• Tusar suvra Patra
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Hello All,
I'm trying to embeed one Google data studio report in a Aura compont using iframe. And want to use the aura componet in Salesfore Community. Which will eventually going to host in Salesforce site. used the following code:

<aura:component implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes,force:lightningQuickAction" access="global" >

    <!-- Dashboard embedded URL-->
    <iframe width="100%" style="border:0; height: 100vh;border:0;"
             sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-forms"
But output is coming like as follows:
User-added image

Can you please help how to resolve the issue: 'This content is blocked. Contact the site owner to fix the issue.'

Hello All,

Hope you all doing well.

I have created one ChatBot. I have used Apex Action to make a HTTP callout to get chat response. User-added imageIt is working fine. But when I'm trying to embeed URL in the chat messge it is coming as raw URL not as achor tag
User-added image
I am trying to achieve as below:

User-added image