delete'); if (membersToAdd.containsKey(ctm.ParentId)) { membersToAdd.remove(ctm.ParentId); } } if (!membersToAdd.isEmpty()) { System.debug('*******************************************'); System.debug('Made it to the individual user insert'); insert membersToAdd.values(); } } catch (System.QueryException qe) {} } //add case teams System.debug('*******************************************'); System.debug('Made it to top of teams Add if - ' + teamsToAdd.isEmpty()); if (!teamsToAdd.isEmpty()) { try { CaseTeamTemplateRecord caseTeamLink; for(Case caseEval: cases){ for (CaseTeamTemplate team : finalTeam){ caseTeamLink= new CaseTeamTemplateRecord(ParentId =caseEval.Id, TeamTemplateId = team.Id ); } } if (caseTeamLink!=null) { System.debug('*******************************************'); System.debug('Made it to the case team insert'); insert caseTeamLink; } } catch (System.QueryException qe) {} } }
- Jim Parker 7
- March 06, 2017
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Update Encrypted Text Field - Compile Error
I have two fields on an account - SSN_TIN_Key__C and SSN_TIN__C; The SSN_TIN_Key__C is a cleartext text field which will be used as a unique key and wil lonly be accessible to super users. SSN_TIN__C is what will be displayed to the user and is an encrpyted text field so I can mask the field for certain users. What I want to be able to do is have users be able to update the SSN field they see (eg. SSN_TIN__C) and have that update SSN_TIN_Key__C. Similarly, if on an upsert, if SSN_TIN_Key__C changes (or is created), I want to update the field users can see SSN_TIN__C. I created a trigger as process won't let you do ischanged on an encrpyted field. However, I get a failure message that says
common.apex.runtime.impl.DmlExecutionException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id XXX; first error: SELF_REFERENCE_FROM_TRIGGER, Object (id = XXX) is currently in trigger RelationshipTrigger, therefore it cannot recursively update itself: []"|0x6c21e43e
What am I doing wrong?
common.apex.runtime.impl.DmlExecutionException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id XXX; first error: SELF_REFERENCE_FROM_TRIGGER, Object (id = XXX) is currently in trigger RelationshipTrigger, therefore it cannot recursively update itself: []"|0x6c21e43e
What am I doing wrong?
public class RelationshipUtil { public static void SSNKeyChanged (List<Account> incomingAcct) { try { System.debug('Got to SSNKeyChanged entered'); Set<Id> st_ParentId = new Set<Id>(); for(Account acctsEvaled : incomingAcct) { st_ParentId.add(acctsEvaled.Id); } Map<Id, Account> relatedAcctMap; if(st_ParentId!=null && !st_ParentId.isEmpty()) { relatedAcctMap = new Map<Id, Account>([SELECT Id, SSN_TIN__c, SSN_TIN_Key__c FROM Account WHERE Id IN :st_ParentId limit 1]); System.debug('Got to SSNKeyChanged lookup'); } for (Account acctsEvaled : incomingAcct) { System.debug('Got to SSNKeyChanged foor loop'); if(relatedAcctMap!=null && relatedAcctMap.containsKey(acctsEvaled.Id)) { //Updates the displayed SSN based upon the new Key System.debug('Got to SSNKeyChanged entered for if'); relatedAcctMap.get(acctsEvaled.Id).SSN_TIN__c = relatedAcctMap.get(acctsEvaled.Id).SSN_TIN_Key__c; System.debug('Got to SSNKeyChanged set'); } } if(relatedAcctMap!=null && relatedAcctMap.values()!=null) { update relatedAcctMap.values(); System.debug('Got to SSNKeyChanged update'); } } catch (Exception e) { System.debug('Issue with SSNKeyChanged: ' + e.getMessage()); } } public static void SSNDisplayChanged (List<Account> incomingAcct) { try { Set<Id> st_ParentId = new Set<Id>(); for(Account acctsEvaled : incomingAcct) { st_ParentId.add(acctsEvaled.Id); } Map<Id, Account> relatedAcctMap; if(st_ParentId!=null && !st_ParentId.isEmpty()) { relatedAcctMap = new Map<Id, Account>([SELECT Id, SSN_TIN__c, SSN_TIN_Key__c FROM Account WHERE Id IN :st_ParentId limit 1]); } for (Account acctsEvaled : incomingAcct) { if(relatedAcctMap!=null && relatedAcctMap.containsKey(acctsEvaled.Id)) { //Updates the Key with the new values input by the user relatedAcctMap.get(acctsEvaled.Id).SSN_TIN_Key__c = relatedAcctMap.get(acctsEvaled.Id).SSN_TIN__c; System.debug('Got to SSNDisplayChanged set'); } } if(relatedAcctMap!=null && relatedAcctMap.values()!=null) { System.debug('Got to SSNDisplayChanged update'); update relatedAcctMap.values(); } } catch (Exception e) { System.debug('Issue with SSNDisplayChanged: ' + e.getMessage()); } } } trigger RelationshipTrigger on Account (before insert, before update) { System.debug('Start Relationship Before Trigger'); List<Account> changedSSNKey = new List<Account>(); List<Account> changedSSNDisplay = new List<Account>(); for (Account acct : Trigger.new) { Account oldAcct = Trigger.oldMap.get(acct.Id); String oldSSNDisplay = oldAcct.SSN_TIN__c; String oldSSNKey = oldAcct.SSN_TIN_Key__c; System.debug('Old SSN_TIN__C = ' + oldSSNDisplay); System.debug('Old SSN_TIN_Key__C = ' + oldSSNKey); //Checks to see if the displayed TIN changed (eg. user put in new value) if(oldSSNDisplay != acct.SSN_TIN__c) { changedSSNDisplay.add(acct); //If Displayed SSN changed, then need to update the unique key if (changedSSNDisplay.isEmpty() == false) RelationshipUtil.SSNDisplayChanged(changedSSNDisplay); } //Checks to see if unique key changed if(oldSSNKey != acct.SSN_TIN_KEY__C) { changedSSNKey.add(acct); //If SSN Key changed, then need to updated the displayed value if (changedSSNKey.isEmpty() == false) RelationshipUtil.SSNKeyChanged(changedSSNKey); } } }
- Jim Parker 7
- March 02, 2017
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