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We've got a VS page which is going to be used on a public Site. It's accessible for the custom object it was created for.

However there is also a lookup to Account object and this is where the issues begin. 

We need the site URL to be able to include Account ID as a part of it (randomUrl.com/randomID) which would be read in as the input for this Account ID lookup field. 

However currently it's not even displaying the page if anything related to Account is added to site's controller extension. It requests authorization, even though Guest User has been given access to Account and Custom Object. 

What is missing? 

public with sharing class myControllerTest 
    public Feedback_Form__c feedback {get;set;}
    public Account account {get; set;}
    public myControllerTest(ApexPages.StandardController controller) 
    Id accountId = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('id');
    account = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Id =: accountId]; 
     feedback = new Feedback_Form__c();
     feedback.Account__c = account.Id;
    public void submit() 
        System.Debug('FEEDBACK: ' + feedback);

Issue is that certain symbols/letters appear broken on the CSV file that has been exported, as by default the encoding is ISO-8859-1.
However forcing it to export in UTF-8 seems to have zero effect - meaning the exported file will still have broken symbols, even though the symbols/letters are displayed correctly in SF itself.

The export function VS page code piece is like this :
<apex:page controller="TestPage" cache="true" contentType="text/csv#filename.csv; charset=UTF-8">

Tried the solutions offered in ..

Hi all!

Is it possible to add a URL or Rich Text field to Campaign Member record, when that record was inserted via Report "Add To Campaign'" functionality?
And on the Campaign object to have all the reports listed up.


We have a custom object Individual Email Sends and I'm trying to write a trigger that updates a text field (Emails__c) on the related Account (lookup field).
So every time a new Individual Email is sent, it would then add the name of this email to the Email__c field, without deleting the previous data in it.

I know I'll need to create a List of all the Individual Email Sends, with after insert and after update.
Then a List of related Accounts that need to be updated, but how do I find the related Accounts for it?


Issue is that certain symbols/letters appear broken on the CSV file that has been exported, as by default the encoding is ISO-8859-1.
However forcing it to export in UTF-8 seems to have zero effect - meaning the exported file will still have broken symbols, even though the symbols/letters are displayed correctly in SF itself.

The export function VS page code piece is like this :
<apex:page controller="TestPage" cache="true" contentType="text/csv#filename.csv; charset=UTF-8">

Tried the solutions offered in ..


We have a custom object Individual Email Sends and I'm trying to write a trigger that updates a text field (Emails__c) on the related Account (lookup field).
So every time a new Individual Email is sent, it would then add the name of this email to the Email__c field, without deleting the previous data in it.

I know I'll need to create a List of all the Individual Email Sends, with after insert and after update.
Then a List of related Accounts that need to be updated, but how do I find the related Accounts for it?
