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We are getting a js error "missing ) after argument list" on a js button that hasn't changed and was working in the past.


if(("{!Order_Line_Items1__c.ProductID__c}" == "01t30000002pMsV" 
|| "{!Order_Line_Items1__c.ProductID__c}" == "01t30000002p6AL") 
&& "{!Order_Line_Items1__c.Lot_Datecode__c}" == "") { 
alert("Product is "+"{!Order_Line_Items1__c.product_name_cust_part_no__c}"+" - Enter Lot Datecode"); 
} else { 
  • January 09, 2018
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We have images displayed from rich text fields onto force.com sites and PDF visualforce pages. These were working but recently have been returning 'Image not available' errors. What is causing this change in behavior? We haven't changed anything directly related.
  • April 03, 2017
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Getting the following error:

Line: 64, Column: 1
System.UnexpectedException: common.exception.SfdcSqlException: ORA-01424: missing or illegal character following the escape character select /*Apex.Class.SetAccountRepRegion.execute: line 44*/ * from (select "Id", "Name", "State__c", "Country__c", "ZIP_prefix__c", "Type__c", "Rep_Region__c" from (select /*+ no_expand */ t.deleted "IsDeleted_gen_1", t.val4 "Country__c", t.val5 "Type__c", t.val6 "State__c", t.val3 "ZIP_prefix__c", t.custom_entity_data_id "Id", t.name "Name", t.val7 "Rep_Region__c" from core.custom_entity_data t where (t.organization_id = '[orgid]') and (t.custom_entity_data_id != '000000000000000') and (t.key_prefix = ?)) where (("IsDeleted_gen_1" = '0') AND ("Country__c" is null or upper("Country__c") is not null and upper("Country__c") in (select /*+ hash_sj swap_join_inputs(inlist) */ column_value from table(cast(? AS STRING_ARRAY)) inlist where column_value is not null)) AND (("Type__c" = ?) OR (("State__c" is null or upper("State__c") is not null and upper("State__c") in (select /*+ hash_sj swap_join_inputs(inlist) */ column_value from table(cast(? AS STRING_ARRAY)) inlist where column_value is not null)) AND ("Type__c" = ?)) OR (("ZIP_prefix__c" is not null and exists (select /*+ no_unnest */ * from table(cast(? AS STRING_ARRAY)) tc where upper("ZIP_prefix__c") like tc.column_value ESCAPE '\')) AND ("Type__c" = ?))))) where rownum <= ?

when running the soql query:
SELECT id, name, state__c, country__c, zip_prefix__c, type__c, rep_region__c
                  FROM sales_region_state__c
                  WHERE (State__c IN :states AND Country__c IN :countries AND Type__c='State') OR
                  (Zip_prefix__c LIKE :zmatchexprs AND Country__c IN :countries AND Type__c='Zip prefix') OR
                  (Country__c IN :countries AND Type__c='Country')];
  • September 08, 2015
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We have images displayed from rich text fields onto force.com sites and PDF visualforce pages. These were working but recently have been returning 'Image not available' errors. What is causing this change in behavior? We haven't changed anything directly related.
  • April 03, 2017
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